Monday 31 October 2016

Day 1222

Day 1222;

21.98  was my BMI for today and I was wearing my PJ's, a pair of wrist band and my specs so there was no weight for the clothes that I was wearing today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana.
Lunch: beef, peas, carrots, roast potatoes. apple and blackberry crumble with cream.
Dinner: apple and blackberry crumble with cream.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, and 1 300ml mug of Shloer

Last night I did 25 more additional press-ups to put my additional target down to 50. So I should still have to do 15 minute row, 50 situ-ups, 50 crunches and 100 press-ups today to get myself back on schedule.

Today my rowing machine had me at doing one 21.57 row but then I had 3 stoppages during my row, which where for 2 separate reasons. the first 2 were because both of my feet came unfastened from the peddles and they were each within the first 5 minutes of the row; as first my right foot came unstrapped so I thought that I could continue but then my left foot the same thing happened to so I stopped the clock had stopped by about 40 seconds in, then I strapped myself in again, but I continued the clock, and I got to somewhere after 3 minutes when my feet became unfastened once more but then as I was attempting to fix this problem Emu came in the room and she offered me assistance so I accepted her help then it was a third time that I had started and emu started giving me time checks as I informed her that I'd be going for 15 minutes, I realised this as when I got up to about 5 minutes by the clock that is on the rower Emu told me that I had done 2 minutes and there as I had 13 minutes left to do. But then the most peculiar circumstances occurred as my rowing machines  clock said that I had rowed 10 minutes Emu said that I had rowed 5 minutes, and my right foot had come undone from it's holder some where in the 5 minutes previous, but as I still had my left foot attached I decided to continue so I was doing the final 10 minutes/the 10 minutes until I got  to 20 minutes, as I got to 20 minute mark my specs started to fall off of my face and it wasn't until 21.57  minutes that they had fallen off and I had stopped rowing.

I also had some more skiing today which was fun I especially enjoyed my final 4 runs down the hill side as I was in the lead for the 4 runs down the hill so I could do what ever I liked on the slope which in the 3rd one of the 4 I switched to backward skiing before switching back to forward skiing, Some of the people there said that I did a 360, which in reality was 2 separate 180's a 360 is or should be a simple 360 degree turn around in one move, I left a pause in-between both of them, I am not a smooth enough skier, at least not yet. I hope I become a good enough skier come 2018, the winter Paralympics I wonder how I am supposed to qualify for them, as I know I have got part of what I need to qualify a disability or two. In the stack count for today I managed to survive without stacking it once today which could be thanks to the rat poison that I had  stuck in my eye lids  a couple, or slightly longer, of days ago.

Today I have also done 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups and 50 crunches. I wonder if I am going to do a 30 minute row tomorrow, as well as my daily 50 sit-ups and 50 crunches, as well as the remaining 100 push-ups? as that should be approximately enough to get me back on my task, for getting stronger. 

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