Thursday 31 January 2019

Day 1995

Day 1995;

I had a BMI of 20.05 today, my steps had decreased though (13,458/8.71 km disappointingly low) and I had increased my calories burned (1410 kcal).

Breakfast: cereal, yogurt, orange, banana, apple and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and pickle in wholemeal bread) and cake.
Dinner: pasta meatballs with cheese and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Today I have been on the turbo trainer and on the treadmill, so it’s a TT of exercise, despite not going fo a anywhere as a tourist or even having a chance to pick up a trophy, as that is what TT means Tourist Trophy.

Within my treadmill walk, which I started off by going slowly, it was at 5 kph, then I increased my speed to 6 kph, then after a little while I increased my speed to 7 kph but then from that point I decided to decrease my speed by 5 every other 4 minutes then on the other 4 minutes I’d Increase my speed to 7 kph, so I was basically continuously changing my speed between 6.5 and 7, for today the remaining about 36 minutes. For which my Wii Fit gizmo was saying that I was running, at that time.

On the turbo trainer today I rode around London, so with my last two days I have been to London on. All be it in a game the second time. Now I wonder if you have ever thought about a fusion of a couple of games, how about a fusion of the Legend of Zelda and GTA? You could play as Link, the scoundrel off Hyrule. Who was attempting to get into the bedchamber of the Princess when he was accosted into becoming the unlikely hero of Hyrule.

Wednesday 30 January 2019

Day 1994

Day 1994;

My BMI was 20.21, I had walked 18,252 (11.82 km) and I had burned 1240 kcal today, from walking around London and having a bounce.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, grapes, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef and cheese), Batternburg and fruit cake.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snack: 1 chocolate croissant.

On this day I have walked around London a bit for my eyes to get injected, but then we walked back to the train station in double speed, not literally but we walked back a relatively fast pace just to get the train that was supposed to leave relatively soon after we had arrived back at the station, but we got onto the train in time but then the train was cancelled, so we had to get another later train in order to get back to a station close to the one that we were using just so we could wait around for another train to get us back to the starting place, which was irritating.

So today we never got a bike ride in today, even though we had enough time, but we were just lazy. I know that I got another little bounce in today, it wasn’t very long or energetic so I can just write that off for activities that I have done today, basically.

Tuesday 29 January 2019

Day 1993

Day 1993;

19.82 was my decreased BMI, and I had walked less steps at 13,594 (only 8.80 km) and I had burned off 1240 kcal according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: sausages sandwich (wholemeal bread) and something.
Dinner: pie (minced meat), cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, green beans and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

So football today was interesting as both of the Manchester teams failed to win, and what’s more Manchester City lost their game, it was against the Premier League strugglers Newcastle, after leading the game 0-1 after 24 seconds Newcastle United first managed to equalise in the 66th minute before scoring a penalty in the 80th minute to give themselves the win, by 2-1, so congratulations to Newcastle they have kept Liverpool 4 points adrift at the top of the league, tomorrow we will see if Liverpool can take advantage of this unexpected event and grow the gap at the top out to 7 points, from the 4 points that separates them at the moment. Then after the good start under new management for Manchester United Manchester United come back after being 0-2 behind in the second half, to draw the game 2-2, which puts them 2 points off both Arsenal and Chelsea, but Chelsea have a game in hand on them, so the gap to Chelsea could be 5 points.

That’s enough about football, today I have started off by having a row, then I went on a walk to another house. Up next must have been that I’d been to the gym, where I broke my 10,000 step goal, on the Latteral Cross Trainer, by 44 steps, then next up in the gym I had a go on the exercise bike before returning home and having another half hour on the turbo trainer.

Monday 28 January 2019

Day 1992

Day 1992;

My BMI was 19.95 today, my steps were 17,614 (11.40 km) and 1640 kcal is the amount of kcal that I burned off.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, grapes, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: sausages, vegetable stew (peas, carrots and mushroom), dumplings, cream egg trifle and Jaffa cakes.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: 6 quality street chocolates.

Today I have been on the treadmill for a walk in the morning, it was a walk to watch a bit more anime, I think. Then later on today I had myself another ride around London. Now in a 10 minute cycle around Watopia I managed to average a speed of above 21 mph, I think, then for my almost hour ride today I managed to average 20.3 mph which isn’t really that bad in depreciation, considering the speed that I started off by reaching, I’m guessing that it was a miracle that I managed to average a speed of anything close to 20 mph, as Mich had done another ride yesterday around the same course and I had got further than him in similar time, but his times for the first sections of the course were still better than mine, which I find interesting, I must get quicker off the blocks,

Then recently I have been discussing with my most exotic friend about skiing, and whether the activity of skiing is exotic or not, as I thought that it wasn’t, as it wasn’t hot enough to be classed as exotic, then again I was incorrect about my definition of what it takes to be called exotic. I believed that it had to be hot to be classed as exotic like exotic dancers, you know the dances that are in Hawaii but I was incorrect about that as those dances are called hula dances not exotic dances, so a miss understanding on my part there. Typing of Hawaii today I have been looking at YouTube and they have been off skiing in Hawaii, or at least some people have. Then Mich said that with the amount of snow that they have got there we may as well just go to Scotland.

