Thursday 12 July 2018

Day 1792

Day 1792;

My BMI was 19.62 for today, the number of steps that I did was 19,697 which was 12.75 km and I have also burned off 1841 kcal, according to Wii Fit. But my watch tells me that I have done 10,365 steps which was 47.5 km I have burned off 3260 calories which was 1768 rest and 1492 active.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, pear and orange.
Lunch: baked beans on toast with mini sausages, batternburg and fruit cake.
Dinner: chicken pie, broccoli, vanilla cheesecake and raspberries.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot chocolate.

Now on this day I first off went for a jog on the treadmill. Next up I had gone on a couple, at least, of walks to the town centre and down to the local grassy fields, which have had quite the makeover since the last time that we had been down to them, but I was more interested in what a state the pieceof land that the scout hut is on, is in. As I am unsure if it has always been as overgrown with weeds, out back, but I can remember guess to one birthday party which was there and I don’t think that it was as overgrown as it is now.

Then myself and Mich went on a, but we managed to get our average speed of 15.6 mph for our total ride, which may seem like nothing to be honest, especially when the speed of life is rocketing, so I had an idea 

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