Sunday 31 March 2019

Day 2054

Day 2054;

Today my BMI was 20.18, I had taken 10,039 steps which was 6.50 km and I had burned 1228 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, grapes, apple and yogurt.
Lunch:chicken, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, peas, bread n’ butter pudding, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries.
Dinner: chocolate cake, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, elderflower and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I have got athletics on, what else I don’t know about, so hopefully there’s something on tomorrow. Then today I have had an excellent day as I have been eating a lot of fruit and vegetables which was very tasty and I have been watching a thing about veganism (nothing to do with what I have eaten) I have also played a bit on my Switch, had a bit of exercise on the gym equipment and we had a walk to the GAK’s place. So that was how I got my steps in.

While I was skiing today I had a lot of fun despite my eyes, my eyes are a part of me so I’m literally saying that I’m to blame for my falls.

Saturday 30 March 2019

Day 2053

Day 2053;

Today my BMI was 20.18, as I had only managed to do 10,500 steps (6.80 km) and I had burned 882 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: sandwich (prawn, salad, tomato and beetroot) and something.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, broccoli, green beans, cauliflower and Tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I plan to go skiing, at the nearest snow park to my abode. Then I’m taking an old school friend along as well, which should be fun. Especially as he was a very good skier, from what I have seen. I wonder if Mich is going to take his go pro win us? It’ll get his go pro some much needed use.

Then today it’s been as I expected I had some boccia, and I had some playtime on Pokémon I am thinking that I also managed to get the eighth gym badge, so it probably should be limited time until I beat up elite four.

Friday 29 March 2019

Day 2052

Day 2052;

BMI today was 20.18 which continued in the theme of yesterday, I had stepped 19,151 times or a distance of 12.40 km and I have burned 1851 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes,banana, pear, apple, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese with wholemeal bread), cherry bakewell, tunocks wafer and Jaffa cakes.
Dinner: Indian takeaway feast and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (raspberry), water and hot Ribena.

So what I have done today is go out on a tandem ride to visit the GM, what is a kumode? I’m slightly understanding that it is what she says every time that she wants the loo nowadays, but what is a kumode?  Her leg is now out of plaster, so she has been walking a bit more, like how she had managed to get to bingo for when we’d arrived at her accommodation and she was having her haircut by the time that we were leaving.

So then today I have been to the place clever foliage to visit my GM, then I have rode the tandem over some hills on the return trip. Following this I took a shower and I played for a bit on Pokémon. Then tomorrow I have got boccia practice and that’s about it that I have planned, but then if I can speculate on what else I am thinking about doing it will probably be something fitnesses related and playing on Pokémon.

Thursday 28 March 2019

Day 2051

Day 2051;

My BMI today was 20.28, I had taken 13,567 steps (8.78 km) and I have burned off 1214 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: baked beans with mini sausages, rice cakes and cherry bakewell.
Dinner: salmon, broccoli, carrots, green beans, crochet potatoes and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Today I think I have been to the dentist in the morning and in the afternoon I have been to the gym, which was only as Mich was cleaning the tandems, else I’d have gone out on a tandem in the afternoon (as Tini hates taking me to the gym but I don’t know why, she only stands or sits around playing on her phone. It’s not as if she actually spends any time on her physical fitness; anymore. I think that she got into Yoga in something like the late 90’s, but then I think that she gave up and decided to get fat around about the start of the 00’s it consided with a traumatic event taking place, I’m guessing, I’m guessing that the event was traumatic not that the event happened back then, as I can remember it.

Such a shame that my short term memory isn’t as good.

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Day 2050

Day 2050;

My BMI was up to 20.41, meanwhile my steps were down to 8202 (which was only 5.31 km) and I had burned 955 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten with lemon drizzle cake and chocolate cake.
Dinner: seafood pasta, lemon meringue pie and cream egg trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit tea (with milk), fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: chocolate cake and Jaffa cakes.

The tale of Brexit is as follows; the PM calls a vote, the result of the vote comes in its not as he’d planned it to be so he quits his job as PM (as he believes that he’s no longer up to the job) the next leader comes in, she enacts the article that is supposed to get us out of the thing that the referendum was about. The then she sits on her hands waiting for the clock to run down, until just before the article expires (better that way than after it expired, or would it?) now they’ve got a 2 week extension for what? I don’t know no one knows, I’m guessing you could say that it’s to get Mrs May’s deal through the Parliament but they must know that the whole idea of that is going to fail, so what are they trying to get? They want a revote on the question wether to leave or remain? The thing is with the second vote on our membership of the EU, is what if the result is the same, or even if leave wins by an even greater number? You’re still in the same position of not knowing what you’re doing to respect the will of the people, you’re no closer to finding an agreement within the house, you will have just wasted your time, and then again a house divided cannot stand, as an old proverb said (I think), and the House of Commons is a divided house they can’t get a consensus on any deal that is put in front of them.

Tomorrow I’m going to the dentist and then I’m unsure of what I will be doing the rest of the day but I am sure that they’ll have something else in the Brexit debacle for me to type about tomorrow,

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Day 2049

Day 2049;

My BMI was 20.05, I had done 10,111 steps (which was 6.55 km) and I burned 1116 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, grapes, blueberries, apple, blackberries and yogurt.
Lunch:coleslaw, potato salad,  cottage cheese, pork pie,mini sausages and lemon drizzle cake.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, chicken nuggets and chocolate egg cake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snack: 1 quality street chocolate.