Sunday 27 January 2019

Day 1991

Day 1991;

Now my BMI for today went up to 20.31, my steps went up to 12,601 steps (8.16 km) but I had only burned 907 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: prawn open sandwich, something and Jaffa cakes.
Dinner: chicken, vegetable stew (carrots, peas and mushrooms), crochet potatoes, cream egg trifle and Jaffa cakes.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, ginger beer and hot Ribena.

So today has been a day of rest, for me. On this day I haven’t been on the bike. I ain’t really done anything, but I had managed to get to 2000 steps by an equivalent time as of yesterday and I had managed to get up to the step goal that I had set for me by going on a forty... about 5 minute bounce.

Now today I was attempting to remember what I had wrote for yesterday. The band that song I was steeling the lyrics from yesterday was Blink 182 and the song was called ‘All the Small Things’. Now that is what I think I forgot to put in yesterday. 

Saturday 26 January 2019

Day 1990

Day 1990;

20.21 was my BMIx, I had made 10,089 steps (6.53 km) and I had burned 910 kcal, today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: something, apple, banana, grapes, orange and yogurt.
Dinner: omelette (mushroom and cheese).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, ginger beer and hot Ribena.

On today I have been on a little cycle for tonight and I have been jogging on the spot for about 40 minutes before I did my weigh, for today, just to make sure that I made my step quota for today, as I had been lazy for today.

I got up in the morning, I went to boring old boccia (lazy little sport where we’re sitting down throwing a ball) we managed to win in today’s practice match. Then after that I was just sat upstairs in my room “watching, waiting, commiserating, Say it ain’t so, I will not go, turn the lights off, carry me home,” in actual fact I cannot remember what I had done for the rest of the morning and into the afternoon. I know that I have been on a little cycle while I was waiting for something, of what I don’t know now, and I’m not too sure that I knew back then either.

That was it for my cycling experience for the day, and I still had to get my steps up to an at least respectable number as my steps were down at 2000 odd. So that’s why I was jogging on the spot for the last about 40 minutes.

Friday 25 January 2019

Day 1989

Day 1989;

My BMI was up to 20.02, my steps were up to 13,373 (which means that my distance walked was up to 8.66) then my calories burned were down at 1198.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops with mini sausages on bread, chocolate covered rice cake and something.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas, tartar sauce, vinegar and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: 3 qualify Street chocolates.

The dish which is described as a taste of Sri Lanka is vegetarian curry, well it’s a dish which has the three ingredients veg (vegetables), egg and curry,  and I think that there’s a dish called Sri Lankan Egg curry. Now what has inspired that, you may be wondering. Well it’s as I have got a new app for my iPad and one of the advertisements which come along with it is one for Sri Lankan food. And on the advert was listed the three ingredients, so I serched the internet and then it came up with veggitarian egg curry.

Then I had my charged my iPad I went downstairs to go for another treadmill walk while I was watching some stuff on my new app, before I had my walk I had been on the turbo trainer for a little while and I have been for a small amount of rowing, today. On my new app I watched some of The Rising of the Shield Hero, The Promised Neverland, Fairy Tail, Cells at Work and even some of the Quintessential Quintuplets. The Rising of the Shield Hero was a great show well the first couple of episodes were as it’s setting itself up to be a great/epic adventure game type thing a bit like Jumanji, but it’s from a book not a board game and the participants aren’t even from the same realities. And then it gets interesting with the Shield Hero getting betrayed so he decides to go it alone, for a bit before he finds a slave, then he can get the slave to do the fighting for him and he can do the defending for them both. The Promised Neverland was also good as it’s about a small group of orphans who are trapped inside a orphanage/farm as livestock for the creatures that live outside of their walls. Fairy Tail is about as good as it always has been which is very good in my opinion. How Cells at World kind of let me down slightly and the quintessential foursome let me down the rest of the way now at least in cells at work they have some fighting, in the four one it’s basically nothing happens..

Thursday 24 January 2019

Day 1988

Day 1988;

My BMI today is down 19.92, as were my steps to 10,429 (which gave me a pitiful 6.75 km of distance) even my calories were down to 1249.

Breakfast: cereal, plum, grapes, pears, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef in wholemeal bread), lemon drizzle cake and yogurt.
Dinner: fish, carrots, broccoli, green beans, baked potato with cheese and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, ginger beer and hot Ribena.

Today I have been confused, as usual, unfortunately I probably shouldn’t have been as I could kind of remember about the thing that I was surprised about. I probably shouldn’t have been surprised to learn that the shaver that Mich bestowed upon me yesterday was in fact supposed to be mine but Mich had stolen it and had replaced it with his old one, but now that he has got a replacement for my shaver so he has given mine back to me, generous.

