Wednesday 23 May 2018

Day 1742

 Day 1742:

My BMI was up to 19.89 for today, I had only done 14,186 steps which equalled 9.19 km in distance walked and I’d managed to burn off 1193 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal and strawberries.
Lunch: chicken bacon stuffing sandwich (white bread), cupcake, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Dinner: meat pie, carrots, peas, broccoli, runner beans, cauliflower, lemon meringue pie, banana and strawberries.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, cider and hot chocolate.
Snacks: Haribo tangtastics mini.

This morning I did a 90 minute walk, on the treadmill, which was followed by a 30 minute row, on the rowing machine. The 90 minute walk was only a “fat burn” exercise at a maximum speed of 5, I decided to do that as my legs were feeling a bit weird. But I’m going to do better in the coming mornings, see asertive he’s being all assertive now isn’t he, yes he is I think it’s something to do with his new more confident persona, oh not that old thing... again!  I can still read you Red. Yeah, and... what? I don’t know what...

Now when I had got that done I went upstairs for a shower, then I got myself dressed into jeans and a t-shirt,  but what’s more is I also remembered to put my belt on while I was getting ready this morning. So I think that I probably should tell you of the order that I met today. So how it went:

1. I got up,
2. Went for my breakfast,
3. Had my 90 minute walk,
4. Went for a 30 minute row,
5. Brushed my teeth,
6. I lazed around a bit,
7. Had lunch,
8. Did more of the 5 minute abs workouts,
9. Had a bounce,
10. Had dinner.
11. Wii Fit,
12. Got myself changed into night wear.
13. Brushed my teeth,
14. I went off to bed.

So good night I think is in order, so have a good night anyone that reads this.

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