Today I have had a slightly lazy day, as in I got myself up, then I spent ages on eating, well it was that I spent so long eating breakfast that lunch came by soon after I had finished. Then after lunch I had set myself up on the bike for a short Zwift ride of 30 minutes I think I managed to get over 8 miles around NYC.

Then later on today I had a little trip to the gym, in the gym I did another little kind of thing on the lateral trainer, before a load of weight machines before a final little burst on the exercise bike. But I never went on the piece of gym equipment that you’re supposed to be like a bird in flight when you pull your arms together in order to lift the weight, not the chest press, pectoral fly? I’m unsure but I know that it has 2 separate settings to do two different muscles.

Then again I also remember having another run around Kanto in order to boost my step count to a decent number for the day.

Monday 25 March 2019

Day 2048

Day 2048;

Today my BMI was 19.69, my steps were 22,790 (which gave me 14.76 km) and I had burned 1608 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cottage cheese, ham, tomato in wholemeal bread), lemon drizzle cake and chocolate cake.
Dinner: Chinese takeaway feast, chips and cream egg trifle.
Drinks:  milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: 1 quality street chocolate.

But sorry MP’s, Brexit means Brexit, it means Britain leaving/exiting the EU, and it’s institutions. We all knew that when we cast our votes, we all knew the scaremongering stories when we cast the votes, but we cast the votes the way we did and guess what Brexit won, so you should be getting on with leaving instead of playing politics with your chums over there in the EU, stop insulting the people who voted you into office because the majority of the people that voted for you to get into office weren’t the elites that were down there in London today or the other day, however many people you are saying got time off of there job, or that could be they’re jobs (as if Corbyn or one of his friends just got bored one day and decided to rally around a load of people that were unemployed to get them to march around London a bit then they get paid and they go along with their lives), it was a national vote and London lost. The EU has already extended article 50 to the 12th of April. But that’s so she can get her deal through Parliament, it’s not so the government can have a series of votes, are you people in the houses of commons stupid or something?

Then today I have done some rowing, bouncing and walking. Which was after I had already been jogging on the spot for a bit around Kanto I have noticed that I had done gym leaders 5 and 6 the wrong way around, I had done Sabrina yesterday and today I’ve done Koga, which I believe that in the original games you could cycle down a track, route 17, which leads you to Koga from up there in Sabrina’s town, but I have only just got onto going on the route 17 and one of the first people I met there said that Bikers give her the creeps, I know it was something similar to that but it wasn’t that. Before that I had walked down to the hairdresser, Mich had a pleasant enough natter with the hairdresser then it was after that that I beat down Koga before turning onto route 17, without a bike.

Sunday 24 March 2019

Day 2047

Day 2047;

My BMI today was 19.95, I had taken 27,820 steps (which was 18.01 km, in distance) and I had burned 1536 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cottage cheese, tomato, ham in wholemeal bread) and something.
Dinner: salmon carrots, green beans, cauliflower, peas, broccoli, new potatoes, lemon meringue pie and Jaffa cakes.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, elderflower and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I have a plan for what I should do, as I know that Mich is going off someplace, so no laugh down athletics club, I wonder if Tini is planning on taking me to the gym? I doubt that she’ll be home in time to take me at least m as I have got the new Rowing Machine now to go on, also.

The Rowing Machine I did go on today as I decided that it’d be less of a waste to use this solar energy which was in abundance, to power the switch, rather then the battery powered Rowing Machine.

So today we first went out on the tandem and Mich was saying that we flew around the 36 miles, which we had made in about 2 hours 25 minutes.

Saturday 23 March 2019

Day 2046

Day 2046;

It really was another lazy day my BMI was up to 20.15, my steps were down at only 6610 (which was 4.28 km) and I had only burned 788 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: bread (wholemeal), egg, ham, banana, strawberries, apple, orange and yogurt.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, peas, broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, new potatoes and a tart (with nectarine and peach).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, elderflower and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow is going to be another lazy day I think, at least I have no plans for it, so it could be a nice and active day tomorrow, as I got a new rowing machine as a gift for the anniversary of my existence, and it has been put together today so I have been playing on it for 10 minutes of the past 60 minutes, which was fun. Then what wasn’t as fun was going to see the football team that I support loose again today, they are still leaking goals, but now they aren’t scoring any either, as a way of counteracting. But fortunately my first team/England is doing better, what was it again the score in the last match they played, 0-5 I think, I think that the local team that I support could do with getting some tips from the national team.

I have also had boccia practice this morning, at boccia practice today I don’t know what happened during practice. My day was just taken over by the football match that I went to see, and the rowing machine; which is awesome.

Friday 22 March 2019

Day 2045

Day 2045;

I had a BMI of 19.85, I had only taken 13,869 steps (which was only 8.98 km) and I had burned 1124 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: toasted sandwich (cheese and pickle).
Dinner: pastry (with nectarine and peach) and strawberries.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: M and M’s eggs.

Tomorrow should probably be another lazy day as it is another boccia day and it’s also another football match that I have, to go to see. This day so far I have played some more on Pokémon: Let’s go Eevee, as I have been walking around Kanto a bit now I’m unsure of whether I got Lapras last night or this morning, but I got it off a bloke from I think that place that I drove Team Rocket out of last night, I think it’s the Silph building, anyway I got a Master Ball from it, now if I did that last night it must have been this morning that I went off to beat up then capture the Snorlax. Which was new, for the game, in this game it makes catching the Pokémon more difficult, and more fun, from my perspective at least, as it is no longer just pressing A, when you have selected the Pokéball on a menu, which you can still do in part on the game, but the actual method of throwing them has changed to a flick of the wrist, you can also miss the Pokémon that you’re aiming for by throwing it to the sides or too far up or down and then there’s the actual Pokémon that you’re attempting to capture, they move around the screen.

