Sunday 8 July 2018

Day 1788

Day 1788;

Today on Wii Fit I had a BMI of 19.30,steps of 18,324 which gave me 11.86 km that I had apparently walked and 1075 kcal burned off.

Breakfast: cereal, raspberries, banana, orange, apple and pear.
Lunch: prawn salad sandwich, peaches, strawberries, raspberries and ice cream.
Dinner: chicken, rice, broccoli, runner beans, something, strawberries and vanilla cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot chocolate.

Today I have been on a 42 mile tandem ride, with Mich. Which was good for my Wii Fit steps, how ever very poor for my watch steps. Well they were 2226 on my watch which is pretty appalling. But my watch tells me that I have moved 42 miles.

After my morning cycle I spent the rest of the morning being lazy, and that continued until I checked my watch, and up until then I had done approximately 600 steps, so I went to the make-shift gym and I noted that it was way too hot to be working out in that room, so I went for a walk outside, then I made it up to 2000 steps , by stepping around the garden.

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