Wednesday 30 May 2018

Day 1749

Day 1749:

19.95 was my BMI, 10,443 steps which were the equivalent of 6.76 km today and I burned off 863 kcal, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: omelette, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Dinner: chicken, chips, sweet sour sauce, mango, raspberry, apple and a double chocolate sundae.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, cider and hot chocolate.

The English are a queer lot (by the use of the word queer I mean strange/odd) as if you know anything about us then you’ll probably know about a habit that a lot of us have, it’s the habit of saluting magpies, and saying stuff like “Hello Mr Magpie, how’s your wife and children,” “Good morning Mr Magpie how’s your wife,” or other variations. Well I obviously don’t say anything, ever anymore, but I still do salute the Magpies. I do it as I always have, it’s my mark of respect to the natural world but there’s actually more to it than what I had always done, unsurprisingly. Apparently Magpies hold an honorary rank in the British army, so that explains the reason for the salute and the basic greeting, which I am guessing should include the “how’s your wife (and children)” parts to it also, as if you were saying good morning general (how’s your wife [and children]) and then you are supposed to salute them.

But as today I haven’t been as active as I was yesterday because I have been to the gym, for a bit of cycle training, on the exercise bike today I got to about 8.5 miles. Which should equal something along the lines of 13.6 km, as what is 6 times 8.5, well it’s 48 + 3 = 51 then divide that by 10 gets you 5.1 add the result to 1 times 8.5 which got me to 13.6 km. so I did an average speed of about 13.6 km/h in the gym for an hour today.

Then at home I did another about hour on the treadmill, but I fell off of the treadmill as I was too busy attempting to fix my trousers to concentrate on the treadmill, I know I should always have a belt ready for my exploits on the treadmill. Then I did a short abs workout.

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