Now today there’s been the some of the Euro 2020 Qualifiers this is the same competition that Scotland lost in 1 - 0 to a team that plays on Artificial turf, I think it was some team like Kazakhstan, which is in Asia isn’t it? So why is it attempting to get in the Euro’s? Oh that’s why, basically Kazakhstan is so big it crosses two continents. Well I never knew that, so it’s good that I now do know, I don’t know why it’s good, but it may come up in a pub quiz or something similar some time, in the future, probably if I go to another one that is.

Thursday 21 March 2019

Day 2044

Day 2044;

BMI was up to 20.21, steps were 19,263 which meant I’d only walked 12.47 km and I had burned 12,70 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, banana and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese, ham, pickle in wholemeal bread) and sponge cake.
Dinner:  gammon, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, green beans, baked potato, cream egg trifle and profiteroles.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: M and M’s eggs.

Now so much for tomorrow, as I know that I have an appointment with the gym, that’s in the afternoon, the morning is still to play for. So I may just go for a cycle in the morning on Zwift, tomorrow I think is around it’s NYC, as it was probably London yesterday and today, as it was London the day prior, I can remember seeing something on the calendar which had these 3 days a different colour from the preceding day and the two successive days.

Now the final pieces are setting the delay to Brexit, or as preferable a no deal Brexit. Well it’s within our grasps now, they just need to grow some balls and take it to the EU by saying that we aren’t going to take this anymore we are going to leave on the 29th of March with no deal and watch the other EU leaders squirm. But that isn’t going to happen as the British MP’s have all but taken no deal off the table. Unless Mr speaker allows them to put Mrs May’s deal in front of parliament again which was taken down by the speaker at her last attempt of running it for a third time, something about not allowed to run the same deal through parliament twice (but I know that it has already gone through twice the second time, I think it had some amendments to it). So what are they planning to do? It’s either take Mrs May’s deal and get an extension that way (which I cannot see happening), ask for a longer extension (which I can see happening, it also means that we will have to take part in the next EU elections,  not preferable), revoke article 50 (which is probably the EU’s favourite option) and finally leaving without a deal (my preferred option).

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Day 2043

Day 2043;

The BMI of this day was 20.02, I had taken 19,187 (which did myself a distance of only 12.42 km) and I had only managed to burn 1125 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, banana and yogurt.
Lunch: bread (wholemeal), butter, cheese, scotch eggs, mini sausages and something.
Dinner: pasta meatballs (quorn balls), cheese, cream egg trifle and Jaffa cakes.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: M and M’s eggs.

Now tomorrow I am planning on going for a little cycle, if I get my steps to 10,000 before lunchtime. But today I have managed to get my steps to 10,000 before lunchtime, but I just continued on jogging around Kanto for the rest of the day because I couldn’t be sure that Tini wasn’t going to take me to the gym today and she hates taking me to the gym, she thinks what is the point if I’m already stinky from being on the bike. She also thinks that she shouldn’t make an effort in getting herself fit, this is the same woman that has a daughter that thinks that I am too skinny, as in anorexic, just as she can see some of my bones, like my vertebra on my back but I have never seen it and I don’t know, but if she wants fat on me just look at my waist I’ve got a couple of little bulges just beneath my waist.

Today on my Switch I played a bit more of Pokémon: Let’s go Eevee, I beat Erika (the Gym Leader) also today, which brings my gym badge total up to 4 now, I even managed to get the flying gizmo which is weird, as you can’t fly on the back of a Pidgey anymore, I just had to go upto a man that was holding some gadget which had balloons attached to it and he then said that with the gizmo Eevee can now make you fly. That was after I got myself a Charzard, which if I equip it, as in select it as the Pokémon was that I’m walking with I can hover around on it’s back. Which is fun, at least until you meet one of those things that you jump over before it ruins the experience.

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Day 2042

Day 2042;

My BMI was 19.79, steps I had taken 23,430 which was 15.17 km I had burned 1399 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blueberries and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten again.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten but I think that I had some bread with either of the meals I have forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: M and M’s eggs.

Tomorrow is another day that I am unsure of the happenings of tomorrow, wasn’t the Happenings a film? I am unsure but if it was I think it’s a film of the horror genre. I know why, it’s because I’m thinking that I have seen an advert for a film which I think had a Sixth Sense vibe about it, I know that the Sixth Sense isn’t really a horror film but it’s got ghosts in it, spoiler warning like the main character Mr Bruce, I do believe, I see dead people, and my phycologist/counsiler is one. It’s not like ghost where the ghost has to learn how to impact the world around him and save his girlfriend/wife from the people, which also isn’t a horror film. But then there’s 13 ghosts which I do believe is a horror film, but I cannot remember what happens in my but I can remember a lot of little things that are there to make you jump.

Ok how did that spring from the word Happenings, who were a band, which formed in 1961 and they discontinued their work in 1970, so a long time ago . So I could say that the Happenings happened a long time ago. But that’s not important what is important is the fact that Team Sky will continue under the name Team INEOS after Sky was pulling out of backing them, as they have now got the backing of Sir Jim Ratcliff, whoever he is? Apparently he’s the wealthiest man in Britain, so good luck to him with his newest investment, I hope that Team INEOS can become as good as team Sky was.

