Friday 31 May 2019

Day 2115

Day 2115;

Today my BMI has been 19.76, I have made 20,878 steps, which was apparently 13.52 km and I had burned 1092 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (ham salad [green/purple leaves and tomato] in wholemeal bread), egg custard and apple turnover.
Dinner: fish, broccoli, carrots, crochet potatoes and chocolate eclair.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow is the first day of my holiday, in some other place in England, I think it’s some place towards the south coast 

Today I have been to do nothing apart from that gone out on a little cycle, around town, this morning then after I had finished watching the Game of Thrones box set. 

 While I was watching the final episode of the final season of Game of Thrones I was also doing a two hour little jog on the spot , it was only as Mich was mowing the lawn outside while I was watching it, so I paused the episode while he was doing that and then I continued to jog on the spot for about ten minutes afterwards so I would have a two hour little jog on the spot. Now today I have managed to get my amount of intensity minutes up to nine hundred and ninety six, so I have only got four more minutes in two days. 

Thursday 30 May 2019

Day 2114

Day 2114;

So my BMI today was 19.62, I had only made 13,738 steps by the time of my body test
8.90 km and I have burned 1400 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: toasted sandwich (ham, cheese in toast) and something.
Dinner: fish, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, chocolate trifle and Jaffa cakes.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash dodgy beer and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I’m thinking that I should probably workout more, especially as my current activity minutes for the week so far is only 749 minutes per week our of my target which is 1000 minutes of activity so I probably should still be able to meet my target in 3 days, just need to do 3 more hours of jogging. I know that 3 hours only gives me 180 minutes which should only get me to 929 minutes, then 4 hours 20 minutes but then a 60 minute jog managed to get me something like 120 minutes, so then a 2 hour 10 which I should have to do in order to make it up for the rest of the week. But that isn’t tomorrow, what am I doing tomorrow? I think I am getting ready for my holiday which starts soon.

Before all that is going to happen is today and what has happened today? I cannot property remember, but I know that I have done an hour long jog and I have also been watching some of Game of Thrones season 6 episode 5, which was probably my second favourite episode of the whole 8 seasons .

Now I have had a little webpage open on my browser for a while now it says voter turnout at UK general elections 1945-2017, and before 1997 the polls were consistently higher than 70% then 2001 came around and it was down at an all time low of 59.4% Tony Blair was doing his best to destroy politics back then now a dayside has recovered a bit as the last general election was in 2017, which had the political participation at 68.7%, in turn was almost double the EU Elections turnout which was polling down at 37%, then many of the voters may have chosen not to vote as what is the point? So you probably would have only got the two points at the extreme ends of the political divide going out to vote, and there you go you’ve got many more on the extreme left of politics than on the extreme right, in Britain. Which could be the reason for the Lib Dem’s, Greens and Change UK doing so well, even though Mr Farage’s Brexit Party may have beaten them on an individual level.

Now I have also remembered what happened in the Europa League final it was a victory for the blues Chelsea won, in quite some style in the end at least, 4-1 to Chelsea.

Wednesday 29 May 2019

Day 2113

Day 2113;

BMI was at 19.69, my steps were down to 7393 which was only 4.79 km and I had burned 1270 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: pasta meatballs, cheese, chocolate trifle and milk chocolate.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, shloer and hot Ribena.
Snacks:Jaffa cakes.

Tomorrow I believe that I’m on my own, as I think that Allergy is going out, for x or y reason, then Mich is going off to work and Tini I think is going into work for half day, but then I suppose she worked for probably more than half of the day today on helping me to clear my room and put it back together which was a task of which Mich started me off doing this morning not thinking that it would be finished before tomorrow.

Today I have been lazy as I have been tidying up my room, basically, so what I literally have done is helped rearrange my bedroom. Why you maybe wondering as I was also for the first part of the day, it would probably have been one of those occasions where I would have been whinging, as my room wasn’t very bad in the first place. Then Mich had a plan of which was a way of changing my bedrooms storage capabilities, which was literally moving the chest of drawers and replacing it with a wardrobe, which should be easy enough to get done.

It wasn’t as so, as by the time that Mich and I had removed the chest of draws and replaced it with the wardrobe, Tini came in saying why so we had to rearrange the room, now the bed is pointing east, it was pointing north, games and all sporting attire is is now in my old wardrobe, meanwhile all my T-shirts are in my new wardrobe which is now positioned where my beds headboard was and the chest of drawers is now positioned next to the new wardrobe. 

So that was my day gone basically, but I with some help (from Tini which surprised me) managed to get my room all done in record time, so quick in actual fact that I still had time to get away to the GMs house for a slightly longer walk around, an about half mile walk, before helping them pack the car with the replacement wardrobe for another room, the room of which my new wardrobe came from. Which was roughly my day, I know that I managed to get the next episode of Game of Thrones in as well later on but that was only just before I did this, writing.

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Day 2112

Day 2112;

Today my BMI was 19.40, my steps were down to 13,630 steps, which was only 8.82 km and I had burned 1374 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: soup (tomato), croutons, bread and cake.
Dinner: beef, green beans, carrots, broccoli, potatoes and Eaton mess with Jaffa cakes, milk chocolate.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Shloer and hot Ribena

Tomorrow I’m planning on watching the fourth episode of the Game of Thrones (season eight), at least. As today I have watched the previous episode, just before writing this, and I did a little jog while watching it I find it enhances the viewing experience, exercise while watching TV, novel idea I wonder if it’ll catch on? Hang on, you know that it has as in the gym (which you were today) there’s all those TV’s up on the wall. Congratulations Red I was being facetious. Then that was what I was doing today, I should really keep on task when I’m typing about tomorrow. As I do not know what I have planned for tomorrow, but I should really get fit and healthy tomorrow, at least more fit and healthy.

I have just done another little jog on the spot today while I was watching the third episode, the third episode should probably have been the final episode, then no one could have been disappointed in the way that the show signed off. Then what would have happened to the iron throne, I’m thinking you’re saying. Now I am thinking that I should probably be able to get together a better new final season of the Game of Thrones, the final episode should probably have been another great battle between the forces of death and life, not just the way it was where the Dragon destroys the chair, Jon kills Daenerys (which leaves him to take the black, again), the three eyed raven takes up his role as the king of the six kingdoms, Stansa takes her place as the monarch of the seventh and Arya is on an adventure.