Wednesday 23 January 2019

Day 1987

Day 1987;

BMI was down to 20.08, as my steps were down to 10,681, which was only 6.91 km in distance walked however it was 1312 kcal that I burned

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and grapes,
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef in wholemeal bread), lemon drizzle cake and tunocks wafer.
Dinner: Chinese takeaway feast and chips.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: 3 quality street chocolates.

This morning I have shaved myself with my new shaver, as Mich has passed on his old shaver down to me, which is funny as he passed his older one down to me the last time, I cannot remember it ever being quite as good as this one though. With the current shaver I could actually feel the smoothness of my skin where I had shaved my chin/neck for just up until now, and now it’s only gone a bit stubbly. Which is different from my old shaver, as when I used to shave I never got such a clean shave my face was like it had a lot of little things just hanging off my face, not that it really ever bothered me but it was just there so I dealt with it, as you do with clothes in the unbearably hot months of summer.

Then I have had another little cycle I only managed to get about 8 miles done around the streets of NYC. Next up I think I bounced, rowed, walked before a second row to make sure that I was getting the steps done correctly, but then I noticed that I had still got something like 37 more steps to do and my watch seemed to have frozen, so I got up and I moved on around to the trampoline to see if it will break the deadlock.

Now there’s a little bit of hate going down on social media recently, which is directed at a “kid” who’s in a pro-life March and he’s getting “assaulted” by a Native American bloke, and he’s just stood there but then people have been saying that he’s smirking at the bloke but I think that he’s trying his hardest not to burst out in a fit of laughter at the bloke as it has been said that the bloke had come between two groups one the group which had the “smirking” guy in the other was a group of black people, but in the video I only saw 2 white folk, well 1 was the “kid” the other was the Native American, I’m sorry if he’s meant to be a different skin tone but I was just typing as I saw it. The person that responded to my comment said stuff about the Traitor Trump (in what ways has he been a traitor to the USA?) and that they were there to  promote the restriction of rights to women (as of which part I also didn’t understand as if a woman has sex and gets pregnant that is her choice, if it isn’t then it counts as rape and I’m sure there’s exceptions if that happens so what’s the problems of?), and someone respond to that comment saying they don’t think that I’m worth responding to. Why not I brought up some relevant questions I though. If you don’t want children don’t have sex, simple. 

Tuesday 22 January 2019

Day 1986

Day 1986;

My BMI is at 20.11 again, I had only managed to make 11,761 steps (which gave me a distance of 7.61 km) and I had only managed to burn off 946 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, grapes, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: baked beans with mini sausages, sausages rice cakes, lemon drizzle cake and red velvet cake.
Dinner: pasta meatballs, mushrooms and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: some more quality street chocolates.

So today I have done a 16 mile cycle around Central Park, NYC, before I had a little walk and a smaller row, before I went off and I had a bounce in order to keep my steps ticking over.

Now I remember that there was a giant cheer for the no-deal Brexit scenario, on question time the other day, it was as Mich was saying that he assumed that a no-deal Brexit was what we had all voted for, so Mrs May’s attempts to dilute the will of the people was unnecessarily and dam right insulting (no he actually only said the first part I added on the second part), as I personally did, I voted out, I never voted for any type of deal, I just wanted to get out; out of the EU, out of the Single Market, out of the common fisheries policy, out of the Schengen area (blooming heck I haven’t ever been on Holliday outside of the EU but I have always needed my passport so much for the thing on the abolition of passport control). Now back to the part on which Mich had said and I remembered that he had said that much after I was watching a YouTube video on this website and I took it down to him to show him that it was actually a position that had been taken. One that is a seemingly well held perspective on the issue, so I’m not mad.

Monday 21 January 2019

Day 1985

Day 1985;

For blue Monday I had a BMI of 20.11, my steps were 7356 (which only gave me 4.76 km) and I had burned off 981 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef and cheese in wholemeal bread probably), tunocks wafer and something.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot Ribena.

Now today I have had another lazy day I know that I have been sat in the car for large portions of it. The only breaks I got was the start of the day I went off to a shop where I was bought some new salopettes/skiing (or snowboarding) trousers. I walked around the shop and I walked to another shop afterwards to get something for Mich, then it was back into the car home before another drive to the place of my snowboarding lesson which I ate my sandwich on the way to snowboarding, in the car. Then I had my snowboarding lesson which was fun, though it wasn’t very athletic I think that it was decided that I am more goofy than normal, in snowboarding, meaning that I favour my right leg more than my left leg then I kept stacking it as soon as I’d stopped, which may have been towards the point that my eyes closed at those points and my balance is hardly the best at any time let alone with my eyes closed and me thinking that I’m leaning forward. But then I got back into a car and I was driven back home where I had a 5km cycle on the turbo trainer.