Monday 18 March 2019

Day 2041

Day 2041;

BMI result was back at 10.11, I had made 24,830 steps (16.08 km) and I had burned 1471 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries , blueberries, raspberries, banana and yogurt.
Lunch: potato salad, coleslaw, 
Dinner: beef, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, sponge cake, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot Ribena.
Snacks: M and M’s eggs.

Now tomorrow I am unsure of what to do probably more of today, and then maybe I will get a bit more active  than I did today? Today I had the man from SSE come around to fit us a smart meter. Our electricity consumption was £0.01 at least while the sun was up, but our gas consumption was running at something like £3.06 per hour, so I decided to go into the front of the house and turn the radiators down, as in Tini’s room she had her radiator on full pelt and she wasn’t even in the room. So I turned off three radiators, and hey presto our gas consumption disappeared.

Then again today I have been playing on my Switch as I hadn’t made it up to 10,000 steps by lunch, so I was running around Kanto for large portions of the day. Beating up Misty and Lt Surge as I go on. As well as getting Eevee all trained up in the art of flash and cut, which now a days has no need for a Pokemon to learn the HM, I wonder what’s going to go out for surf? As rock break is probably going to be another Eevee move, like cut, hang with on a moment what were the HM’s from the original? Ok so from in the original it went:
HM01- Cut
HM02- Fly
HM03- Surf
HM04- Strength 
HM05- Flash 
So I’ve got HM01 and HM05, HM04 is most probably similar to the first two (01 and 05) fly and swim I will probably first have to get a Pokémon that can fly, and one that can swim. At the moment I’ve got a Charmelion and a Wartortle so perhaps at the next evolution of Charmelion (into Charazard) it can fly me to places? And then with Wartortle in his fully evolved form, (Blastoise) I may be able to travel on his back across the vast waters of Kanto? To go to Cinebar Island, I do believe.

Sunday 17 March 2019

Day 2040

Day 2040;

My BMI was 19.98, I had walked only  12,609 steps which was 8.16 km and I had burned 808 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: soufflé, beef, cauliflower, broccoli, peas, carrots, potatoes,Queen of puddings and a fruit salad (strawberries, blueberries and raspberries).
Dinner: sponge cake with strawberries, blueberries and raspberries ontop.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: M and M’s eggs.

Now today was a special day, pity I missed it out yesterday in my preview of today. Then again tomorrow I have no idea what I am doing, all I know is I am not going to athletics and I don’t think that I’m going to the gym either, but what is planned for me to do is unknown.

As I was stating at the start of this post, it was a special day today. It was Flow’s special day and while they were out visiting relatives I managed to get in a Zwift ride, it was only a small ride about London. Which was after I had a little walk around outside of which I was doing until Flow arrived to inform Tini and Mich that she’d arrived.

Now I think that I have added everything that happened to me, apart from when I was in agreement with Emu about the New Zealand handling of the Terrorist attacks, which was about how they were only saying that it was the right that attacked the 2 mosques, I think that I have already outlined my perspective on this story, I’ll just go into it again just in case I haven’t. Islamic has nothing to do with with where you are on the political spectrum, just as with right wing has nothing to do with religion, now the fact remains that more of the religious hardliners (fundamentalists) are on the right of the political spectrum, so why don’t they say that the Islamic terrorists are on the right? Probably as they are not, especially not in the west as the left wing has spent a lot of money in attempting to get the backing of the new imagrants votes who are generally from the Islamic country’s as the only way that they are going to get any power is from the votes that they bought, or that is how it is supposed to work.

Saturday 16 March 2019

Day 2039

Day 2039;

My BMI today was 20.34, as I had only done 10,077 steps which was 6.52 km and I have only managed to burn 698 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: fish, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, Bakewell tart and ice-cream.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: M and M’s eggs.

Now today I have been exceptionally lazy, even though I have managed to get my steps in, quite literally for the hour up until I had my weigh in I jogged on the spot. Then earlier on during the day I had boccia practice and then it was to watch the six nations, and from what I watched Italy played the best in the first game and lost the game, Ireland never appeared to be anywhere in the game but they managed to get a try at the death of the game as a consolation for being totally beaten by the Welshies 25-7, and England were in such a dominant position at the halftime 31-7 and the Scottish managed to turn the score around by the end of the second half 7-31, so the full time score was 38-38, it was a remarkable game. But the English women’s team managed to put 80 past the Scottish women without response, to win the grand slam.

So that was my day, I had also played a bit on my Switch, Pokémon: Let’s go Eevee.

Friday 15 March 2019

Day 2038

Day 2038;

My BMI today is still 20.11, my steps were 20,817 which was 13.48 km and I have burned 1147 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: toasted sandwich (cheese) and a Belgium bun.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas, Bakewell tart and ice cream .
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: M and M’s eggs.

Now this morning/last night (New Zealand time) their has been a terrorist attack in New Zealand, it was on two mosques in Christchurch, which was probably two Christian terror attacks, instead of the usual Islamic terror attacks but the New Zealand media has circled around the “fact” that they were right wing and ran with it, so I have got a couple of questions for the media, what makes it ok for them to label a foreign in origin wave of terror attacks by a religion and not the domestic terror attacks? Is it because they would be condemning a branch of their own faith, so instead it’s easier to label the opposite side of the political spectrum, as the bigots? What is Islamic terror is it on the left of the political spectrum or something, so it’s to be protected or something? Sounds like the bigotry of low expectations to me which is being deployed by the mainstream media, at least in New Zealand. All I am asking for is for the media to hold terror attacks to the same standards, not by going down the route to the immediate political point scoring.

