Saturday 15 October 2016

Day 1206

Day 1206;

21.81 again and I haven't been veery vegan again, as for breakfast cereal with milk on it, lunch mini sausages and milk chocolate PoJ, dinner scampi and the chocolate mousse then for drinks 2 mugs of milk.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops, toast, mini sausages and Cadbury's pot of joy.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and a chocolate pot of mouse thing.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 400ml mugs of fruit juice.

Little Often:
So I know I didn't type it up yesterday, minus the 15 minute trow that I did yesterday, but that was because I hadn't done the other 2 50's before I had sent his article off, but I did do them both just later. But today I have done all 3 of the activities. But today I did a 20 minute stint on the rower just as I was feeling so good today and my specs didn't fall down my face, as I had remembered to tie them onto my headbut I thought after i false started it a couple of times I thought that I only needed my left foot to be strapped in and I just rested my  right foot on the peddle for the remaining 19 minutes and so many seconds. which worked well I managed to get 6km rowed well at 15 minutes I was down on my 300m per minute by 100m so I stepped it up until I got to 6KM's/20 minutes which ever's longer which really should have been minutes as I should really be able to get myself rowed up to 6KM in 20 minutes on the rower that is at my place of residence, I made it to 6KM inside 6 minutes; it was actually 9 seconds inside. Then I did 50 sit-ups and 50 crunches before going to the gym for another ride on a bike which was fun but I'm still too weak.

Today I have gone to the hair dressers with Mich. but Mich made me wear a hoodie to get there as we were walking there through the outside and before I got my hair cut I took my hoodie off as it has as the name suggests a hood/a hair collector, now I told him that but he didn't accept my reasoning  

But today in Pokémon Pearl I caught a Golbut, then I wasted a lot of Pokéballs on an Onix for  him not to be caught which irritates me.

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