I can’t wait until I get myself back off to Italy skiing, I cannot believe that it has only just hit me. As I have been wandering around for ages not excited about the fact until just now. It has snuck up to me and then it’s like it has just pounced upon me as a tiger does to its prey, or a cat does to a ball of wool.e

Sunday 20 January 2019

Day 1984

Day 1984;

This day I had a BMI of 20.05! I’d increased my steps to 14,789 (which was a distance of 9.57 km) and I had burned 1103 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange banana and grapes.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: vegetable stew (mushrooms, broccoli and carrots), Yorkshire pudding, dumplings and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, ginger beer and hot Ribena.

Today I have been on the Classique course of London on another short but quick, relatively speaking at least, well I managed to get myself about 4 miles in just over 10 minutes and I was traveling at an average of about 22 mph. Now I have realised that I can actually reach some proper speed as long as it is on a short flat course. My average power (watts) were again just above 160.

That was just after I had spent half an hour on the treadmill, it was time for me to get running up the hill, again but this time it wasn’t to Kate Bush’s signing, “if I only could, I’d make a deal with god, I’d get him to swap our places, I’d be running up that road, id be running up that hill,” that song if you must that was a little jog on the treadmill before my bounce then I noticed that I was running out of time so I quickly hopped onto the turbo trainer and I went on a short cycle before going upstairs to have a shower and then get myself dressed into another outfit so we could go on a walk to the place of habitation of GAK, and Flow had made an impression on GAK, but why  can’t remember.

Saturday 19 January 2019

Day 1983

Day 1983;

My BMI for today was 19.89, and I had walked only 7199 (4.66 km) and I had burned 742 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: omelette (mushroom and cheese), salad (tomato, green leaves and croutons) and cake.
Dinner: chicken, broccoli, peas, carrots and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, ginger beer and hot Ribena.
Snacks: quality street chocolates

So today was another lazy day, as I had boccia in the morning, which was followed by a football match to see, which was a good first half of the game, pity that they appeared to loose all composure in the second half of the game, and they lost all 3 of the points that were on offer from the game..

Then Iwent home and I ate my dinner, before going out a lIttle 30 minute cycle around Watopia, or the easy (it said flat course).  Anyway I managed to get my speed up to 21 mph on the ride, but it was only for half an hour. So I only managed to get myself to 10.5 km around Watopia. 21 mph next up will be see i I can maintain that kind of form into the spring but I still have got skiing before the spring. I think it snowed a bit today, but it never settled.

Friday 18 January 2019

Day 1982

Day 1982;

19.79 was my BMI, I had made 14,925 steps (which was 9s.66 km) and I managed to burn 1599 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, grapes, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: toast (wholemeal bread), chocolate cake and fruit cake.
Dinner: fish (cod), chips, curry sauce and tart (peach and nectarine).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away,
Now it looks as though they’re here to stay,
Oh, I believe in yesterday,

Now I haven’t been to the gym today, in fact I haven’t been anyplace, so I have just been doing some exercises over here lost in space.

Exercise that I have done today consists of bouncing, riding on the turbo trainer, yoga and having a walk on the treadmill.

Yesterday what happened yesterday, I don’t know I cannot remember, if only I had it written down somewhere, ohh yeah I do, i will check back on it as soon as I’ve finished typing... here.

Thursday 17 January 2019

Day 1981

Day 1981;

BMI is 19.82, steps today was 11,208 (7.28 km) and 1365 kcal burned.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, grapes, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: chip sandwich (wholemeal bread).
Dinner: sweet and sour chicken, rice and cream egg trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

In your head, in your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie,

They are some of the lyrics from a properly decent song, by the Cranberries which is called Zombie, but Dolores (the bands lead singer has gone and popped her clogs, it was a year and 2 days ago) sad, I think is the correct response at least, I didn’t know her personally and her cause of death was drowning due to alcohol intoxication (being a bit of an idiot), then recently I have been exploring music from decades past, and I got to a playlist called 90’s Alternative, POP, Rock, Grunge and the good stuff. Which I clicked on from a video which was Green Day; Basket Case which is about the mentality ill, so that could be why I feel a great affinity with the song, even though I have been told that there’s nothing wrong with me mentally, all my problems are physical, yeah sure I believe you.

Now today I have been on the turbo trainer for a short period of time, but it was only a go slow as I had to stop part of the way through as there was a phone call and I had to act on instructions from the phone call which ruined my ride, then I did some bounce or was it before that I did the bounce? I also had another row and a treadmill walk. Then before I had done some yoga with Allergy. 

Wednesday 16 January 2019

Day 1980

Day 1980;

BMI for today is down to 19.76, my steps were down at 16,299 (10.55 km) and I had somehow managed to burn off an increased amount of 1674 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: baked beans with mini sausages, rice cakes, chocolate cake and fruit cake.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise, cheese and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Today I have been to the gym. I have been on another cycle at the gym, on the gyms exercise bike before transferring myself to the lateral trainer so I could have a little spin on that, but then again today I have been interested with the bike as I had traveled at an average speed of 19 mph and my watts were at something like 119 watts, but then Mich had done the same course as me but for half the amount of time and his speed was lower than mine but his wattage output was something more to the kin of 131 watts but I know that I did almost double the amount of distance within about double the time, so our average speeds were very close, I think that his average speed was point one off of mine, to the lower side that is, now how is he still beating me on the power of his ride?

