Sunday 23 October 2016

Day 1214

Day 1214;

22.04 or 21.88 depending on wether I wanted to take off 2 pounds for my clothes or not as I was wearing a pear of socks, jeans, t-shirt, boxers ad 2 tiny sweat bands for my wrists, I usually just click on the 0 pounds class for clothes I wear which I did afterwards which got me back up to 22.04 else it's 21.88.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: poached eggs., toast and cake.
Dinner: roast beef, potato, peas, carrots, banana, apple and some fruit cake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today has been another lazy day today as I have been playing some boccia then I have been watching the football team that I support go from winning the game twice only to get pegged back twice, and then even in the dying seconds of the match I was thinking that they'd lose all 3 points, not just 2 of the 3 points that were on offer.

Is Hillary Clinton a genius or  is she just insane?

So I ask this question as if you had been reading my Blog you'll, or you should, know that I think that the human race has got too big and too wasteful to be viable to live off of this planet anymore, so I have been thinking that the human population must get it's number reduced. which could be by any number of explanations like if a new bread of predator arrived, that could fulfil the purpose of killing off a few hundreds of millions of us and cutting us down to a more sustainable number. I even thought of a nuclear holocaust but I quickly thought just how human that'd be and destroying everything just to get at a few pesky people, As that wouldn't discriminate  every animal within blast radiation. Anyway it's the animals minus human that I am concerned for, but within her political rhetoric she displays a hatred of Russia. Now she could use this hatred of Russia to initiate the next war, as it could escalate int a nuclear war, and in total she could be the first female president of the USA but she could also be the last president of America due to it becoming a nuclear wasteland, on her watch. So we could have nuclear waste states of America and Russia which would lead to a dramatic reduction in the number of people as well as every other kind of life,

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