Monday 27 May 2019

Day 2111

Day 2111;

Now today I have got a BMI of 19.40, steps were only 14,654 (9.49 km) and I had burned 1376 kcal today.

Breakfast: tart (nectarin, peach with cream) and strawberries.
Lunch: beef, broccoli, peas, carrots, green beans, potatoes, red cabbage, horseradish sauce, bread sauce and Eaton mess.
Dinner: sandwich (cheese in wholemeal bread), lemon cake and chocolate cake.
Drinks: milk, Lucozade sport (raspberry), ginger ale, Shloer and hot Ribena.
Snacks: strawberries, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.

Now tomorrow I am planning on doing some more cycling around Wattopia which should be the fifth stage on the catch up week. Then also tomorrow I will be faced with the tough decision which will be to either go to the gym or down the rec for another little bicycle excursion, it’s tough as I would like to go to the gym as I haven’t been for weeks and then they’ve paid for my membership on a monthly basis, but the downside to that is the fact that we’re going to have to go to the gym in a car, which is bad for the environment and all. Then the next one is a tough decision as I know that the rec is slightly closer than the sports centre in distance driven (at least) as we’d have to drive to get there as it’s Tini doing the transportation to both of these events, as Tini has been known to get into the car to drive to the post box which is just about half way down our road.

Today I have completed my 10,000 steps in between the hours of 8 and 11 as I had completed a little cycle, between those hours, well I had managed to get myself up to over 10,000 steps by before lunch and I had done a little over 2 hour Zwift cycle. As I had done stage 7 of the tour this morning. Stage 7 was fun it was up the alps, apparently, well I have done it in just over 2 hours, something like 2 hours 7 minutes. So this time I managed to beat my old time by about 30 minutes, all it needed was someone else, someone that knew what they were doing, on the gears. 

Then after I was being lazy for the rest of the day, but then I thought that I had done, something else like a little jog on the spot, I cannot remember anything about that though, as I can remember that I watched some more of Game of Thrones, this time it was season 6, I think up to episode 3 of the season.

Sunday 26 May 2019

Day 2110

Day 2110;

Today my BMI was 19.71, steps were only 9651 which was 6.25 km and my calories burned were only 1131 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, raspberries, apple, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: egg, wholemeal bread, green leaves, purple leaves, tomatoes, seafood sauce, egg custard and apple turnover.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, peas, broccoli, crochet potatoes, tart (peach, nectarine with cream) and chocolate eclair.
Drinks: milk, Lucozade sport (orange), fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I thought there was a plan, but then I have forgotten about it, I know that Mich will be around but no athletics tomorrow as it’s a bank holiday or something similar. Then again we are having a anniversary lunch tomorrow for the GAK tomorrow, then again I still have to do the fifth and  seventh stages for the tour of Wattopia, within the next week. So that’s the fifth which I have no idea of what is going on in, and the seventh, or the tour of ice and fire (very game of thrones, I think), but then I have already done that course before (something like a month ago) which was fun, but I was the slowest around the course, it was in a time of greater than 2 hours I’m thinking it took me something more of the 3 hour mark. But they’re more my goals for the following week, as it is another catch up week.

Then today I have done a bit of cycling to the GM’s place, and back, but then I must have had another lazy afternoon with me only doing a little jog while I was watching a bit more of Game of Thrones. But it was only the one episode today, as I was thinking about leaving it until tomorrow to watch the final season of the Game, as I had watched up to episode 6 of season 7 yesterday. I was wondering if Tini wanted to watch season 8, as well.

Saturday 25 May 2019

Day 2109

Day 2109;

BMI was 19.59 steps were 21,215, I had walked 13.74 km and I had burned off 1202 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, grapes, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: omelette, tomatoes and lemon cake.
Dinner:  fish pie, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, shloer and hot Ribena.

In the immediate future I am to be going on another cycle ride, or at least I should be, before I take another ride solo around to the GM’s house, which should be interesting before I help Mich pack up the GM’s house. That’s about it for tomorrow.

Now today I have had a couple of boccia matches but first I had myself a little jog on the spot, which got me up to my step goal, then I surpassed my goal so I attempted to get further over my goal. I did this by watching some more of Game of Thrones, while I was jogging, I had reached up to episode 6 of season 7 of the game, just one more episode until I get to the final season, again, tomorrow maybe.

Friday 24 May 2019

Day 2108

Day 2108;

My BMI was 19.71, as I had walked 13,571 steps which was only 8.79 km in distance walked and I had managed to burn 1128 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, grapes, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese, pickle in wholemeal bread) and fruit cake.
Dinner: scampi, chips peas and tart (raspberry, strawberry with cream).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot Ribena.
Snacks: green grapes.

So tomorrow I will have myself another boccia match, at least I think. Well that is my afternoon activity, if I was to dare to call it an activity, as playing boccia is probably less energetic than playing chess. So I will probably be having to jog on the spot some more, as I did today before 12 o’clock, I should have enough steps for tomorrow.

As I know what I have done today, and it wasn’t just that little jog on the spot in the morning which had me to 9000 steps before my lunch. Which I did while I was watching Game of Thrones, but then I was only watching it in the morning. In the afternoon I was going to a snowboarding lesson, with my goggles on it seemed to go a lot better. Now I’m unsure of whether my goggles actually made a difference to my ability. Then today the main slope was off limits so I was only on the beginner slope again for today, hopefully next time, if I have another lesson then I might be able to have a go on the real slopes.

Then on either the way to the snowboarding centre or the way home from the place, we saw a car which had the logo which said “Abarth” then underneath it had some more writing “124 spider” and I could remember that there was a car called the Maserati Spider (Spyder), but I couldn’t remember anything about it, and then Mich said something about a fiat and he told me to look it up when we got home. Then I did soon after I returned home, and the Internet told me:

The Abarth 124 Spider is a performance version of the Fiat 124 Spider under the Abarth marque. It was introduced at the 2016 Geneva Motor Show along with the Abarth 124 Spider Rally racing car. Final assembly
 of the car takes place in the Officine Abarth in Turin, Italy, where the model specific parts are installed on the Japanese built roadster”

It’s a Fiat basically, how did he know that? He may have heard something’s about the car previously, and stuff. But I’m unsure of whether that’s correct. Honestly how did he know about Fiat and all, it never said Fiat on the car, it could just be another thing about persons that perplexes me.