Oh I also went on a walk and I had a little bounce to get my steps up, watch steps which brings me back round to the yoga that I did in the morning with Allergy.

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Day 1979

Day 1979;

My BMI is 19.95, I had made quite a few steps (19,203 steps which was a distance of 12.48 km) and I have burned off 1227 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, grapes, orange and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef and wholemeal bread) and cake.
Dinner: fish (salmon), broccoli, green beans, carrots, jacket potato and tart (peach and nectarine).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: some quality street.

202 aye v 432 nay, a defeat by 230. So that was the scale of Mrs May’s defeat in the House of Commons today, which is really quite big a defeat, but their was a bigger defeat just prior to it which had something like 600 votes against and the rest of the votes for, well at least the votes that were cast for that vote, but 600-44 looks a bit correct.

But I think that this whole Brexit debacle has been handled terribly, right the way back to David Cameron. As he should have had some contingency plans for the outcome that happened e.g. by telling us all exactly what a “no-deal” Brexit will look like and by having a blueprint for his successor to follow, then Mrs May could tear up the blueprints if she saw fit, or she could pursue them, then if it still fall short we fall back on the “no-deal”, option. Then we, the Britain people could see exactly what they were doing and what they were supposed to be doing. Instead of the project fear that happened and kind of backfired, on his government.

But that was only on the box this evening, now this morning I had a cycle around Central Park NYC. My power output was pretty similar to every day previous minus that one anomalous result, which I foolishly thought that I could build on. But in the hour of my cycle I managed to get 17.3 miles on the turbo trainer covered, which I am unsure of whether to classify as a success, as it was 1.3 miles down on my distance of yesterday but, eww discussing word, it was over a hillier course, so I gained over double the amount in FT gained.

I have been on another little walk outside, to the GM’s home and then I have also been out for another little bounce and row as well as doing some more yoga. That’s about it that I have done today I do believe, the rest of it was listening to the government, who should have been better prepared for the outcome of the vote, and yes by that I mean that they should have included all parties in the Parliament, as in they should have tried having a cross-party consensus before the shambles of having there deal, destroyed in the way it was. I’m discussed by the government and there lack of preparation to handle these negotiations.

Monday 14 January 2019

Day 1978

Day 1978;

20.15 was my BMI for today, I had walked 17,560 steps which was 11.37 km and I burned off 1128 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, grapes, orange and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef) and fruit cake.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, fruit cake, Jaffa cakes and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Today I have been on another turbo trainer ride it was longer than yesterday’s quick little ride, by approximately three times, but my average speed was down to 18.6 mph, so I only managed to ride about 9.3 mile in the half hour of my cycle, which is actually pretty disappointing considering my average speed of yesterday’s cycle. I should have another go at it on another day then again I am thinking that I need to go on a properly long ride, on the turbo trainer one day, preferably soon, but I don’t know. I should probably do a nice little one and a half hour ride, first just to see how I handle a bike over the longer distances.

Now I have been interested in a local cycling club and all of their rides are about 25 miles, which is  40.2336 km which should take even the slowest group less than 2 hours, as the slowest group has an average speed of 14 mph to maintain but the quickest has an average speed of 19 mph, so too quick for me except in short bursts. As I noticed today that the thing that comes up on the screen after your ride it’s usually one that starts off with you up high but then goes down pretty quickly, of which I believe is the power that you’ve exerted in the prior session, but today it started up top went down as usual but then it went up for a second time in one cycle so I think that the first was probably at the beginning the second was probably at the 10 minute mark and then I just need a third at the 20 minute mark to boost my average speed up to the heights of yesterda,or alternatively and preferably in I was to just blast it from the start , if only I could, but that’s just a wish for me at the current stage of my development as a person. But I know how to realise my dreams, it’s through a lot of work, hard work.

Sunday 13 January 2019

Day 1977

Day 1977;

Now today I have got a BMI of 20.15, 11,879 steps I made which was 7.69 km and I burned 841 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and grapes.

Lunch: omelette (cheese), fruit cake and Batternburg.
Dinner: lasagna, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, potatoes, tiramisu and chocolate.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, cider and hot Ribena.

Today I have been being lazy, at least for the morning, then after I had my lunch I got my act together, a bit, I had another half hour bounce. Before I went on another little walk to the place of GAK’s habitation. Now the walk there and back got me a healthy start on my steps, but today GAK was mental, I’m meaning properly off her rocker.

But then also today Manchester United have beaten Tottenham Hotspur’s at Wembley, by a goal to naught, so the result of the game was 0-1, as Tottenham are playing at home in Wembley until they get their new ground, that is.

