Tuesday 11 October 2016

Day 1202

Day 1202;

21.81 was today my BMI went down a little bit too much, but I must be enough to average my BMI score for the past week at closer to 22, but I don't know.

Breakfast: cereal. banana and strawberries.
Lunch: white bread cheese sandwich, 2 chocolate eclairs and 1 Cadbury's scream egg pot of joy.
Dinner: pasta and meatballs.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and a couple of squirts of Lucozade sport.

So today I started off by having a little lay in bed as I was attempting to discover if I had grown over the night as I was unsure if my duvet had really been that short on me when I had gone to bed the night before. But I discovered no change in my height from closer inspection.

I accomplished my Little Often routine and I also did some athletics today which consisted of my attempts at throwing a club and then there was some jogs of various, small, sizes but I finished mine off by doing a 400m jog. Allergy said that if I was about to do that in future she should have really brought my pump (the ) as I was breathing heavily, not wheezing as the doctor had said before to only have me use it when I was wheezing.

But when I returned to home for my pasta and quorn meatballs, which I probably should have said quorn-balls not meatballs just as I probably should have said for almost all of the times that I have used meatballs instead of the term quorn-balls. As they taste almost the same, but the actual meatballs taste nicer by a minuscule amount but that is just my personal opinion and the quorn-balls taste very nice, so I would have no complaints if I was forced to only have quorn-balls from now on until I die instead of meatballs.

But I know that I may have eaten a vegetarian menu for today but it wasn't vegan, as cereal I pour some of my milk not it then I also tip the milk from the bowl back into the cup not to waste any but the  bowl of fruit was vegan, then lunch on on sandwich (it had cheese in it), then also no on the chocolate eclairs due to the milk chocolate on top and the cream inside finally the pot of joy just no for that also, but I did have a fruit juice drink to go with it. Dinner, now this one I can say that I have eaten a  vegan meal for the day as I drank a fruit juice which went along side of it, but then it was my second mug of milk for today that I drank after I had taken my breaths under the inhaler for this evening.

But for Pokémon Pearl today, I managed to raise my Buneary into a Lopunny.

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