Thursday 23 May 2019

Day 2107

Day 2107;

BMI of 19.59, steps I had done 11,889 which was 7.70km and I had burned off 1060kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: fish in pastry, broccoli, carrots, chocolate trifle and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I'm planning on going to do a bit more of snowboarding, well it’s another little lesson for me, I don’t know but I may actually get to go on the main slope tomorrow which should be fun. But I’m not too hopeful on my step count for tomorrow though.

So today I have had my six portions of fruit/vegetable, then I am unsure of what else I have done, as I know that I attempted to ride on Zwift, the Tour of Wattopia, but that was only an attempt I failed to actually ride it the iPad that I was using the battery ran flat. So I couldn’t complete the stage, it was a stage that I had done before as well, it was probably my favourite stage also and it’s a stage that I’m hopeless on, so I was hoping that I could improve myself on it this time, pity.

I hate emotions, they’re always getting misconstrued, which doesn’t help when people say to me to not get angry which in-turn gets me slightly angry, as I am like “I WASN’T ANGRY” getting all hot under the collar in the process then I check myself and I recenter myself back to being my more composed self, unless I feel like taking the piss when I act as the other person who thinks I’m angry is telling me that I’m acting like. Which can be fun.

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Day 2106

Day 2106;

My BMI for today was down slightly to 19.69, my steps were down to 12,499 (or 8.09 km) and my calories burned were only at 1281 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in wholemeal bread), something and lemon meringue pie.
Dinner: fish, carrots, green beans cauliflower, crochet potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I have no idea what’s going on, but I thought that Tini mentioned something about going to the gym, but no as isn’t she on a school trip? Anyway she has told me today that sometime in the future she will allow me to go to the local fields so that I can ride my bike around, down on the local fields, as I am not yet competent enough to go alone or something like that.

Then today I haven’t been doing that much in terms of exercise or really anything, but I have been on my bike, my old solo bike. My old mountain bike not on either of the tandems, it went positively well today also the only time that I fell down on the bike was actually when the bike was stationary and I was attempting to get off of my bicycle,  which shocked Mich. So now I can cycle myself to wherever I need to go, as long as a bike is a suitable piece of equipment for me to get there, for example if it was necessary for me to travel to another place on this lump of rocks called Britain, then I could probably get to it with my Bike, but then it may take me a long time to get there like if I was to do John O’groats to Lands End, I could probably do it, just it may take me considerably longer than I time that the organisers have set out.

So in the morning I have decided to take a short walk on the treadmill it was only an hour long walk to wake me up, I was being lazy for today, up until the random cycle, as I had only been wandering around for the whole day up until Mich and I went out to fetch Emu’s present, it was a bicycle we had to go to fetch it in the car, apparently. I had told him we could cycle over and then either one of us could ride her bike to home and the other one could ride the tandem home but no he thinks I’m hopeless at riding around without him being there to guide me, like the tandem. I had enough and I had arranged for him to take me to the field, to prove him wrong, of which I did. He was shocked by the revelation. It really is as easy as riding a bike.

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Day 2105

Day 2105;

My daily BMI was up to 19.71, my steps were also up but to 17,853, which was 11.56 km in length walls and it was 1368 kcal burned off today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in wholemeal bread) and chocolate cake.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: Jaffa cakes and lemon meringue pie.

Tomorrow the day after today, I hope to get myself on a bike ride, row, jog and bounce, but after today I don’t really think that I have much chance of doing any tomorrow.

As today I managed to get myself onto the treadmill for a 20 minute jog and then a 40 minute bounce, before I ate my snack and I took myself off to have a shower, shave and get dressed. My first snack of the day was some of my Jaffa cakes which Mich had chopped up for me this morning, which was tasty.

Then after I had got myself dressed I was thinking about all the other stuff I could do today, like go for a little row or even on a bike. Then I decided that what I’d do for the rest of the day was sit down and watch some more of Game of Thrones. Which I half did for about half of the time, which could mean that I only quarter did, as I had been sitting down watching game of thrones before I got up and I started to jog on the spot, which was before I stopped watching it to go and eat my second snack of the day, which was a portion of lemon meringue pie. Then after I’d had that I went off and continued my watch, before getting disturbed as it was time to help move some more furniture around at the GM’s house of which I was a spare part in the group that went round, so I was just following them around the place. 

Monday 20 May 2019

Day 2104

Day 2104;

A BMI of 19.59, I had walked 10,681 steps which gave me an almost as pathetic as yesterday distance of 6.91 km but my number of calories burned were up to 1193.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: wrap (chicken, duck, lettuce, spring onion), banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Dinner: pie (meat), carrots, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Now today I have been to the little athletics club,it’s a ton easier to run 400m when there’s no one else around and you don’t have to actually run anywhere, I’m typing about running on the treadmill in preference to running on a track. As in today I have been on both the treadmill and a track, but pity it was only a half hour walk on the treadmil, before later going to athletics club. But more on that later on in this report as I should now inform you of my exciting line up for tomorrow... of which I haven’t got one, but I’m planning on doing another bit of exercise tomorrow on the treadmill, bounce, row and ride, then I will probably spend another portion of the day watching more of the Game of Thrones, as I have watched it all once now but then again I am still on episode 8 of series 6 within my watch though.

Game of Thrones series 8 episode 6, was the episode that I watched today so spoiler warning do for anyone who doesn’t want to find out about the episode. In fairness it wasn’t the best of episodes, in fact it was probably my last favourite episode of the whole series’s. In the episode it shows the audience how intelligent dragons are, as even though Jon killed Daenerys in the throne room Drogo the dragon came in just after Jon had put his knife through her belly and then Drogo destroyed the iron throne and left Jon crouching over Daenerys’s body. The dragon was clearly in grief but it didn’t use its grief to destroy the culprit of its mother’s death, unless it was working on a separate premise which I think is better and destroying the throne which drove almost all who sat on it mad with the lust for power. The only people that kept their sanity after sitting on the throne, of the people that had any sanity to begin with, was probably Jamie Lannister, Ned Stark and I am unsure about this one, Tommen Baratheon/Lannister. But it was an ending to an amazing show.

