Tuesday 28 August 2018

Day 1839

Day 1839:

My BMI is 19,46 today, I have only managed to step 9421 times which was 6.20 km but I have also managed to burn off 1196 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarine, apple, orange, banana and pear.
Lunch: omelette (cheese) and a After Eight Mousse.
Dinner: pie (chicken), carrots, peas, broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, tiramisu and chocolate.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (raspberry) and hot chocolate.

I know I stated that my life revolves around food and fitness yesterday, but why does it revolve around those two things? Is what I am wanting to type about, in part today. Now my life revolves around food as doesn’t everyone’s? From the first time we all came out of our mothers what’s our first instinct? It’s to eat, I’m betting that even Jesus, if he was real, first though was food when he came out of Mary, and then Mary would have been there to put him to her breast and feed him as it’d be her mothering instincts kicking into action, and then what happened to him by the end of the story would be on his head. As are all of ours I’m taking none of this victim mentality stuff as there’s always a choice you may not like the choice but then you have to make one and inactivity is a choice also as if you are given a choice option one is to kill one man, option two is to kill a woman and then there’s the choice of neither then probably both would die like when Batman had his choice to save either Harvey Dent or Rachel Dawes he chose to save Rachel but he ended up killing her instead and saving Harvey, or Two Face, instead and inactivity would have killed them both but then you could say that the Joker really killed them as it would be technically correct but that is just an excuse, a poor excuse at that, it won’t bring her back you made a choice and it’s up to you to deal with the fall out I know that the blame may not fall solely on your shoulders but what happened has happened and it’s in the past, just accept the facts and move forward with your life.

But now I think I have gone slightly off topic in the previous statement, now where was I? Fitness I was just about to get to fitness so here goes, fitness is to help me in being the best me possible and to hopefully get to the Paralympics or the Olympics. So I can win a gold medal and then I’ll allow myself to ask for the hand of the beautiful woman, so then I could potentially make her dreams a reality, which were to have two children, one male and one female. And I would quite like to experience love, love making, sex and everything that goes with it, even parenthood, and who better to get taught by than a girl that I was told that I loved by another girl way back in school?

Then I have also had another snowboard lesson today, and Tina filmed a bit of the lesson, on the film I didn’t stack it. But I collided with a skier at the bottom, slightly. But snowboarding is fun, the drive to the place is terrible I cannot understand how some people actually enjoy driving. 

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