So I had done a 10 minute little cycle on the turbo trainer, but it was quite quick, I do believe, by no means the quickest person on software, even though I was going at my quickest, flat out for the 10 minutes that I was cycling around Watopia, I managed to average my speed to 21.3, I’ve got to try to do that again, but on a longer ride, it may muck up my breathing, slightly, but it was nothing that a good mug of hot Ribena couldn’t fix, and a quick 5 minutes of yoga.

My 5 minutes of yoga consisted of doing the following: 

Cobra pose,

Downward Facing Dog pose

Sun Salutation

Oh how the tables have turned, I’m typing about the Anna Sousbury debacle, as wasn’t it the remainders that were calling all of the leavers Nazi’s and fascists, and the government just let it all slide, as we’re just a fringe that no one will take seriously, Nigel, Jacob and all the rest of the arch leavers and they’re family’s be dammed, who have all been victims of the same kind of abuse, sometimes worse, as Mrs Sousbury and the media’s response hasn’t been as positive as it has for Mrs Sousbury, just saying that it’s a double standard that the mainstream media is working under.

Saturday 12 January 2019

Day 1976

Day 1976;

19.96 was my BMI, I had made 12,188 steps which was the equivalent to 7.89 km and I had burned off 1177 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: bread (wholemeal), smoked salmon, cheese, grapes, banana, orange, apple and tunocks wafer.
Dinner: pasta (with stuff), salad (green leaves and carrots) and cream egg truffle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: 3 more of Guinness mini pints and 1 quality street chocolate.

Now for another lazy day I have been out on a half mile walk I think I only managed to get half a mile on my walk which was a 10 minute walk, so at the pace that I was walking it should take me twenty minutes to walk a mile, I know that some people say that I’m a quick walker, but then again if you saw me in London I’m betting that you would probably change your minds, as those Londoners have got a real skill at walking fast. But then a mile in 20 minutes equals only 3 mph, so then why did a family not walk to the place that was 1 mile away instead of as they did got a car and they had a car accident as they were traveling with 7 people in the car, as it killed the woman that was driving the car child.

We should have a no deal Brexit rather than Mrs May’s proposition of a deal, which I am unsure of whether it’ll go through as the last defeat was of another legislation which was for a 3 day turnaround of the new deal after the deal is rejected, and then 3 strikes and you’re out but then again that is the last thing that we need, if they have to have another general election which will cost us a lot of additional money and time, when we have limited of both.

Friday 11 January 2019

Day 1975

Day 1975:

My BMI today was 19.62, according to Wii Fit I had done 12,288 steps which was only 7.96 km and I have burned off 1056 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (ham in white bread) and fruit cake.
Dinner: ham, egg, chips,peas and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

For this day I have spent a bit longer in the getting up process, and eating of my breakfast so I only had enough time, for the morning exercise. So I did an hour on the turbo trainer, I got near enough to 16 miles today, well I think that I got 26 km, which is about 16 miles; so about 16 mph now I know it’s an improvement on our average speeds for the tandem, I think it was at least.

Then later on in the day I had a bounce just to keep my steps ticking over, on my watch, as I had apparently only done 288 steps this morning so far, but then by the time that I had finished my bounce I was at something like 4990 steps, according to my watch. But I had done a greater number than 7000 by my Wii Fit gizmo by the end of the cycle.

So I had a relatively lazy day after that. I can’t remember what I have done since. But I had planned on eating my 3 remaining Guinness mini pints, but I forgot to eat them.

Thursday 10 January 2019

Day 1974

Day 1974;

So today I have a BMI of 19.59, and my steps were up quite considerably to 23,026 which was 14.91 km and I have burned off 1911 kcal today, just 278 off of my target of 2189.

Breakfast: cereal, yogurt, banana, apple, orange and grapes.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Now today I have been having an amazingly active morning, by that I mean that I bounced for half an hour before having another row, on the rowing machine, for a second half hour and all that was before my third half hour on the turbo trainer. So I had given myself a satisfactory wake up for today, then I ate my lunch but I cannot remember what I ate today.

Then after I forgot what I had for lunch I went to the gym, first time this year; result. Once I had been to the gym, I got back on the turbo trainer and I continued my ride around London, by continued I mean that I started it again but I was just on a ride for about an hour, before Tini got to the door and she reminded me that I went in the room for a stroll on the treadmill, so I quit my being on the turbo trainer and I started walking on the treadmill, which I found enjoyable, and Mich joined me in the exercise room he went on the turbo trainer and he made himself very happy as he managed to get up box hill quicker than I had managed it earlier on today. So I say congratulations, now he just has to show that form on the tandem. 

Wednesday 9 January 2019

Day 1973

Day 1973;

My BMI increased to 20.02 meanwhile my steps decreased to 10,121 and my distance walked fell to 6.65 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (ham in white bread) and fruit cake.
Dinner: seafood pasta, cheese, tomato bread
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Today I have been thinking about school, more exactly science class as I was attempting to remember one of my classes, more to the point who was in them and I was remembering that me, myself and I tended to sit in the middle of the class room when it was the popular/sporty youths that sat near the door and then in the opposite corner sat the emo youths then all the rest of us sat in the middle.