Now today I have been out to athletics and in on the treadmill, as I have already stated. Now today at athletics I have ran around the track 3 times which gave me a distance of 1200m (1.2km or 3/4 of a mile)  but then again Mich had driven me to athletics, so we hadn’t cycled, and there were some people on bikes there also today. Mich said that we should have brought the tandem, that had been what I had told him earlier on today, but he said no as he’s too tired. After Mr Jaz Man beat me in the running around the track, as he usually does Mich was saying about how his strides were so long, I signed if I could see that then I may have been able to emulate him, but because I’m slow and my eyes aren’t the best, it was only as I was getting to the 200m mark and he was off out there just passing the 300m mark that I could actually see him, the sun was in my eyes over the first 100m and then on into the start of the second 200m it was only as I was going round the corner onto the back 100m when I could see properly.

Sunday 19 May 2019

Day 2103

Day 2103;

Now my BMI was down to 19.40! I had only taken 10,176 steps which was an equally pathetic 6.59 km in distance walked but my calories surprised me 980 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: sandwich (fish in wholemeal bread), 2 cakes, banana, apple, orange and yogurt.
Dinner: rice, chicken, peas, carrots and sweet corn.
Drinks: milk, water and fruit squash.

First up what is going on tomorrow I know that I am planning on going to athletics practice, now I should probably be fit enough to ride the tandem to athletics one of these days, do athletics, then ride back home. The lightness of the nights now are getting lighter for longer, so it could, possibly, be doable for a cycle whilst it’s still light out. But I’m unsure of wether Mich would sanction such an action, I know that we are quicker and all, at cycling now, on average as we started off by riding around at an a speed of something like 12 mph, I think, which is now up to 15 mph, as an average speed, which is quite impressive if you asked me. I know it’s still hopeless on a whole, as Mich and myself each managed to get to 19 mph average on the turbo trainer. But Mich is still better than I at maintaining his speed over an hour. I was going along at 10 miles for the first half hour, so I decided to conserve a bit of my energy on the second half hour, it wasn’t as easy in the second quarter half hour. 

For today my BMI was artificiality decreased as I had a slight sickness feeling during my dinner, it was only phlegm. I kept chocking up phlegm, I had no idea of the reason also, as I had ate about half of my children in rice and I stopped eating, as I physically couldn’t eat no more food, well I could have put it in my mouth but then phlegm would have pushed it out again. I hate phlegm, what’s it for? I looked at Wikipedia excessive creation, looks like what was happening, so I was looking for a cause;
1. Verbal abuse, no I somehow don’t think that applies here.
2. Smoking, neither that, as I have never smoked in my life, I’m leaving that until my death, you can burn my body then.
3. Illnesses like cold flu pneumonia, could be I’ve definitely felt better.
4. Hay fever asthma, I have never been diagnosed with either of the two conditions but I have got an inhaler which I used for this occurrence, it had little to no effect.
5. Air pollution, I haven’t really been outside apart from my tandem ride, which the other person on the tandem didn’t face similar conditions to me.

Then today I was on Mich’s tandem in the morning then I watched a bit more of Game of Thrones, until Mich returned and had set up the Zwift bike, of which I managed to get ten miles done in the first half an hour, so I decided to conserve some speed for the rest of the ride, and I had made it round in just about an hour, pity that it wasn’t even a whole twenty mile course it was only a nineteen mile course, I was one of the last to actually get into the ride, as soon as I had logged into the ride the countdown switched to 0 and then I was off. Then afterwards I watched some more Game of Thrones. So all in all it was a very good however much of a lazy day.

Saturday 18 May 2019

Day 2102

Day 2102;

My BMI was up to 19,92 and my steps were down to just 8879 which only gave me a pathetic distance of 5.75 km and I had only managed to burn 997 kcal off today.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: omelettes (duck egg, chicken egg, cheese, tomato) and 3 slices of cakes.
Dinner: spaghetti bolognaise, cheese and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: apple, orange, banana and yogurt.

Now tomorrow I am going on another cycle, to the GM’s place of residence, probably, which should be fun,I mean the tandem ride around . The visiting part I’m unsure of, as what do I do when I’m there? I don’t know. What am I supposed to do? Listen and what I’m told to do, I don’t really have any autonomy at least not at the GM’s place of residence, I have just done as I have been told.

So what have I done today? Other than not much on the exercise front I also haven’t been up to much in other forms. So I basically have had a lazy day today as I predicted yesterday I believe, but I had managed to get the last 41 minutes of my minutes of intensity completed today, as I had walked an hour long treadmill walk, before I watched Eurovision which was a shambles from the UK’s perspective as they finished last, but still they managed to get more points on the public vote than the German "

Friday 17 May 2019

Day 2101

Day 2101;

BMI was up to 19.71 and after 3 days of stepping like a beast I lost our on my step count (with it only at 22,836 or just 14.79 km) but I had burned 1787 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, pear, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas, something and parts of 2 chocolate eggs (1 was from the white chocolate and raspberry egg and 1 was from a dark chocolate egg).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I’ve got some boccia, and as it’s a boccia day I don’t think that I am going to do anything athletic tomorrow, so that’ll leave my final 41 minutes of intensity for the next day on which I should be going along for a ride on the tandem, I think so at least. As for tomorrow I’m thinking that I probably should attempt to get in my Zwift ride, stage 6 I do believe.

Now then what did I do today, I know that I have had a lazy day, well at least a lazier day than yesterday as you probably could tell by my lack of steps, I have no clue as to how I managed to burn off the amount of calories that I burned off today.

As I have only been on a small jog this morning, my treadmill told me that I had done sixteen laps, or four miles, however my watch was informing me that I had done over five miles which should have been twenty laps, four more laps.

Now what else have I done today, I honestly cannot remember, but I will probably be guessing that I watched some more of the Game of Thrones, today.

Thursday 16 May 2019

Day 2100

Day 2100;

BMI today was up at 19.59,  my steps were also up to 36,019, which was a 23.32 km and then I had only managed to burn 1373 kcal today, .

Breakfast: cereal, banana, pear, apple, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in wholemeal bread) and something.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I’m thinking that I have got a morning to do my exercise then an afternoon to do whatever. Like watching some more of Game of Thrones, season 6, at least I think that is the season that I’m up to.

Today I have done some of my walking, following by a little row which in-turn was before a bounce, and that was my morning, activities sorted. But that was before my watches battery started running low, so I put it for charge, but my watch wasn’t charging. Then later on today I noticed that my charger was broken so as I’m incompetent and all I asked Mich if he could fix my charger, so he did and I was very grateful for him doing it.

