Tuesday 29 May 2018

Day 1748

Day 1748;

Now today my BMI was 19.79, the number of steps were 16,433 which equals 10.64 km and I had burned off 1494 kcal according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, apple, pear, banana and orange.
Lunch: I cannot remember.
Dinner: chicken, runner beans, peas, carrots, potatoes and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice,non-alcoholic cider and hot chocolate.
Snacks: chocolate chip shortbread.

Now today I have heard one of the most preposterous people on the radio, it was a feminist. She was going on about her saggy boobs. Well I have never turned a woman, down on the state of her breasts I’m sure that some have. Well if they have actually asked anyone, ever, and they don’t just expect suddenly a group of Johnny Dep/Justin Beber/whoever every girl is fawning over nowadays lookalikes to come up to them take their hand and whisk them away on a magic carpet ride up the isle to marry them. But it never happens like that, as for a start there are no magic carpets, just as many women like to say they aren’t just a pretty face if they have a pretty face, and if not that’s all they got “so you better compliment me on the beauty of my face about as many hours as there are in a day, else we’re through” it’s like what they say. But now back to the feminist with saggy boobs, what she used as a comparison was with men whose balls hang low/they sag, and I was like how do you realise if a mans balls sag? As men generally wear pants and trousers (or underpants and pants for Americans) and pants will usually gather the balls up and shield them from view, and that’s before trousers which will also obstruct anyone’s view, but then I remember a rhyme from school, “Do your balls hang low, Can you swing them to and fro, Can you tie them in a knot, Can you tie them in a bow, Do your balls hang low,” well that’s about it that I can remember from all of those years back when I last heard it. So don’t think you’re so special just because you have got some big sacks of fat on your chest, glutinous that’s all that you are, except the approximately 0.01 % of you that has got an underlining medical condition, but even then you could probably just cut out all of the unnecessary food that you eat and exercise more.

Which reminds me about my podgy youngest sibling as she was actually improving before she got her job as a nurse, I don’t know if they just sit down, stand up, snacking all day but now she’s given up on improving herself, how disappointing. Just like Tini did back about 20 years ago. Tini had a load of aerobics videos, as Allergy has that 1 bounce dvd, and Tini had that white indoor bike, Allergy has that trampoline, so maybe I could reignite their passion for fitness, probably not but it could be worth a shot.

So today I have been down town on the tandem to get it all fixed up for the holiday that we are going on next week, two men and a tandem. I know what we probably should do is to get on a ferry to some mainland European country, then we should cycle to Calis and get the ferry back to Blighty. As I saw an older couple had done last year if I’m not mistaken. But we ain’t we’re going off to the West Country to cycle in the rain.

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