Sunday 20 May 2018

Day 1739

Day 1739;

BMI was 19.76 for today, on Wii Fit I had done 23,656 steps which was apparently 15.73 km, and then today I had burned off 1630 kcal. But my watch told me that I had only done 1471 steps, but I had traveled 68.6 km today.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, apple, pear, banana and orange.
Lunch: bacon egg mushroom bap (brown breadroll), chocolate cake and chocolate chip shortbread.
Dinner:lasagna, salad and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot chocolate.
Snacks: more of the candycane and Jaffa cakes.

Then today we have been on another tandem ride but we were too slow, as we were late back home for lunch. Mich really puzzles me as he goes slow but then he says that the reason he’s on a go slow was as we had never gone on the roads that we went on in the morning before, and he didn’t know what was behind the corners. But then if I could, then I would (I’d go wherever you will go. but that’s enough of “the calling” out from you over there in the back of the recesses of my imagination, yellow) I’d tell him to use his ears, as cars aren’t quiet so you can hear them quite a way before you can see them, on the narrow country lanes. Plus if we’d both have sped up then we wouldn’t have been in the way of other road users as much.

Today I have failed to get on with a walk on the treadmill, to make my step total equal something decent.

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