Friday 20 July 2018

Day 1800

Day 1800:

19.59 was my BMI, 12,513 steps which was 8.10 km and 882 kcal, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: sandwich (sardine,tomato paste in white bread), lemon cake, batternburg and chocolate chip shortbread.
Dinner: ham, egg, chips, peas, fish finger, Amaretti, strawberries, ice cream and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, cold coffee and hot chocolate.

Today I have heard another woman cyclist talking about a woman’s Tour de France, she said that she’d like it but it’s not to be as far as the men’s Tour, but the women’s Tour de France happens a full day earlier than the mans Tour, which their was a woman who is riding in it talking to the presenters of the Tour de France, which they weren’t actually racing for it it was more of a way for them to prove themselves in such ways as, some, men have to prove themselves like the ways that some men have to have some great financial success before they allow themselves to get close to a woman, so they can provide for them. Which I know that may even be some old times though process, not the kinds of a millennial, or the “Me, Me, Me” generation, which oddly enough I am part of; as you could have undoubtedly told from the subtext under the heading of this accursed blog, I am honestly that selfish and self obsessed, with the majority of topics that I cover being about me. Anyway I’m guessing that those thoughts are looked down upon, nowadays, in the western world there’s only enough room for the fat liberals and there skinny enablers. Everyone else be dammed, freedom of speech and expression, as long as they are the Politically Correct (Politically Censored) speeches and expressions.

Now today I have been out on a tandem with Mich again, now today we did test ride on the older tandem to see if it had been fixed good enough for a little ride we are apparently going to do tomorrow.

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