Monday 14 May 2018

Day 1733

Day 1733;

As a BMI of the day I had something like 19.57, steps were something like 12,567, my calories burned were something like 1134 and my distance walked (on my watch) was 14.8 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple and strawberries.
Lunch: lasagna, salad, chocolate chip shortbread and chocolate cake.
Dinner: bacon roll (brown bread), Turkish delight and chocolate.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: something and Jaffa cakes.

How much nonsense was I hearing on the radio this morning, it was the professional victims lecture on the BBC, I know that there’s some forms of racism in the country today, but the majority of the stuff that they were talking about had more to do with class, and one of the presenters even said that the most underprivileged groups in our society today was young white men, but then none of the other guests/presenters never addressed that point and they just started complaining about other things, at least that’s how I heard it before I switched it off so they could have addressed the point at some point within the discussion but I never heard it.

So it was the other day and Tini thought that I’d grown, more likely that she’s shrunk, I was thinking. Tini then got me to stand back-to-back with Mich and she noticed that I was only about 1 cm shorter than him now so I signed about half an inch then, as half an inch in metric is pretty much 1 and a 1/4 cm as an inch is pretty much 2 and a 1/2 cm, the 1/4 of a cm is pretty insignificant. So I’m guessing that Tini was correct on her assumption that I had grown, or that both of them had shrunk.

There was no Giro on the box today, it’s a rest day, but Simon Yates managed increase his lead on yesterday’s stage, as Chris Froome drifted further away from the front of the ride.  But today we have got his bike fixed, as in my foot slipping from the peddle and it rebounded from his foot back to the chain it may have also broke a spoke on the wheel of the bike which caused the need for it to go to get repaired, but it was returned to us and we cycled it back home.

Next I had my snack of something before going off to athletics, of which I found out that my longest jump today was apparently 2.8 m. Then my throwing was still deplorable, as in I can’t throw for toffee (not that I would ever like or need to). 

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