Saturday 19 May 2018

Day 1738

Day 1738;

My BMI was 19.98, 2212 steps, 515 kcal and I have only walked 1.43 km today, so I have been pathetic today.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, orange, pear and apple.
Lunch: cheese cucumber sandwich, chocolate chip shortbread, chocolate cake and banana.
Dinner: chicken, sausages in bacon, broccoli, carrots, peas, mini sweetcorn, potatoes, tiramisu and biscuits.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot chocolate.
Snacks: part of a candy cane.

Today I was at boccia this morning and I just haven’t got myself moving, at all pretty much. But hopefully tomorrow is better for me, I mean as I’m going to be going on a cycle tomorrow apparently. Which probably isn’t going to do a thing for me on my watch, but I will then have to go on a walk, on the treadmill when I’m home from the about 40 mile cycle tomorrow.

Also tomorrow I’m going to have to do quite a bit more of an abs workout as today I have only managed to get myself just passed the first exercise, which is appalling.

But also today Manchester United lost the FA Cup final to Chelsea, the Ginger prince married his bride, who’s apparently,mixed race, but what the hell does that mean I don’t know. But I thought it was something to do with her mother is black and her father is white but then what are the two races being mixed? As if they are as I think both part of the human race, where is the racial diversity? A zebra and a donkey can mate and they have a zedonk as offspring that is an example of cross breeding and mixing up of “race” if you were going to call it that. But in a human context the term race refers to the skin tone of certain individuals, doesn’t it? Well that’s stupid that’s like saying that a Chihuahua isn’t a dog as it’s nothing like a Saint Bernard.

Then I watched some of the Giro, which was good, as Chris Froome is starting to find his way, on the mountain stage of this Giro. He has also gone up to 5th spot in GC. But then inf

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