Friday 14 October 2016

Day 1205

Day 1205;

21.98 was my BMI for today It's up on yesterdays but it is still shy of the target of perfection/22.00  but I hadn't completed my Little Often routine what I mean is I had just finished my 15 minute row when it was time for me to have my night time inhaler

Breakfast:cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: half of 1 9inch margarita pizza and a Cadbury's pot of joy.
Dinner: pasta, quorn balls and Cadbury's pot of joy.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now the following YouTube video is funny, and it's also very informative.

What happens in a mens/boys changing room//locker room;
In mens/boys changing rooms the discourse is decidedly lively I’m sure you’d have some of us in there trying to get changed as quickly as possible but there would almost always be a couple of people having a chin wag talking about some seemingly obscene topic, but we all knew that the four walls of the changing room would be as far as they go.

Now today I have played some more on Pokémon Pearl and today I have caught a Bonsly, a Noctowl, a Chansey, a Pelipper. I have also evolved my Staravia into a Staraptor and my Wooper into a Quagsire. I have also beat the 5th gym leader.

So my BMI has been 
Monday= 21.81 
Tuesday= 22.14
Wednesday= 21.78
Thursday= 21.98
my average BMI for this week so far is 21.9275

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