Wednesday 4 July 2018

Day 1784

Day 1784;

BMI was 19.59, steps I had taken were only 1402, I had only walked 0.91 km and I burned off 520 kcal,so I know that I had a lazy day of the highest order.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: sandwich (sausage, bacon, eggs in brown bread), mango, raspberries and apple.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise and a cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot chocolate.
Snacks: grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.

Now today I didn’t know what to do with myself as I had to let the piano movers come in to collect the piano, so they could move it on to it’s new home which is with Emu and and C, to actually get some use out of the old thing. Which was more than it was getting here, as it was just sitting here gathering dust, like me in general especially when there’s the World Cup on the box, which there wasn’t yesterday.

I didn’t have a jog on the treadmill, yesterday I was too lazy, instead I had a slight row on the rowing machine, but I was going to do a 30 minute row today, I only got 15 minutes of the way through and I noticed that Flow had arrived so I got myself up and let her in the house it was as there was some paperwork for her to collect so she collected it and then I got her to have a go on the rowing machine, which was a result.

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