Monday 28 May 2018

Day 1747

Day 1747:

19,86 was my BMI for today, I had only done 7095 steps which was the equivalent to 4,59 km and I had only burned off 869 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: salmon, spinach, carrots, peas, asparagus, leek, bread n’ butter pudding and strawberries.
Dinner: egg salad sandwich (white bread), cucumber, tomatoes, chocolate chip shortbread and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash, non-alcoholic cider and hot chocolate.
Snacks: magnum ice cream.

So today I have been let down, for the second day in a row, on the exact same issue. So it was supposed to be a day when we went out on the tandem just as we were yesterday. Well he said that we would need to test out the original tandem before our little trip to Wales, which is coming up soon. But no we didn’t go out for a tandem ride on either of the days, so I have been lied to twice, three times if I wanted to include Emu’s lies about going on a cycle with me on the tandem today. Also due to me getting her a pink jersey for cycling as an anniversary present.

But what else did I do today, I cannot remember.

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