Mrs May’s Brexit capitulation was defeated in the commons today I think which I cannot blame them for they’re actions it’s Mrs May’s fault for attempting the Margret Thatcher thing (you know “To those waiting with bated breath for that favourite media catchphrase, the 'U-turn', I have only one thing to say: 'You turn [U-turn] if you want to. The lady's NOT for turning.”) but you’re negotiating with the EU was pathetic.

So Star Wars the Force Awakens needs a second go at being created, but now I have heard that the second film in the new trilogy needs to be recreated, but to protect the reputation of the most bad ass piece of start.wars fighting tech/the lightsaber .

Tuesday 8 January 2019

Day 1972

Day 1972;

My BMI was down to 19.95, as my steps were also down to 11,813 (which gave me a distance of 7.65 km) and I had burned off 1467 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef and cheese in white bread) and chocolate wafer.
Dinner: chicken wrapped in bacon, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, roasted potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snacks: hot dog, chips and quality street(chocolate).

As if today wasn’t good enough with me going to a snowboarding lesson, I had actually improved since my last lesson which was sometime last year, I have forgotten when exactly, but it was sometime last year. But then again I’m thinking that last year was only just over 1 week ago which I am guessing shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that my last snowboard lesson was last year. But even I noticed that I had improved it may have been as my instructor was focusing more on my right leg to lead me down instead of my left , so I could be a bit Goofy? But then again when I was levelling my weight on the board (to stop) after my turns. I was often leaning towards the left, so that means I’m a bit Standard? Or what it could just be a way of counterbalance, as I was turning with my right foot? It could also have been as I had been doing yoga yesterday.

Then by the time that I had got back home and I had my dinner my steps were down at something little 2900, so I went for a walk on the treadmill, which got me up to the 10,000 steps, then I had a great idea, it was called bully Mich into doing some yoga, I’m thinking that I’ll have to put it down on the intensity level if he will do it again tomorrow, as he thought it was too challenging.

Monday 7 January 2019

Day 1971

Day 1971;

BMI was up to 20.05 as my steps were up to 12,299, which gave me an improved distance of 7.96 km, but my calories burned were 968.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops with mini sausages on bread and fruit cake.
Dinner: pasta meatballs (quorn) and tart (peach and mandarin).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Now today I have gone for another walk to the place of GAK’s residence, which was my morning all else that I think I did this morning totalled up to about 4750 steps/250 shy of where I should be to make it to 10,000 for the day, but  didn’t I have that conversation about the pantomime not having the wicked step-mother character, and there was the perfect dame for the roll on the screen, Lily Savage/Paul O’Grady, but that would have probably been tough to top for next year, especially as next years pantomime is set to be Mother Goose, which is one that I don’t think that I’ve ever seen before, and the pantomime company hasn’t even attempted on doing it for 50 years.

Then after lunch I have been on a bounce, for half an hour, before attempting another half an hour yoga on my new yoga mat, but that was on Wii Fit. Before my final activity of the day was when I was walking on the treadmill for the length of time that it took to get dinner ready, before eating dinner and going off to bed. At least that’s what I think I did today.

Sunday 6 January 2019

Day 1970

Day 1970;

Now my BMI has gone up to 19.76, but my weight has actually decreased, my steps were low but I managed to make it to over 10,000 (at 10,288 which was 6.78 km) and I’d burned off 977 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: chicken mushroom leek pie, peas in a pod, carrots, potatoes, cheesecake and bread and butter pudding (?).
Dinner: nothing.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice , ginger ale and hot Ribena.
Snacks: some quality street chocolates.

So today I have been lazy for the morning, as I have been thinking on a car journey to another place in the country for a pantomime, the pantomime is of Cinderella this year, oh no it isn’t, oh yes it is. It was the pantomime with Paul O’Grady in it this year, well by having Paul O’Grady in it didn’t actually have him there in the theatre, it just had a couple of recordings of him talking to one of the protagonists of the story. So there was no Lily Savage making his way into this pantomime, but there was two other drag queens playing the ugly sisters. I would have liked to have seen Lily reprise his role as one of the drag acts, like if he was just in it for a few seconds as Cinderella’s wicked step mother.

But then again by the time that I arrived back to my home I had managed to reach 10,000 steps by my watch, but I still had something like 800 more steps to make up, so I tried a bit more of jogging on the spot which I had done for about 10-15 minutes which gave me the steps that I did today, but I decided to shrink myself again on the Wii as I got myself mesured the other day and he told me that I was taller than the size that I put on the Wii today but not by as much, so I have rounded it down instead of up.

Saturday 5 January 2019

Day 1969

Day 1969;

Now today I have a BMI of 19.16, steps of 10,075/a distance of 6.64 km and the amount of calories burned was down to 859 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: sandwich (beef with brown bread), pastries, banana, apple and orange.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and tart thingy (peach and nectarine).
Drinks: milk,Ribena, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Today I have had another lazy day as I have done a grand total of nothing, of any real interest today.

