Tuesday 18 October 2016

Day 1209

Day 1209;

22.07 was my BMI for today that is some bad news as this week I''m not going to have very much time spent in the gym.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: 1 9 inch margarita pizza.
Dinner: quorn balls, pasta and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice. 
Snak: 1 Belgium bun.

Today I have attempted to be helpful to Allergy but it wasn’t any help. As we have been knocked offline for the moment while our ISP changes,, so that is why I’m putting these posts up now not on the day that it says above them/as I can’t as I haven’t got any internet connection for the moment. But I don’t know why I’m typing this as Im typing it, as it will most livelily only be seen by me especially if I only manage get it online in a few weeks. As there is over 2 weeks till the end of this month and it won’t be until next month until our next ISP is going to be able to get us online again, which sucks as I think.

But anyway today on Pokémon PearlI have caught a Sneasel and Girarafarig. As well as that trading I also traded a Blissy, Silcoon, Roselia, Stunky, Wingul and Pikachu. I also managed to evolve my Silcoon into a Beautifly.

But my earlier comments on the situation that I am in due to the Wi-Fi has been rectified earlier than I expected which must have been down to my not understanding of the instructions that I heard other people in my house say the other day, as I was thinking that we weren't getting a new ISP until a months time but behold, now we all can see that I have got another connection on the same day. Which is amazing.

If you can't see the video please click on the watch on YouTube part of it, If you watch it it isn't saying that if you are American you are by sedition an Idiot, but I'd suggest that everyone that reads this blog is at least idiotic as your reading this mental nut jobs perspective on things,

Ok then that just about sums up the first line of the song, the second "Don't want a nation under the new media" the first thing that comes to my mind here is what all of the media outlets in America are pushing for, for Hillary to become President. Isn't it?

Third line "And can you hear the sound of hysteria?" nooo... actually yes I can the bellow man is talking up a load of hysteria:

(do you think this man should get his youtube licence revoked for stating such deplorable rubbish/trash as I personally do not believe that HC is capable to run a country neither mentally or physically)

Now I think those first three lines sum up the American political system really well.

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