Sunday 6 May 2018

Day 1725

Day 1725;

By the time of my body test I had a BMI of 19:59, I walked 5140 steps, I had burned off 843 kcal  which translated to 3.33 km, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple and pear.
Lunch: chicken, carrots, broccoli, peas, cauliflower, mashed potato, strawberry cheesecake and mandarin cheesecake.
Dinner: bacon, fried egg, fried bread and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, orangeade, apple cider, pear cider, fruit squash and hot chocolate.
Snacks : m and m’s, Turkish delight and Jaffa cakes.

I have been to the house of my GM and GD, so I got myself 2 mugs of cider,1 of GD’s own apple cider and 1 of GD’s own pear cider. The first sips of pear cider didn’t taste very good, it was a bit iffy in flavour, but it soon grew on me. His apple cider was top, still, but today I have done 10 laps of the GPents orchard, it was in total apparently 0.80 miles at about 7.0 mph.

Last night after I posted yesterday’s post I went off to brush my teeth, before going to bed as I had a trip out to see my GPents which consisted of 2 +3 hour drives, so that’s a quarter of the day gone before in traveling which I wouldn’t mind, if we could do it on the tandem, but no we have to go in the car. I’m thinking that it’s something to do with the fact that there was more than two of us going. But anyway I had eaten my breakfast and brushed my teeth before heading out in the car. But when we’d got there after the 3 hours we arrived just in time for lunch, so then that was my mid day taken up before going outside for the cider tasting which I had brought my own mug. Now the time that I had finished the cider was just enough time for me to get my 10 laps of the orchid before it was time to go home, so I left. But I had a great time today at the GPents house. 

Now I’m back at home so I stated off by eating some m and m’s then I moved on the Turkish delight, before I had my dinner. I’m wondering if Tini will take the GPents recommendation and use some of the cider to cook some pork in? Then after dinner I was eating some more Jaffa cakes before the body test, of which I had improved on even though I had made more steps than yesterday, after the body test I have had some more Jaffa cakes, as I was also doing some more of the abs workout, but they’re actually starting to come together now, I’m meaning nothing like a six pack move like a three pack, and I’m just about to go and brush my teeth, again.

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