Wednesday 19 October 2016

Day 1210

Day 1210;

22.20 was my BMI for today which puts my average BMI for the week so far at 22.135 which puts my BMI for the past 7 days to 21.9842857142857, but my BMI for the whole of last week was 21.9385714285714.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast, mini sausages and pork pie
Dinner: chicken, peas, carrots, new potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of ilk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Well from what I can remember of the Robot Wars BBC reboot all I ws thinking was that Mr Dara O'Brian was flat, as in his personality Didn't shine through to even make the show half as good as it was with Craig Charles. Which is basically the the man bellows 4th point on the competition.

Today I was thinking about the light and the dark-side of the force and I thought of a little story line to go wit another spin off game type thing, I could get it into disney if I thought it was anything decent, which it isn't.

Start of new star wars spin off game
Star Wars: Jedi? Trator?
Starts with a cutscene showing the Jedi character that you are playing as fighting against a foe in a dark cloak whom is the the Sith Lord of the game.
Sith Don't worry your already too far lost to the way of light for me to even bother with your transformation to an apprentice of mine.
Jedi: Then what shall you do to me?
Sith: I'll just have to kill you, instead.
option 1:
Jedi: Fine then kill me, strike me down.
Sith: In good time, but I'm just wondering what a Jedi knight is doing all the out here, so far away from the republic.
Jedi closes there mouth tightly.
Sith: Well, we'll have time, plenty of time, before I do as you wish and end your pathetic excuse for an existence.
Sith then waves a hand and his minions clear you off of the floor to a cell down the corridor.
Option 2:
Jedi: But why, wouldn't it be in both of our best interests...
Sith: what is that a bargain you are attempting to make?
Jedi: ...
Sith: what is it that my old master used to say, I'm thinking it was something about bargaining and the dark side.
Sith: Oh you're no fun,
Sith then waves a hand and his minions clear you off of the floor to a cell down the corridor.

So I've got it's position in the time line as before the actions in episode 1but how far I haven't made my mind up, yet.

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