Tuesday 22 May 2018

Day 1741

Day 1741;

My BMI was 19.49 for today, I had made 17,618 steps which are apparently equivalent to 11.41 km walked and in doing that I burned off 1466 kcal apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, apple, pear, banana and orange.
Lunch: cream cheese + cucumber sandwich and cupcake.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, turkey drummer, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and double chocolate sundae.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and water.
Snacks: Jaffa cakes.

Now today I have got up, gone downstairs for my breakfast, eaten breakfast, been back upstairs to get myself dressed into my gym gear, gone back downstairs to the makeshift gym, I have been on a 90 minute walk on the treadmill then a 15 minute row on the rowing machine next up was lunch to eat, so I think that’s what I did.

Then I had a lazy approximately 2 hours, as I was waiting for Tini to arrive, so I could go to the gym, for another cycle on the exercise bikes. But it was taking ages for Tini to arrive so I started doing some of the abs workouts I had completed six of the workouts and I had returned to my room by the time that Tini eventually arrived so it was all about how I wasn’t ready to go by the time that she’d got here. I was just not thinking about stuff and I was just in a rush to get to the gym and put my feet to the peddles. So as I got on the bike I started peddling and I started my watch the bike soon broke, but fortunately I had my watch to tell me how long I had been on the bike so I got my allocated 30 minutes and then I left.

But in the Giro Chris Froome is up in 4th position, and Simon Yates kept hold of the pink jersey, but his gap to Tom Dumoulin is decreased quite considerably. But the shock of the race day was Chris Froome as at the first 2 checkpoints he was doing okay but he was quite a considerable way off of the pace of the top 5, but then comes the hilliest part of the course and then he just flew it, putting him upto 4th in the Time Trial, but then Tom Dumoulin beat him knocking him down to 5th for the time trial.

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