Friday 7 October 2016

Day 1198

Day 1198;

22.01 now so I'm closer to perfection than I have been for weeks I'm thinking.

Breakfast: cereal, green grapes, banana and apple.
Lunch: margarita pizza and 3 more of those chocolate bites.
Dinner: chicken potato, peas, apple pie and cream.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 4 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So yesterday or was it the day before, I cannot remember.... Well in my past a friend of mine showed me the following comic strip:

It displays a  vegan talking to a non-vegan,  vegan starts off by stating facts of his opinion, like the one that he can't understand why non-vegans use illogical reasons to justify not being a vegan but he never says all non-vegans do that as the non-vegan obviously supposes he says and then he gets off on the defensive from the start by lying, well it seems that way at the very least. Then in the second frame the vegan asks a question, but then the non-vegan starts off well then he goes into total meltdown by basically stating I respect you so you should respect me, but I think I should respond to the non-vegans response with the factual statement "that's not how respect works, and where the hell did your obsession with respect come from, as it didn't come from the vegan it came from your mouth entirely. We could be having a discussion about the benefits and drawbacks of being a vegan right now instead of your petty quarrels of respect" Well that should be what the vegan says in the third but instead he says, that he didn't disrespect and I would have to agree then he states the biggest load of nonsense that he states within the whole of this comic strip, "it's not a personal choice when you are harming others." yes it is you imbecile you almost always have a choice, a personal choice, like if you were locked in a butchers the only food around was meat and you were starving to death you have a choice, the choice is to eat some of the meat or to die, it's your choice, what you do, you can either give up on your veganism, at least until the butchers reopens, or you could keep your morals and die. But now back onto the comic strip and I am just about to go onto the part where Mr defensive non-vegan goes off on a tangent proving that he lied about not arguing with vegans, or just that is how it seems to me, and he turns into a complete douche in the progress spurting out insults. Then in the final frame the meat eater realises that he has made a mistake and says "Oops." I think.

My opinion on the topic of veganism isn't actually anything to do with the moral argument for veganism, which goes as follows...

All animals have feelings so we shouldn't eat them or consume any of their produce, which includes milk, butter, cheese.

I personally believe that is fine, you go on becoming a vegan for that personal reason. But it's all of those people that are on a crusade to stop all meat eating as we don't have to eat meat now to get all of the protein that is required to live a healthy life now, I know. but it's just the animal kingdom demands of us to eat some meat. and it also demands some of our number need to die out also be it from being eaten by a lions, tigers, crocodiles, the plague or even by old age. But what it isn't saying is all men must die that's just the Game of Thrones and Feminazi's, but in Game of Thrones I think it's referring to the species as in all humans must die not the sex, unlike the Feminazi's which say all men, the gender, must die with immediate effect basically. Well I know that we all are going to die eventually just like it says in the Game of Thrones but but it's the overpopulation by humans which is really causing the problems to the planet not the meat eating of the people, now I'll try to explain if the population of humans on this planet wasn't so great then there would be less need for deforestation to have places for people to live, less electricity usage which would mean less fossil fuels being burnt, less cattle/animals being used as food, which have all been some of the factors in climate change; I get it that if everyone could just become vegan you could solve one of those problems, but the human race has got too big and too wasteful unless we stop being such a wasteful species we are going to destroy this planet it will become like Venus, the uninhabitable wasteland of a planet. Planet Designated Earth/Venus 2.

But now on a lighter note Pokémon Pearl, so today in pearl I managed to capture an Unown and I also got a seals case and a load of S seals, but I was thinking that the Unown looked more like a Z. I know that a S and a Z are kind of opposites.

Well there you go Unown S and Z looking nothing alike.

On the note of my daily routine;
Little Often:

  • 15 minute row.
  • 50 sit-ups.
  • 50 crunches.
I have done my 15 minute row, today I managed to get up to 14 minutes before my glasses started causing me grief so I decided to count in my head up to 40 as I knew that the RPM (revolutions per minute) number said 40 a little while before which was up from when I started as it was 33 then it was 37 then 39 then 40, so I thought that 40 seemed to be a simple enough number for me to count to, oh how wrong was I. as I was going through the numbers in my head I kept getting to a number then forgetting how I got there so I'd travel back to a number that I thought I could remember going to just to make sure that I was counting to 40 and by the time that I got to 40, and I had stopped, and I had sorted my eyes out, the clock on the rowing machine reached up to 16 minutes, so I'm thinking that I made it up to 15 minutes in one row I did 4.7/4.8KM. 

Next up I did 50 sit-ups before getting taken out to go to my weekly gym session which was fun. Then I got home and I did 50 crunches.

So in the end it was check, check and check for my little often routine 4 days in a row, that I have done a row and other exercises.

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