Tomorrow I think that I have got boccia planed to go off to play, then I’m thinking nothing for the rest of the day, so I could just have another lazy day. Or I could do some other stuff like exercises, at least I know that western civilisation is over now m we are just waiting for it to end, it has reached its pinnacle and is on its way down. Some promising things have been happening on the space front it’s too little too late though, I think as the birth rates have decided, by my age my father had already had me, with my mother.  Who is younger than him, and none of their children are mothers or fathers, Emu is married but they are working on their careers rather than furthering they’re genes. Meanwhile I don’t have a chance to be getting anything sorted out within passing my genes, as I have only just discovered that there was a female who thought that I was good looking back in the days of my youth, she probably wouldn’t be as complementary now, as I look disabled nowadays, it’s just the ways that people look and speak to me now, It’s as if the lights are on, inside my head, but nobody’s home

I’ll try to explain, remember what Yoda said about trying, yes I do, sorry I meant I will explain my meaning to the comment on bigotry of low expectations. My point about New Zealand media has got a problem with the bigotry of low expectations, is the way that they say that the right of the political landscape is the problem, that is the whole of the right, so not even Mrs May would be exempt, if it was Britain which they were talking about, New Zealand is, I’m guessing, Jeremy Corbyn where everyone on the opposite side is labelled as a Margret Thatcher, even if you’re not, you could just disagree with Corbyn in one aspect and and that’s heresy for some of the left leaning millennials. But the bigotry of New Zealand at how they are are obviously holding the Islamic country’s in the world to a much lower standard than the western world, ignoring the facts that have got the western world’s civilisation’s days are numbered. So at least I hope that I have explained it well enough, it’s not as good as my initial thoughts on the topic but I cannot remember the exact thoughts that I had.

Thursday 14 March 2019

Day 2037

Day 2037;

Today my BMI was back up to 20.11, my steps were 16,171 which was 9.82 km and I had burned off 1232 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: toasted sandwich (corned beef and cheese) and something.
Dinner: chicken korma, chicken tikka masala, pillow rice, potatoes, nan bread, popadom and chocolate cream egg trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: M and M’s eggs.

I have drunk some of my own blood before now, just as I have ate some of the mainly dead bits of skin from my hands not forgetting now the scabs that I have ate in the past, but just because I have eaten all of those little, insignificant, parts of myself shouldn’t make me a cannibal now, should it? Now I am open to cannibalism I’m letting you know but I have never been instructed to eat anyone for breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack, so I haven’t. I wonder how different a vegan tastes from a meat eater?

Back now with what is going on tomorrow... I am unsure of what is going to happen tomorrow probably much like I was today. Which I first up got my 10,000 steps in the morning, by my watch. Now when I had managed to do that it was already almost time up on the morning, so I only had enough time to get in a jog around my room before the time was up. In the afternoon I managed to get in half an hour on the exercise bike, and half an hour on the rowing machine before a final half an hour on the trampoline.

Just as I would like to state that English clubs are doing well in the European competitions, seeing as how the four English clubs have managed to get through to the final 8 in the Champions League, as Arsenal and Chelsea are both through to the last 8 of the Europa League, if only our politicians could be as good at getting us out of the EU, as the EU has nothing to do with Football, I know that the EU has managed to get it’s fingers in the footballing pie, but seriously what is the point of politicising sport? You should get your money grabbing hands out of sports EU. It’s supposed to be a fair playing field that they are playing on, not one that is contrived by yourselves.

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Day 2036

Day 2036;

Today my BMI was 19.92, my steps were 15,598 which was 10.10 km and I apparently had burned 986 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, pear, apple, orange, banana and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner:  I’ve forgotten and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: M and M’s eggs.

Tomorrow is another day different from today, maybe I will be getting back on Mich’s bike for a little cycle around on Zwift tomorrow, I am unsure of what I have planned for tomorrow. As I don’t think that I have got another session in the gym planned out, which could mean naught as I was unsure about it today then I think that I went to the gym today this afternoon.

Ok so today I have had a mini jog around to get my steps up to a decent number before l stopped for lunch. Today I also added a new keyboard for what I am uncertain of but I believe that it should help me it’s a keyboard but it’s in mandarin so that’s going to be interesting. Then after that on this day I have been to the gym, it was only for another one of my goes on the lateral trainer followed by the exercise bike, I didn’t get any time on the weight machines.

Is there any other interesting things that I did today, I cannot remember, I guess that sums up my life, I probably would have a lot to say about it if only I could remember it and speak. Then you’d probably have my unappealing face to look at as I read all that I did today out on YouTube or some similar platform, but if 1 good female friend is to be believed I was “definitely a looker” back in the days of my past. So that’s something.

Tuesday 12 March 2019

Day 2035

Day 2035;

Today I had a BMI of 19.95, I had taken 17,564 steps which gave me a distance of 11.37 km and I have burned 1139 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: vegetable spring roll, sausage roll, monster munch and banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: M and M’s egg’s.

Tomorrow never comes, as soon as you get there then the next day is tomorrow but tomorrow from the standpoint of today, the 12th of March, is the 13th of March but it’s not a Friday. So tomorrow from the standpoint of today I haven’t got the foggiest idea of what I will be doing, I just hope that going to the gym will be an option as I thought that it was said that going to the gym was an option for Wednesday this week, I could have been misinformed on the topic.

Today I have first been for a couple of little jogs around the place where I live, I even managed to get my 10,000 steps for today done and dusted before lunchtime, then I had a slightly more lazy afternoon, meaning I only really cycled for an hour and for the rest of the day I must've pretty much done nothing.

