Thursday 13 October 2016

Day 1204

Day 1204;

21.78 was my BMI for today so my average for the 3 days of this week so far will be down on 22, as on Monday I'm thinking that I had at 21.81, then yesterday it was at 22.14 which puts the average at about 21.975 but today with a lower one still... I'm really going off of my target at the moment.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast, mini sausages and chocolate eclair.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, crochet potatoes and a pot of joy.
Drinks: 300ml mug of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and a squirt of Lucozade sport.

Now today I went to the gym hence the squirt of Lucozade sport as I had just broken my 5 minute barrier, for doing 100m row, on the gym's rowing machine,  my gym instructor said that I had smashed it with my setting a new time to beat at 4 minutes 43 seconds apparently. But then before that I had done some stuff on the lateral trainer and I had lifted weights with the arm weight machines. Then after this happened I went for a walk and jog up and down a corridor and my gym instructor started commenting on how well I was now  running, I was a little bit like but this is how I usually jog. as it was the only way that I can ever remember actually jogging, But as I was in the corridor I was remembering all of the skating that I had done in the rom attached to the corridor.

But then later on today I was planning on going on the rowing machine which I have at home for 15 minutes, as usual, but then just as I was about to set it going when I broke the rowing machine so I asked Mich if he would please fix it for me which he kindly did for me of which I thanked him for doing so. then it was my turn on the rowing machine, but before that Mich had tested it for approximately 3 minutes,Then I was attempting to get myself on another row of the day when my foot kept becoming unfastened, so I had finally got myself going for more than a minute when it was slightly past 3 minutes I stopped for some reason, but afterwards I continued it on a similar instance happened to me 3 times before Mich came to the door asking me to follow him for dinner, of which I did, when i got back to the rower I turned the light on in the room and I pushed the power button so I could see my time for the earlier row as I pressed it It came up saying 8.51 or something similar. but I knew that I had stopped 4 times including the last stop and I was saying that I should have done up to 19 minutes in that row. then I pushed the power button and I canceled the results of earlier. I sat down on the seat and I started again with a new target of 15 minutes now as I was going along it was getting hot and I was getting sweaty, my specs stared slipping off my face, then my specs fell off so I was attempting to calmly place the oar back in it's holder I did it and I retrieved my specs the clock was saying I'd done 11 minutes, so I could just stop there (I'd done 18 minutes 8+11=19) but I decided to continue on at it like the imbecile that I truly am; but again my specs fell off but the time read this time 17.34 or something like that now so there was 1 stoppage in the second one and one stoppage at the end which makes 2 stoppages addd 2 minutes onto the original 15=17 minutes. By jove I think I have accomplished it. My Little Often routine is of to a flying start I think, Later on I did my 50 sit-ups and 50 crunches that's the Little Often routine complete. 

Now lets have something slightly more somber 
but now lets get back on to some of the more light hearted stuff that I have ben discussing fir the past few days, and Pokémon.

Vegans that shame all non-vegans as overweight and immoral shame on you, I maybe immoral but I'm not overweight, according to Wii Fit, Which is probably somewhat due to the amount of exercise that I do as of late, I know that when I was younger I was told that I needed to put on weight but that was before I started doing some actual exercise regularly I think allergy had it down to the fast metabolic rate that  I had back then, even the people at the rehab place that I went to used to feed me some gold topped milk just to fatten me up, But that was while I was still in rehab from that collision with that car which I'm thinking was my most expensive mistake, probably ever as I may have wrote off 2 cars in that 1 little incident. When I was crossing the road all of those years ago. But at least they've got a Pelican crossing about the place where I crashed.

In Pokémon Pearl today I earned the fen badge, and I also captured a Chansey but on the subject if that actually counted I'm unsure due to my DS's battery running out  just after I caught it, I can't remember if I had saved the game or not.

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