Now I have also been to the GM’s house to help Mich out a bit, before returning home. I think that I have helped replace the carpet today , so I should probably be vacuuming it more tomorrow, as I have had a go at vacuuming it today, which wasn’t very successful. The vacuum just kind of creates more mess on the carpet than it takes up.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Day 2099

Day 2099;

My BMI today was 19,43, my steps were only at 30,709 which only gave me a distance of 19.88 km but I had burned 2349 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten
Dinner: I’ve forgotten again.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I’m going to scare down my morning activities a bit, as I’m only planning on doing a half hour walk on the treadmill, instead of the two hour run/jog that I did today, but then after that half hour walk I am planning on doing another half hour row before an hour on the trampoline. As that shouldn’t be overdoing it.before me attempt at a three hour little jog for the next day, as I will be wondering if I can get up-to full marathon distance in the 3 hours, I somehow doubt it, as I only got to half marathon distance in my two hour run/jog today, but it was apparently at quicker than eight mph as an average speed, which surprised me, as I had only just managed to get it up to a speed of eight on the treadmill by the time that I had finished.

For today I have done as I typed above in the morning, which was a two hour run/jog on the treadmill, which had me run/jog on the spot for two hours, basically, which is an inefficient way to spend the morning, I’m thinking that if I could get out and run/jog for the equivalent time I probably wouldn’t have even managed to get half as far as it says I did on my watch and I may have been dead by the time that I returned, so that’s a challenge that I would find certainly interesting, to run a quarter of a marathon outside inside two hours without killing myself. Well I have ran a quarter of a mile outside without killing myself, just, the other week.

There was in an episode of Game of Thrones I watched a part which was at the end where Stannis Baratheon said to Davos Seaworth (I do believe is his name) that Jon Snow isn’t Ned Stark’s son which perplexed me at the time of my first watch, but now I get it, it was probably that the lord commander Jon Snow decided to spare the life of of his subordinate instead of just killing him as the code of the nights watch decrees, and the Starks had been known for always following the rule of law no matter the consequences, just as Jon’s “brother” did which cost Rob his head in the end, but I know that he had already forsaken his word to Lord Walder Frey before then, of which Ned Stark just wouldn’t have done, hence why he was married to Katlyn, despite that slight bit of inequality the point stands, or does it?

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Day 2098

Day 2098;

BMI was a shocking result today with it at 19.46, my steps today were 30,927 which may have been 20.02 km and I had only burned 1561 kcal, today which is perplexing me.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: pork pie, pulled pork, salad (green leaves, white leaves, red pepper, carrots, sweet corn), Jaffa cakes and a rice cake.
Dinner: Turkish vegetarian kebab (salad and hummus) and a portion of chips.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow is the next twenty four hour rotation of this rock around the closest star, kind of like vultures but the vultures aren’t but they aren’t vultures they are rocks, much bigger than vultures, so much bigger it’s incomprehensible for me at this moment in time, then again what am I going to do tomorrow? I haven’t got a clue, but then if I have a choice it’ll probably be similar to today, if my personal circumstances don’t change.

Today I have started off by having myself a little strength run/jog, well that is what my treadmill calls it at least. I had only managed to get myself 6 miles apparently according to my watch, anyway I had managed to step 10,658 times during that activity. That was my most active section of the day, but I had been jogging a bit while I was watching Game of Thrones later on which got me to 30,927 steps for the day, of which I personally believe isn’t too bad, even if my calorie output of the day was disappointing, to say the least. But it gives me something to work on.

Just for the rest of the day I know that I was watching some more of Game of Thrones, season 5, while I was jogging around then when Tini asked me what I wanted to have for my dinner from the local Turkish takeaway, but I wasn’t allowed chicken (as she hates cutting the chicken up), so I looked on the quick food shops website for something when I came across an option which said that it comes with salad and hummus and I was intrigued as I had heard a lot about hummus but then I had never had it before, so I asked if I could have that as my dinner, and it was decent, it had some yellow Jalapeños in it.

Monday 13 May 2019

Day 2097

Day 2097;

As my BMI for today I had exactly the same as yesterday (19.69), steps I took were up slightly (22,610) which gave me a distance walked of 14.64 but I had burned off less calories (at 1862).

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: spaghetti with mini sausages on bread (wholemeal), carrot cake and lemon drizzle cake.
Dinner: fish, green beans, cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, new potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: Jaffa cakes 

I probably won’t be able to do as many steps tomorrow, it honestly surprised me on how many I have done today as this morning I have been on the Zwift bike, treadmill, trampoline and rowing machine, but I am going to leave that for a bit, as I still need to inform you of my going’s on for tomorrow. Which I am uncertain of to say the least, then I am guessing that I will probably be up for a little bit of the fitness training stuff which I have got at my abode, maybe some yoga, and probably some more of Game of Thrones, season 5, I do believe, but the 5th episode of season 8 was good.

Now today I have watched some more of Game of Thrones so spoiler warning if you haven’t seen it. It had Jamie and Cercei reduced to ashes, as well as the almost complete population of Kings Landing Euron Greyjoy killed by the one handed man. But that was at the end of the episode Vary’s was killed off by the second mad queen for suggesting that Jon Snow should probably be the next in line for the throne of which Jon rejects whole heartedly but by the time the fighting and dragon fire erupts upon the city even I could tell that he was having second thoughts on his dismissal of the question, of his readiness to rule.

Then earlier on this day I started off by having a short, 30 minute, cycle around New York. I wasn’t traveling at any great speed or anything, I only managed to get 8 miles done, so I would probably have have got as far around it on the tandem, as we have been managing to get around about 15 mph on our recent cycle rides, so therefore 16 is only 1 mph quicker, so comparable. We had been told that the two of us on the tandem are now probably quick enough for the more serious business of riding with the club on some of the more serious group rides, besides from the slowly paced rides that we have been on with the local club. Which Mich was telling me that we are going to have to sign up to Britain’s cycling group to become a member which is similar to Britain’s athletics club thing which I am already a member of, but then I thought that it was England Athletics that I was part of, anyway.

It was also athletics training today, and I cannot tell if Jaz man has just lost some ability in the long jump or wether I have gained some, as I can remember his jumps from a couple of weeks previous were at least a foot bigger than mine but then today they were more comparable with my own as if I was jumping into the foot prints of Mr Jaz man, or just slightly back on them. 

Sunday 12 May 2019

Day 2096

Day 2096;

So my BMI had dropped to 19..69, my steps had reached 21,821 which was a distance of 14.13 km and I had burned 2076 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: omelette (goose egg, cheese and tomato).
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: rice cakes, grapes, sponge jam and coconut cake and Victoria sponge cake.