My imagination has been working quite a bit recently, it has been wiring around about Captain Marvel, or Ms Marvel as she used to be called, in the olden days, as wasn’t the original Captain Marvel an alien dude, Captain Mar-Vel I think he had grey skin or a grey costume back then also, but Ms Marvel was along side with the flash across her chest. And obviously Captain Marvel (SHAZAM) the character from DC, as I have been watching both of their films trailers on YouTube recently, and I’ve got to say that both look amazing but DC’s looks better, which hasn’t been the case over the past few years.

Monday 11 March 2019

Day 2034

Day 2034;

On this day I have got a BMI of 20.18, steps I had made were 15,770 (10.21 km) and I had burned 1415 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: bread, chips, peas and Yorkshire pudding.
Dinner: seafood pasta, cheese and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: Eccles cake, Batternburg, lemon drizzle cake and chocolate eggs.

So tomorrow I don’t know what I will be doing , I am just guessing that I will probably be a bit interested in getting my steps up to 10,000 before, or at the very least around, 12 midday. Then after that I am planning on going on a little Zwift ride, so that’s my morning and afternoon plans sorted. Now I want to get a nice little 161 km cycle on the Zwift bike sometime, in the future, it’s just as I would like to see how long it takes me on my own, as I know that with Mich on the front of his Tandem we did the Prudential Ride London a couple of years ago, so I wonder if it is actually set up to give you the full PRL course on the Zwift? As I have seen the signs for it.

Today I have been to athletics and I have accidentally ran into another “athlete” if I could call myself one of those, at least I ran into an athlete as I was using the sound of his feet hitting the track to navigate, then the sounds of his feet stopped, as I thought that I had lost him as I knew that he was stretching his advantage over me I thought that he had just got too far in front of me so I picked up my pace slightly and I barrelled into him. Sorry again.

Then today I have been interested in Captain Marvel, not enough to go out to the Cinema to watch it though, on the super hero films that have got a main character that has been called Captain
Marvel as lead character DC has got you beat hands down with SHAZAM, just on trailers. I know that Captain Marvel  looks pretty good from the trailers, but I don’t really want to go to the cinema, not to see anything I am happy enough to wait to watch it on DVD whenever they are out. Captain Marvel seems to be more of a serious film with a bit of Nick Fury doing the comic relief with his scotch about cats then in DC they’ve got SHAZAM who was called Captain Marvel, in a previous existence positively similar Captain Marvel was called Ms Marvel in the past. SHAZAM is just like a pg version of Deadpool from what I gathered from the trailers that I have seen, minus the audience participation he’s got a sidekick to bounce off.

Sunday 10 March 2019

Day 2033

Day 2033;

Today my BMI was 20.20, I had taken 14,857 steps (which was 9.62 km) and I had burned 836 kcal off.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: gammon, broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, carrots, pineapple and chocolate trifle.
Dinner: cold hot crossed bun, Eccles cake, lemon drizzle cake and Jaffa cakes.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: M and M’s eggs.

Today I have been on another hour long cycle in the morning, it’s so much easier if you get it in the correct gear, unfortunately I missed out on the target of getting the Zwift bike to 50 km. No excuses for my lack in form today, as Mich said that just above 24 km/h was about 15 mph which is our average on the tandem, on a good day. So today we had a good day on our tandem. But it was only on one Zwift bike. On a future day I am hoping that I make it up to 161 km on Zwift of which I probably should manage it in approximately six hours fourty minutes at least judging from the above data. Then that’s for a future day. Not tomorrow as I don’t believe that I’ll have enough time tomorrow

So last night I watched Fifth Element, which was a good film, such a shame that I didn’t review it when it was still fresh in my mind, as I have forgotten the majority of what happened in the film, minus the ending which was funny. As the president, goes to thank Leeluu and the other main character for doing the main points of the film which is literally save the world (Galaxy or Universe) from the darkness which was only a problem when they started to attack it. So Leeluu who was the fifth element had to go to a place where she was surrounded by the other 4 elements, fire water earth and air, in their block form so she could direct their power at the blob of darkness in order to defeat it.

Saturday 9 March 2019

Day 2032

Day 2032;

Now my BMI was up to 20.18, as I have only done 10,223 steps which were 6.62 km and I have only burned 812 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten, chocolate eclair and apple turnover.
Dinner: pie (steak and ale), cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, green beans and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks:  m and m’s eggs.

Now tomorrow, what day is it? Oh yes it’s Sunday the 10th tomorrow. So it’s not Monday tomorrow. How frustrating, I have more of a clue what is planned for me, Monday than tomorrow. So what I am planning on doing tomorrow I haven’t got a clue but I’m guessing that I may have another lazy day tomorrow, with another game in the six nations to watch on the box.

Today I have been to boccia practice today, I have also been out to watch a football match. Boccia practice today was boccia practice I don’t know what to state about it, but it was just the start of me having a lazy day. Then I continued on having a lazy day by going to the localish FC to watch them play another team, and they won, which was a shock to me.

Friday 8 March 2019

Day 2031

Day 2031;

My BMI was up again on yesterday’s result (it was at 19.92), as my steps increased to 18,434 (or 11.94 km) and my calories fell to 1224 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, yogurt, banana, pear, apple and orange.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef, cheese, pickle in wholemeal bread) and fruit cake.
Dinner: pizza (margarita and Hawaiian), chips and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: M and M’s eggs.

