Wednesday 29 August 2018

Day 1840

Day 1840;

BMI was 18.56 today, which is in the ideal range again, steps were higher than yesterday at 13,664 my distance walked was 9.00 km and I had burned off 1472 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarine, apple, orange, banana and pear.
Lunch: tinned baked beans, mint sausages, bread and cake.
Dinner: chicken, rice, carrots, peas, broccoli, sweetcorn, summer trifle and tunocks wafer.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: some biscuits.

This morning I got up and went downstairs to eat breakfast, next up I went on the treadmill twice, once for a 30 minute stroll and the other time was for a jog, the walk I did just under 4000 steps so that means that I’d have done 4000 steps and then the other I’d done just over 5000 steps l make that to 5000 steps, so what is 4000 + 5000 which gets you to 9000, then I have also done 2 little rows, which were 1800 steps or strokes and the other was about 2000 steps or strokes so that when added together gets 3800 + 9000 gets you to 13,800 by my watch for today, before lunch.

Then after lunch I have been waiting for Tini’s arrival, as I was told that she’d be taking me to the gym on her arrival so I got myself dressed in some appropriate clothing, so I got myself dressed, in appropriate clothes. After I’d washed the sweat off of myself, as I had already done about 13,800 steps by my watch.

So it was 9 fruits and vegetables but 10 if I include the portion that apparently came with my lunch as  in the tins of beans and spaghetti it says in the side this pack contains 1 of your 5 a day. But that is another one of my obsessions, healthy eating probably as I could guess that it has become an obsession of mine, the same with my weight, or my BMI.

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