Now tomorrow I am planning on going to athletics club, but that will be in the afternoon sometime. First I want to get some of my fitness training done and maybe even stage 6 as I missed out on stage 5 this week which was a disappointment, but then we got in a lot of cycling today, as we had been cycling around with a group of people who make up the local cycling club.

Today I have been on the tandem for 50.3 miles, but the majority of it wasn’t with the cycling club, but instead it was with our little rides over to the GM’s new abode and back. But then I didn’t find enough time in the day for any more of the Zwift rides, so that was a disappointing instance. 

Saturday 11 May 2019

Day 2095

Day 2095:

My BMI was up to 19.85, my steps were 12,853 which was apparently a distance of 8.32 km and I had burned 1414 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: I have once again forgot.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I’m thinking that I will be going on some more cycle rides. But I don’t know what else I have planned I know that I would like to play on Zwift. Then after that I would like to watch some more episodes of Game of Thrones.

Today I have been doing nothing for basically the whole of the day, I had been helping Mich with GM’s house, now what I have done today is replace the carpet that we had taken up the other day. Which we did, then I think we had taken up a second carpet and he had been filling in broken parts of the plaster board while I had been vacuuming the floors of the house but then the room that we had replaced the carpet in all my efforts in vacuuming the floor, first with the Vax, which appeared to make the floor worse, then with the Dyson which kept overheating. Needless to say that I did a pathetic job, but Mich had decided to move the bed into the room anyway. So I helped him with the relocation of the bed and then with the construction of said bed.

Then what else have I done today? I have done a half hour bounce, just to get my steps up to a more decent number.

Friday 10 May 2019

Day 2094

Day 2094;

BMI was 19.76, steps were 18,229, the distance that I walked was 11.80 km and the amount of calories was 1352 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: Jaffa cakes.

Tomorrow I have boccia in the morning, I don’t think that I have anything planned for the afternoon, so I may be able to get in a bit more of my fitness training for the afternoon, the league of which the team that I support has finished so I won’t be going to see them again, at least not this season. I won’t be going out on the tandem tomorrow as that’ll be the next day, I think. I know I could watch some more of Game of Thrones tomorrow.

Now what have I done today? Now I managed to get myself up to 10,000 steps in the morning, which means that I’ve been lazy this afternoon. But I had gone on a Zwift ride this morning, it was only a 5 mile line ride around Innsbruck, at least I think that it was. But it must have been my second time around Innsbruck as I got many records and even some second places for my efforts.

Thursday 9 May 2019

Day 2093

Day 2093;

For today my BMI was up to 19.95, my steps were down to 19,328 or a distance of 12.51 km and I had burned 1410 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: pork pie, sausage roll, salad (sweet corn, green leaves, white leaves, carrots) and some other things.
Dinner: fish, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I don’t think that I have anything planned, with the exception of going to the gym as I believe that Tini said that she’d be taking me to the gym next on Friday, as she should be able to leave work early on that day.

Now today I have been doing my fitness  activities in the morning,  the only bit of exercise that I have done is a little hour long bounce, which was followed by a half hour speed walk. Which was my morning exercise all sorted, now my afternoon exercise was definitely lacking in substance, as I ran over to the GM’s house and back just before dinner, actually I ran back and I arrived by the time that dinner was supposed to be at but Mich who was driving he arrived 5 minutes after I, which meant that dinner was late.

Danny Baker’s controversial tweet also blew up, over the past day or so, it was the one that he has captioned royal baby leaves hospital, then under it he has got a picture of a chimpanzee dressed up in a smart suit with its left hand being held by a woman and a man standing on its right. Now you may think what’s wrong with that photo, just as I did, as the chimpanzee is looking very prim and proper, by our human standards, with his cane. But then I thought about it for a couple of minutes and I got the following:
“I think it’s as the media was hyping up the point it could be the first black baby in the royal family,  but from the picture that I saw of it it’s as white as any of us, and the BBC has has decided that as someone that broadcasts for them has tweeted a picture with a young chimpanzee on it, and chimpanzees have black fur, so therefore racist.”
Then Allergy has got on her high horse and said it’s racist from the off, then I was confused as the picture that I had seen of the baby it was white, it was the same colour as Megan and 
Harry, white. It’s not my fault if you seem to be thinking that photo looks anything like the royal child, I’m sorry but that’s on you. Allergy attempted to explain why it’s racist to me I didn’t really understand though, she said as Megan is mixed race, so is my mother, and myself by extension, she’s half Irish, but because the generic skin tone is the same it doesn’t count? Boggles my mind, the blinking royal family are basically a load of mixed race people, as weren’t they initially from Germany, but then all that changed in one of the World Wars didn’t it, with them taking up the name Windsor. 

England rule the European Leagues finals for this year, as Liverpool vs Tottenham Hotspur’s is the Champions League final and the Europa League has got Arsenal vs Chelsea. 3 of the 4 squads are from London and the other is Liverpool. Liverpool v London then London v London. So London seems to be the best placed place for European silverware. So good luck Liverpool for your final. Anyway Arsenal dominated their opponents after a 2-4 win over Valencia which gave them an aggregate score of 3-7, Arsenal made it look easy, by the full time score, but fortunately Chelsea weren’t the same when they faced up against Eintracht Frankfurt as the game ended up being a draw so then they played 30 minutes of extra time on top of the 90 minutes of regulation time, now it was time for penalties, each team had 5 shots to save the game for themselves, both teams scored the first penalty then Chelsea missed its second but Frankfurt scored theirs, so it was 1-2 Frankfurt, Then round 3 of penalties both teams scored, so it was 2-3 Frankfurt, round 4 Chelsea scored Frankfurt missed, 3-3 was the score, round 5 Chelsea scored but then Frankfurt missed, making the final score of the penalties  Chelsea 4- Frankfurt 3. 

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Day 2092

Day 2092;

On this day I have a BMI of 19.85,  steps of 24924, which was 16.14 km and only 1442 kcal burned.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and pickle in white bread), something and Jaffa cakes.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise, cheese and a tart (mandarin and peach).
Drinks: milk, water, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

So tomorrow I will be getting a bit more active than I was today, which shouldn’t be tricky, especially as I had a pretty lazy day today, I mean sure I walked a bit in the morning, my watch was telling me that i’d walked 5 miles on the treadmill today.