As in the morning I went to boccia and in the afternoon I have watched a football match/two lazy activities. But at least I got a little walk in before and after football, and then I had a nice little jog on the spot. For the remaining number of steps that I needed to do to make up my 10,000 steps for the day.

Friday 4 January 2019

Day 1968

Day 1968:

BMI for today was 19.38, my steps were 18,543 I had walked 12.21 km and I had burned off 1424 kcal today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.

Drinks: milk, fruit squash and fruit juice.

Now today I have been forgetful, I mean that I probably haven’t done anything other than a 12.5 km treadmill walk of which I have only done for no reason whatsoever. Apart from my general fitness and wellbeing I thought that I did it to save myself the Chinese takeaway, but then I had that yesterday not today, and even with the greater than 2 hour walk I didn’t change my BMI.

Tottenham Hotspurs, I think that it was them,managed to beat Trsnmere rovers in the FA Cup today 7-0, which I think was quite excessive, impressive, yes but it was a bit excessive.

Thursday 3 January 2019

Day 1967

Day 1967;

My BMI was down to 19.06, steps were up to 19,239 which means that I had walked 12.57 km today and I had burned off 1677 kcal, today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef with white bread) and mince pies.
Dinner: Chinese takeaway with chips.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

It was this morning that I woke up bright and early, so early in fact that. Mich was preparing his breakfast before getting off in his car to drive to some place which is quite a distance away, to sit down in meetings before his one activity of the day, loading a lorry, and he managed to get his steps up to 10,000 for the day. But I had done an hour on the treadmil,  jogging, before an hour on the exercise bike which was before I finally started and finished my hour on the rowing today I have done 3 hours of exercise to his loading of a lorry and I don’t even manage to double his step count,diabolical.

But then I persevered in my watch through of the latest series of Doctor Who , I got to the Demons of Punjab or the episode where Lee Mac dies, and how impressive it is that a system can send distress messages to the Tardis, but it cannot inform them why it’s killing off it’s staff just to get to one man, a white man of which the system destroys the man in the end with the help of the Doctor, as the Doctor just writes a new program for the computer to follow, but couldn’t the intelligent computer system do that itself? As the computer system programmed a way to get the Doctor which is no easy feat, I point out to you something that Sarah Jane Smith said in an older episode, then again still with the tenth Doctor when he was saying to Wilf that thing about the universe wanting them to keep meeting up as some people have been trying for many centuries to meet up with him but Wilfred Mot did it within a short space of time. 

Wednesday 2 January 2019

Day 1966

Day 1966;

Today my BMI was 19.38, my steps were down to 11,421 which means that I had only walked 7.52 km and I only managed to burn off 911 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: cottage pie, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, green beans and “Christmas” pudding.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and hot Ribena.
Snacks: 3 Guinness chocolates and a piece of a chocolate reindeer.

I wonder what real reindeer tastes like, I’m betting it tastes similar to horse, not that I can remember what it tastes like, but I ate it and I was also one of the only people that were there on that day that didn’t dislike it after eating it and finding out what it was, as if you know that us millennial Brit’s are happiest not knowing what we eat, or so it seemed, back then. The moral outrage was wis unbearable but now we’re the parents of the next generation, not personally (as in I’m not responsible for another human life), the parents of the next batch of little “angels” we are going to spoil them rotten, so that’s why they are such brats when they are young, before they’re rebellious stage which varies from child to child but I think that it started in my case when I was about 12, probably slightly after, as I was a late developer.

So what did I do today? I have been out on a couple of walks, well my first walk of the day was to see my GAK and my GM, no scratch that it was to visit the bank and GM, then I had another treadmill walk before I was walking to see my GAK, and to help Mich reach his 10,000 step target for the second day in a row, as his New Years resolution included getting his 10,000 steps a day. 

Tuesday 1 January 2019

Day 1965

Day 1965;

My BMI was up again to 19.46, as were my steps to 14,364 steps which was only 9.46 km and I had burned off 1055 kcal, today according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: melon (white and orange), banana, eggs, bacon and bread.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef in white bread), prawn,
Dinner: chicken and chips,
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash, shloer and hot Ribena.

Start the new year up as you intend to continue, I once heard a wise man (at least I think it was) say. So I have done enough steps today pity I haven’t managed to walk 10 km today, so in the morning we had a walk around the place that I had seen on the news the other day and my watch had me at something like 14,000 steps by the time that we’d arrived back at the car to go back to the house that we were staying in which was a little 3 story house, no wonder everyone is getting fat(ter) if they live in a city it’s not as they all never walk anywhere as they do but it’s reliance on automobiles, Mich pumped the wheels of there bikes up so that on another visit to there house, when we bring our tandem we can have a nice ride with them, probably to the place that we went to today but instead of driving we could ride our bikes to the place, which had a lot cycle lanes.