Now tomorrow I have got boccia and a football match to go to. I don’t think that I have any other plans for tomorrow. I’ll probably be lazy tomorrow though, as I cannot seem to motivate myself to do pretty much anything recently.

Well yesterday I got what I was going to do today incorrect as I had nothing to do today, so I just sat around for the morning and then I jogged on the spot while I was watching Galaxy Quest,

 I thought was really good in, I know I shouldn’t have been expecting it to be totally terrible, as it had Miss Aliens (Ripley) in as well as Monk and Snape, in it as well as some other actors, who I probably should remember. It was as I was looking at a Facebook post the other day and it had many, well nine, different sci-fi films. And on it said pick 2 the rest will be erased from history. I couldn’t pick it had on the list Galaxy Quest, Independence Day, Back to the Future,  Terminator, Starship Troopers, Jurassic Park, Super 8,  Fifth Element and Edge of Tomorrow.  Then I wasn’t sure that I’d even seen them, so I started off with Galaxy Quest and crew member 6 Guy got a surname, after dying in his first episode, he then helped the rest of the crew in the actual space battle and he got a surname, it was Guy Fleegman.

Then after that I watched a bit of the Fifth Element, I thought that I watched it a while back, then again I didn’t know whether I did or not. I don’t think that I ever have watched it in reality it must be the memes that I have seen about Leeloo (Mila from the Resident Evil films) and Bruce (from the sixth sense).

Thursday 7 March 2019

Day 2030

Day 2030;

My BMI was down to 19.85, my steps were up to 16,663 which is 10.79 km and I had burned 1547 kcal apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: baked beans with mini sausages, cheese, bread chocolate cake and lemon drizzle cake.
Dinner: fish, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, broccoli, potatoes and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, elderflower presse, water and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow my day will be a lazy one, as I am going to have to get up early, but not to do anything useful, it’s just to be a spare part as Mich has to take GM to an appointment, and he’s dragging me along with him, I have no idea why he has need of me, as we are going to a hospital, so they are going to take one look at me and they’ll think that the appointment is for me, apparently, just as Mich and Allergy were telling me a little while ago I may actually have a clue what they’re on about if only I could remember, but then it could be that I loose focus really easily on things that don’t interest me.

Now this morning I have been on the Zwift bike, for an hour, then later on today I had gone to the gym, as Tini said that she’d take me later on today but then she arrived late so it was a shortened session in the gym today. How disappointing. But then today I have reached 10,000 steps, and I have also managed to get my self over 10 km for each of the past 3 days. But also today I have managed to get a number with the number 666 in. 666 the number of the beast, Hell and fire was spawned to be released, I’m sorry I cannot help myself.

The strange thing has happened over the past few days, as my steps have gone up my account of calories burned has decreased, on the day prior.

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Day 2029

Day 2029;

BMI was 19.89, steps were 15,930 (10.31 km) and I had burned 1641 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops with mini sausages on bread and something.
Dinner: chicken kerma, chicken tikka masala, pilau rice, Bombay potatoes, nan bread, nectarine peach tart and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

I don’t know what my plans are for tomorrow, I’m just guessing that it’s going to be up to me what I do.

First up today/this morning /last night I watched the SheBelieves Cup, I don’t know what she believes it’s an American invention of female football, it’s been taking place for the last four years , the first was won by USA, the second year was won by France, the third it was won back by USA and that gets you to this year, it’s fourth, the team roster had changed from USA, France, England and Germany, to USA,  Japan, England and Brazil. England won it at the fourth time of asking.

MTottenham and Ajax went through in the Champions League yesterday, now today it was up to FC Porto v Roma and Paris Saint Germain v Manchester United. FC Porto needed Extra Time in order to knock Roma out of the competition, as the first leg of the match was Roma 2- 1 FC Porto, but the first 90 minutes of play today had resulted in the opposite score line FC Porto 2 - 1 Roma, so the score on aggregate the score was a tie at 3 goals a piece, and they had each scored 2 goals at home then obviously 1 away. So it went to extra time and FC Porto managed to get the winner, thanks to a VAR awarded penalty. Then the next match finished before the first match as the score from the first leg was Manchester United 0 - PSG 2, so it was going to have to be something new to see Manchester United get through as never before had a team come back from 2 goals behind in their home leg of a Champions League tie this far in the competition of which Manchester United was attempting to do 1 - 2 was the score from the first half of the game tonight, so Manchester still had to get 1 more goal without reply to go through on the away goals rule, 90 minutes had been played so it was into indury time when Markus Rashford stepped up to take the penalty (awarded by VAR), he scored it to eventually send Manchester through 1 - 3 on the night 3 - 3 on aggregate but 3 - 2 on the away goals rule.

Now today I have been on the treadmill, the trampoline and even the rowing machine, I have also been for a walk to the shops then to my GM’s house. The walk to the shop was to purchase milk (4 pints), a little pack of cheese slices and dinner which was a box of Indian takeaway food (which was Co-Op branded) so I carried it to GM’s place, where I gave the bag to Mich, he put it down in GM’s house while we there, then he returned the shopping to me to carry it home he made some comments about me being strong just carrying the bag, I wanted to say that he would have done the same if it was just him on his own carrying the shopping, so no big my arm only feels as if it’ll fall off now. It’ll be back to usual in the morning.

Monday 4 March 2019

Day 2028

Day 2028;

My BMI today is 19.76, as I had increased my steps to 15,852 (which is 10.26 km) and I’d managed to burn 1691 kcal, at least according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef) and chocolate cake.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: M and M eggs.