For the second night in a row there was the second spectacular Champions League semifinal match, but this time it was between the Dutch team which is named after a Hero of Greek mythology, Ajax, and the second English club of which before yesterday everybody (well almost) had pinned the game as to the opposition team and after the first half they were all perplexed over how Tottenham was going to get anything out of the match, as on the radio I listened to about the first 35 minutes of the game as Mich switched the radio off after the second Ajax goal. Mich was stating “how are Tottenham going to get through this game 3-0 down on aggregate and it’s not even half time”. So that’s how much I had caught  of the game until it was pretty much over when Mich shouted at me that Tottenham had done it, they had got 3 goals, which was  after 6 minutes of additional time had been added on after the game as the goal that won the tie for Tottenham was in the sixth minute of additional time.

I was thinking that as the final of the Champions League is to be played between 2 English clubs shouldn’t the game be played in England, that would save UEFA money, and it’d make more sense save the planet and all by not having to send the many players and fans to all the way to Spain when it’d be a lot better for the world for it to be played in Birmingham, which is about in the middle of the two clubs. Then I think that I said that it should be played at either Wembley or Old Trafford, as they must be two of the biggest football grounds in the country but Wembley is close to Tottenham’s ground, it was they’re ground a bit earlier on in the season, which is why I gave Old Trafford as an alternative, as it is close to Liverpool.

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Day 2091

Day 2091;

I had a BMI of 19.82, 10,805 steps, 7 km and 1183 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in white bread), tunocks wafer and something.
Dinner:  vegetable lasagna, chips and pastry (nectarine and peach).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport(raspberry) and hot Ribena.
Snacks: 2 quality street chocolates and Jaffa cakes.

Tomorrow I’m thinking that I have got a free day, so it would probably be best for me to use the time wisely and go on the gym equipment that is at my home. As time is essential for all life, that we know of, to exist as if it exists then it had a time that it came into existence even these thoughts in my head came into existence, the majority of them have left me along the way. I probably won’t be able to recall pretty much any of them at a later date.

Today I have been off snowboarding which was awesome, my instructor told me that I could probably go onto the main slope with my snowboarding, I don’t really see his point of saying that though I’m still hopeless at snowboarding, now the thing about snowboarding is that everyone falls over at least while you’re learning, but then again just about anyone and everyone falls, or stacks it, minus the best, but even with them they’ll stack it every now and then, just rarely. Same could be said about skiers, that the best only rarely stack it. As if you could tell that I’m not one of the best at either of the sports, so how can I expect to be in the running for any of the Paralympic positions? I don’t expect, I’ve got a lot of work still to do to get myself ready for that, I don’t even know how to get myself on the radar of any of the sporting people, which could “recommend” me for selection.

Along with that I have also had a couple of treadmill walks, and I have watched “Mr Beans Holiday” on Netflix, which I was watching as Liverpool knocked Barcelona our of the Champions League, they have won the game 4-0 which was following a 3-0 victory for Barcelona in the leg that they played at the “new camp”? I don’t know what it’s called but Barcelona’s home-ground, so the full time score after 2 legs of the competition was 4-3 to Liverpool, remarkable if I do say. I only tuned in to the game when Mich had told me that Liverpool had scored 3 goal, kind of in disbelief,  then I thought that must be it for time on the game, mustn’t it? Then I tuned in on my iPad and the game had only been played for something like 78 minutes which was 1 minute before the 4th and final goal of the game was scored. Mich was very happy with the result and he doesn’t even support Liverpool, but then fair enough I was also happy with the unexpected turn of events, but I knew that the game wasn’t over there was still 11 more minutes left to play, and how quick can a goal be scored? It’s some ridiculously small amount of seconds, and they just needed 1 goal to tie the round, then they’d get through on the away goals rule. Then Liverpool stayed strong, they held off Barcelona, and they won the game set and match. Now next up is Tottenham Hotspur’s attempting to overturn the 1 goal deficit that they have got against Ajax, can they do it so we have got an all English final in the Champions League?

Monday 6 May 2019

Day 2090

Day 2090;

Today my BMI was 19.79, my steps had shrunk to only 12,001 (7.77 km) and I had burned off 1020 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, grapes, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: vegetable lasagna, green leaves, black leaves and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, Ribena, weird beer and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I am going snowboarding, apparently, so that’s probably going to be the most active thing that I have planned for tomorrow. If I get good enough at snowboarding I might then the winter Paralympic competition, for that also (if I can make it to 2022 for skiing, which I am doubtful of). Just for the next Winter Paralympics (and Olympics) if I really knuckle down with my fitness training and all of the sports that I do, I may manage to get into the 2020 Summer and 2022 Winter Paralympics for the sports that I do, I in truth have no chance of getting into either as I’m terrible at all of the summer sports and I’m bang average at winter sport, but then my ability gets inflated as not very many people actually do the winter sports, in the country that I live in.

Then today I have watched the most up to date episode of Game of Thrones, season 8 episode 4, Tyrion and Varys were having a kind of lovers spat, on who they should follow wether it’s Dany or should it be Jon. As Bran told Stansa and Arya, but they were sworn to secrecy by Jon, but then Stansa has to tell her husband (the little one not the dead one). Anyway it’s all interesting in a perverse kind of way, as Dany is wanting to rule Westeros, too much it seems.

Sunday 5 May 2019

Day 2089

Day 2089;

My BMI was 19.62, and my step count was 15,072 (9.76 km) and I had burned 1493 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (ham salad [green leaves and tomato], eclair, egg custard and apple turnover.
Dinner: fish, peas, potatoes and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow is a bank holiday so I’m unsure of what’s open, I haven’t got a clue of what I will be to do tomorrow, vu I know Tini is planning on taking me to the gym if it’s open that is.

Now today I have been on a bike ride to and fro the place which my GM’s living in. I have also been watching more of the Game of Thrones, I learned that it was season 4 episode 3 that I had watched up to. So I have decided to watch from that episode and it was in time to watch the new episode in the morning tomorrow. Before that I had managed to do stage 4 of the tour of Wattopia, but Mich’s iPad’s Bluetooth failed during the start of the ride, so I had to continue it on my iPad and it worked, I thought that the time that I got for it today may have actually beat Mich’s time the other week, but I’m not sure.

