Tuesday 14 August 2018

Day 1825

Day 1825;

My BMI for today was 18.40, which is my first one for this edition of Wii Fit that I have got an underweight BMI, but my steps for today was 28,762 and my distance walked was 18.94 km as I burned off 1872 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and strawberries.
Lunch: egg, prawn, bread, lettuce, cucumber, tomato and some pastries.
Dinner: eggs, prawns, bread, lettuce, cucumber, tomato and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot chocolate.

Today was an interesting day due to my cycling trip that I did this morning, it was a little slightly more than 39 mile ride which was apparently done at an average speed of 15 mph but as I was going along I was attempting, using my watch, to get the speed that I was traveling at, as I got that I had only managed to get to 30 mile something like 2:01 hours:minutes, which is a whole minute down on where I should have been to be at 15 mph average speed, and we still had the little hill to get up before we arrived at home. But then we had that little spot where we set off the speed trap, whoops, but on that place we didn’t manage to reach a new personal best time in that segment.

So it was that I did in the morning then in the afternoon I went for a treadmill wander, it was only another little one though. I was only doing it to get my steps up, on my watch, as I had only done 133 steps by the time that I had completed the cycle. But then Mich has already organised another cycle ride for us to do next weekend, it’s with the cycling club that we aren’t members of, at least not yet, but they take pity on us from time to time and they invite us along with them, it gives Mich someone to talk to, someone that can respond and he doesn’t get irritated by the response, like by saying that was too aggressive of a grunt, which my responses are often characterised as, when I’m sitting there on the back thinking to myself, “was I too aggressive? You can’t be serious” then I’ll generally get frustrated by his accusations, and I just have to blow off steam, by peddling.

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