Wednesday 9 May 2018

Day 1728

Day 1728;

My BMI for today was 19.69, I have done 11,245 steps, I have burned off 1464 kcal, I have walked 7.28 km and I have made up 41 minutes of fit cash for today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and Victoria sponge cake.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise, bread and profiteroles.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: ice cream and Turkish delight.

Now this morning I have got up relatively early, had my breakfast then I went upstairs to get into a top and shorts before going to the makeshift gym to have an hour hill walk (program on the treadmill). Before I tried out two abs workouts, total abs and killer abs, but I must not be doing the second one properly as my abs aren’t killing me (nor are they even hurting).

Up next I had lunch, which was a cheese sandwich and some cake, there’s nothing wrong with the combination, unless you’re a vegan. But then if you were a vegan you wouldn’t like the sandwich as it had cheese and it was a white bread, and the cake had cream in it, as well as everything that makes it taste nice. What can vegans actually eat? Quorn, sugar, fruit and is there anything else?

Then after lunch I was trying stuff on Wii Fit I initially attempted some of the muscle workouts then I attempted a little cycle on the Wii, I think I only managed to get myself just about 18/19 km around the island of which I think is just about semi decent, just about 36-38 km/h but it was better than my previous best, by about 2 km, and it was at least 5 km better than my previous of this week, but it was still about 6 away from my goal as I set out at the start, as I informed my guide (the person that was doing the steering for me) that I was aiming for 24.

But I failed.

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