Saturday 4 May 2019

Day 2088

Day 2088;

A BMI of 19.92, I had walked 10,697 steps which was only 6.93 km and 1282 kcal burned.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, strawberries, orange, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner:  pie (chicken), carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, Jaffa cakes, strawberries and raspberry chocolate.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I am unsure of what I have lined up, for me to do. Which maybe as I know that I have got a tandem ride in the morning planned to get us, Mich and I, to the GM’s place of residence, then I’m unsure of what is going on in the afternoon as I might ride on the Zwift bike, stage 4, or I could be going to the gym or I could be doing both; no I won’t be doing both don’t get your hopes up Savage.

So the new TV arrived a couple of days ago I think but it’s good, I have been using it to watch through the Game of Thrones, I got to season 3 episode 3 I think, in my watch through. I wonder if I can get to season 4 before episode 4 of season 8 comes out because I’ve only got tomorrow left to watch it, I’m thinking that it’s very doubtful that I will be able, then I will have to get through season 5 before episode 5 comes out, which should probably be doable, I think at least. Anyway Dorne is a creepy place Cersei and Jamie Lannister should have just gone to there, then the whole of Brandon Stark’s journey wouldn’t have happened and that would mean that Arya Stark wouldn’t have become faceless which would have been great for the Night King to just stroll up to the land of Westeros and walkover it.

I had 2 team boccia matches today 1 we lost by a substantial margin, the other we won though, I was our teams captain, for both of the matches, so for the terrible game that we played in the first match I take full responsibility for. In the second match, we won the first end 2, then we lost the second end by 2, then the third we lost again by another 2, before the fourth end of which we won by 2, so the score was 4-4 going into the final 2 ends. End 5 was another victory for the opposition fortunately it was only by 1 point, so by the end of the 5th end it was 5-4 to the opposition. So it was the sixth end it was the final end unless we scored 1 which would take it into an extra end, after two shots, as they had thrown the jack they got the first shot in we got the second so I asked for my little fat dude on the end to roll it up which he did, so we were laying shot so then the opposition team had to take their 5 remaining shots all shots were further than our first in the end, so I asked Mr Dude to take his second shot which gave us a 2 shot lead but I hadn’t gone out to check otherwise I would have called an end to the end then, but I let Nut take her 2 shots, thankfully neither of her shots troubled the Jack so we were still winning the match by 1 shot, by this time I had enough sense to come out and check the locations of the balls. I decided that it’d be wiser for me to not take my throws, so we won the match by 5-6.

Friday 3 May 2019

Day 2087

Day 2087;

Today my BMI was 19.69, I had stepped 21,549 times doing which I had walked 13.95 km and I have burned 1336 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: I cannot remember.
Dinner: turkey, peas, chips, Jaffa cakes, strawberries and raspberries in white chocolate.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I have boccia, I think it’s for the whole day, so I probably won’t have enough time to do stage 4 of Wattopia, thankfully I should start have the next day, but I’m unsure if I will have enough time for that the on that day either, so here’s for hoping?

Then today I have been to the gym which surprised me slightly, thankfully I was already kitted upon the correct attire for the gym, so when Tini arrived and demanded me be ready to go I only had to get my shoes on to have myself ready, of course Tini had to make a scene of it.

By my watch I had made double my goal in steps by the time that I had finished in the gym. So that was a bonus. It helped that I had already stepped 10,000 before lunch today, so the afternoon was a slight disappointment also. 

Thursday 2 May 2019

Day 2086

Day 2086;

My BMI was up to 20.05 today, I had walked 12,278 steps which was only 7.95 km and I had managed to burn 1438 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: baked beans with mini sausages and cheese, carrot cake and chocolate cake.
Dinner: fish, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, potatoes, apple pie and cream egg trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I am not even expecting to go to the gym, instead I am going to have to have myself a go on some more of the  gym equipment which is at my home. I’m wondering if I am going to be able to catch up on stage 4 of the tour of Wattopia, tomorrow?

Now today I have had another lazy day, with just a little bit of running outside, the quarter of a mile between GM’s and my home, which I did quite quickly, in reality. If my watch is to be believed, as it said that I ran it at an average speed of something like 8 mph, which is something like 3 mph quicker than I have managed to get inside. I wasn’t even going that quick, at least I didn’t think that I was traveling that speed.

Then before that event I had been inside the GM’s house, helping them clear it out, as I’m thinking that they are planning on renting it out to a family who wants to send they’re children to a local school, I think it’s something like the postcode lottery or something. But I’ve never really got the postcode lottery, as in what is it? Is it a thing like the national lottery or does it have something to do with the location that you live and all of the shenanigans around it, like the sea side or shops, as I have heard people refer to the location as if it was a postcode lottery, and then they’ve got those adverts on the box which say about the peoples lottery which is where they are attempting to get many people to group together and then pay for them to not pull your groups name out of a thing.

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Day 2085

Day 2085;

My BMI was 19.92, the amount of steps I had taken were 16,549 which gave me a distance of 10.72 km and I had burned 1448 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef in wholemeal bread) and chocolate cake.
Dinner: pasta meatballs (quorn), mushroom, apple pie and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I should be able to get to the gym and I should be going down to the polling office so I can exercise my democratic rights, which is basically putting 2 crosses beside 2 names on a piece of paper, to vote for 2 people which are going to represent the people from this political ward of this constituency on the local council.

The flags up all over the place are Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties, but I don’t really want either of them to win the elections. As the Conservatives have proved themselves to be incompetent and the Liberal Democrat’s have thrown there toys out of their cots, as they didn’t get the result that they wanted in the last referendum, so they have decided to ignore democracy, and they’re going to give it to us again to vote on as if we didn’t know what we were voting for the last time we voted, to “hopefully” get the vote overturned, without enacting the result of the last one first. Which I personally believe is deplorable, they say that they’re attempting to stop Brexit but why? Don’t they think that we are an old enough nation to make it on our own, without the big brother esk hand of the EU on top of our hand guiding us so that we won’t make a “mistake”.

Now I have 2 songs which can be used to describe my emotions (I think) on this topic the first is by oasis, it’s called “Little by little” and it is to say have a bit of patience, just work through the problems little by little if need be, it doesn’t all have to be done right away, it can be done little by little if need be so now all of this millennial desire to have it all and to have it now much like the following Queen song, “I want it all”.

Also in the past few days both Tottenham and Liverpool have lost in their Champions League semifinals, as Tottenham only lost by one goal, meanwhile Liverpool lost by 3, so that is pretty disappointing for the FA.