Monday 10 October 2016

Day 1201

Day 1201;

22.07 was my BMI for today still too high but it's down a bit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: minted lamb, sausages in bacon, peas, carrots, minted pear and strawberries in cream.
Dinner: strawberries and banana.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 300ml mugs of fruit juice and somewhere between 50 and 100ml mug of cream.

In the f1 race this morning Mr Hami didn't get off the line well enough and he ended in 3rd meanwhile his team mate whom is the championship leader managed to win the race so Rosburger has managed to all but seal the drivers championship, for him, well he could potentially muck it up from here muck it up, but it isn't very likely as Hami still has to win the races which isn't looking very likely at the moment. What's looking more likely now is that Hami qualifies in the top 2 for the rest of the season but he wins a grand total of 0 of them and Rosburger manages to win at least 2 of them.

Then after I did my daily 50 sit-ups and crunches. Then later on I did my 15 minute row, but I had stopped twice so I continued on to 17 minutes 30 something seconds. Little Often routine accomplished 7 days in a row week 2 commences.

So how could we set out a more sustainable future?

If we keep out current level of technological advancement at least the western world and they could spread it out across the world, so everyone that was alive was linked up, then we could shut down all of the useless people like me.SJW's and terrorists. That would cut down on the number of useless cripples (all of the people like me that are just a waste on everybody else's resources, which includes me) SJW's (the self righteous, self hating lot of them) and terrorists (need I write an explanation).

But with at least those groups gone there would be more harmony over this world we could also kill off all of the religious fundamentalists, we could say that there gods have called them all home and then blast they're heads off. How many would that be? Perhaps a million maybe a even billion.  You may gain more if the retired, older generation, turned up in they're droves to the self determination camps.

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