Tuesday 1 May 2018

Day 1720

Day 1720;

By the time of my body test I had a BMI of 19.76,   17,304 steps, 1139 kcal and 11.20 km, apparently. But I am thinking that my watch told me that I had burned off 2233 calories just after skiing.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and pear.
Lunch: cheese + ham sandwich (white bread), fruit cake bar, little cake bar and Kit Kat.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise, cheese and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (raspberry), ginger beer, fruit juice and hot chocolate.
Snacks: Kit Kat.

Today I have been to London for some more of the treatment which is to weaken my muscles in my eyelids and arms. Which the first, my eyelids, is so I can open my eyes and see more, as for the other part, my arm, it is to combat the dystonia that effects my arms, the spasticity which I have, but before the injections could start Mich had to show off the video of me skiing, to the Italian doctor, who can also ski. But she was talking about how when I’m skiing I don’t look disabled but I don’t have any poles, which she was commenting on my leg strength, but I cannot even stand myself up the proper way on a snowboard, which is how weak my legs are.

Then later on today I went skiing with Mich, the snow centre was quiet, we had the slope to ourselves and basically 3 other skiers, 1 snowboarder, 1 sit-ski and her instructor. Then we had to get home and it was through a lot of traffic, but we made it, eventually.

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