Friday 4 May 2018

Day 1723

Day 1723;

Now today my BMI was 19.27 by the time I did my body test by this time I had walked 15,120 steps which was apparently 9.79 km, and I had burned off 1357 kcal, according to Wii fit.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, apple, pear, banana and orange.
Lunch: pizza pocket and carrot cake.
Dinner: ham, peas, chips, fried egg, strawberries and pastry with cream tangerine peach.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, fruit juice, cider and hot chocolate.
Snacks: advent calendar chocolate, Jaffa cakes and Turkish delight.

Now I don’t know what you will be thinking about how I have eaten so much today and I have lost some more of my BMI, well that could probably be as I have only been snacking after my body test, as I thought that I had been having a lazy day today, only due to the fact that I forgot that I had been to the gym early this morning so I had already been on a 72 minute cycle at the gym. Then when I had got myself home I had been having a lazy day I mean I had walked to GM’s house and back which only gave me about 2000 steps for my whole day up until this point.

Then later on today we sat down to watch the Tour de Yorkshire,  which was interesting seeing how quickly they travel at meanwhile thinking that we’d be somewhere near to the start of the stage by the time that they’ve finished the stage. The news of the Giro wasn’t good either, as Froome isn’t doing very well in it.

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