Now tomorrow I am planning to do some more on the Zwift bike, treadmill, trampoline and rowing machine, as I don’t think that I have any chance of going to the gym. I don’t understand what Tini and Allergy’s problems are with me getting fit, I know that Allergy is jealous of my weight/height (BMI)  as she is heavy and short (BMI of something like 25). Then again I also know that I probably eat at least as much as the two combined. It’s just my exercise level is much higher than both of theirs, probably combined.

I am still alive, unfortunately, my heart rate was up to 152 on the Zwift bike today, that was my first 61 minutes of intense activity that I had done this week. Which is funny as I’d only done just over half an hour on the Zwift bike.  Now that’s not all that I have done today, as I have been to the gym, and while I was at the gym I did another 140 intense minutes in the just more than 60 minutes that I spent in it, as I spent the first half an hour on the lateral trainer and I spent the second half on the exercise bike.

Day 2027

Day 2027;

Today my BMI was 20.11 again (even though someone else has told me that I have grown in the past few (so I don’t know what it’ll be if I take that into account, if it’s true), then my steps have continued to fall, to just 10,087 (which is 6.53 km) and I had burned 915 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef in wholemeal bread) and sponge cake.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.Now tomorrow I am planning on going to the gym in the afternoon, I have really got to get my heart beating, at a quicker rate, tomorrow as I have failed at doing that today, it could be as I have had a bit of a chilled out day with other than my hour walk for the morning I have just sat waiting for anybody else while watching some more of Gundam Wing, nobody came.

So I am thinking that the intensity minutes thing on my watch only counts if my heart rate goes up above one hundred, as I have done an hour bounce today and I only managed to get my heart rate up to about 99 for the hour on the trampoline and no minutes of activity, how is that possible? I’m meaning my heart rate was at 99. I’m meaning my heart rate was 180 odd for a jog on the spot the other day. When my heart rate was lower slightly on the bikes. But a heart rate of about half of that for a jog on the trampoline is beggers belief.

Sunday 3 March 2019

Day 2026

Day 2026;

On this day my BMI stayed constant from yesterday’s result, but my steps decreased by greater than half, to 12,351 (which meant that my distance walked was also down, to 8 km) but my calories burned was only down to 1390.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: chicken,green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots and charred pineapple dream cake.
Dinner: sandwich (corned beef in wholemeal bread), cold hot crossed bun, sponge cake and fruit cake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot Ribena.

Today I have been skiing, tomorrow I have no idea what I will be doing, just if I get the chance to I will have myself a treadmill  jog, a Zwift ride, a bounce and another row.

Changing directions while skiing is simple, you just need to put more pressure on the ski which is opposite to the direction of which you want to travel in. So say I was going down the slope and I wanted to go left to avoid a crashed out on the slope skier, I would just have to put more pressure on my right footed ski. Now I know that it sounds kind of unintuitive and whatelse, the words escape me. But then as long as you remember that you shouldn’t move your body around keep your body facing down the slope if you turn your body when your cornering, that’s when you might switch to backwards skiing. Which is fun and all but not necessarily what you’re looking to do.

Saturday 2 March 2019

Day 2025

Day 2025;

BMI was up again to 20.11, as my steps were up to 30,427 (which was equal to 19.70 km) and I had burned 1627 kcal today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, pear and orange.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: sausage casserole, mashed potato, vegetables and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: banana, apple, pear, orange, yogurt and biscuits.

Tomorrow I think I have got skiing, but what else I do not know, maybe I could fit in a quick go on the treadmill, perhaps even on the Zwift bike, as I am not going to able to ride around the local area on either one of the tandems. As I got that fun today.

So today I have been to boccia in the morning but then as I had returned home I found out that the boccia match tomorrow was cancelled, due to some fault in the oppositions bus, but I was thinking that it was at the oppositions ground, so why do they need a bus to get to their own ground? I mean do football teams coaches take home calls? I don’t know but I’d think not, it’s a bus not a taxi, a different is that busses have predefined starting and ending points, taxis don’t they just come to you and take you to where you want to go.

So today I have only managed to do just over 13,000 steps, by my watch which could be sad I have been having a lazy day until just after lunch when I went on the back of a tandem with Mich, on the tandem’s from..and we had done so well, we hadn’t been overtaken by another cyclist all journey until just about the end where we were suddenly disturbed by a man, who was this man you may ask, it was only the the club leader of the cycling club that we are kind of unofficial members of who came up to us, then he had a chat with Mich then he rode off home.. 

Friday 1 March 2019

Day 2024

Day 2024;

Today I have been sitting around lazily, BMI up to 20.02 steps were 11,144 or 7.32 km and 909 kcal burned today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese, chutney and ham in wholemeal bread) and something,
Dinner:scampi, chips, peas and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow, never comes, but other than that I am planning on going to practice a bit of boccia in the morning, then I’m unsure of what I’ve got planned for later tomorrow, the day after tomorrow I know that I’m missing another boccia match as I am skiing.

Now the other day, when we went out to see GAK, Mich was talking about Micheal Portilo and how he was doing a railways program on the TV. When the GAK abruptly stated “I don’t like Micheal Portilo, he’s gay” so what did Mich do as soon as he got home, he searched google is Micheal Portilo gay, and lord behold he isn’t, but he was for a couple of a length of time, within the scope of his marriage to a woman. That was a little humours story that I remembered from a previous day.

Then today I have had another lazy day minus the bike rides that I have got in. My steps via my watch were atrocious. As I am thinking that I only made a number just over 1000, instead of the just over 11,000 that I had done via my Wii Fit gizmo.