Sunday 15 July 2018

Day 1795

Day 1795;

My BMI was 19.43, I had made 19,607 steps which was 12.69 km and I had burned off 894 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Lunch: prawns, picked eggs, bread, lettuce, tomato, cucumber and scone (jam and cream).
Dinner: chicken, carrots, green beans, rice, scone (cream and jam) and summer trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice, cider and hot chocolate.

Today was the day that France was declared to be the football World champions by beating Croatia by 4 goals to 2, but then 2 of the goals that France scored were by some very contentious refereeing decisions. But I thought that VAR was supposed to be used to eradicate the contentiousness in the referee’s decision making, not create a whole load more that potentially effected the result of the match.

But then also today I have been on a cycle ride, it was a near enough 45 mile ride. I was thinking that we hadn’t done very well on the ride today but we had broke a considerable number of our personal records.

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