Tuesday 7 August 2018

Day 1818

Day 1818;

18.87 was my BMI, I remembered to switch up my height to the correct level, I had made 11,934 steps which was 7.73 km and I had burned off 571 kcal today,according to Wii Fit. 

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, nectarine and apple.
Lunch: hotdogs, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and a chocolate eclair.
Dinner: macaroni cheese and fruit trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and cider.
Snacks: grapes.

Now this morning I have been thinking about what I had been doing for the morning, as I couldn’t remember. Eventually I came to the conclusion that I must have been thinking at least one of two things, if not both. Which were the woman that I have some strange feelings of which I believe are called affection and the second is skiing. The second one of the two is obviously as Mich has booked for the four of us to go skiing again in the new year, but the first being the object of my affection, now that just seems to be wrong as she isn’t an object at least not an object that is external to a thinking mind, but she is of “this/my” thinking mind (if I be so bold), as she has got one , a mind, but she is made up of materials that can be seen or touched not that I have ever done much of the touching, I don’t think at least, as the only people that I can remember touching from in school was all of the people that I had fought with/played sport with like rugby or roller hockey, but I may have managed to tap her on her shoulder a couple of times. I have never really been one for physical contact in a non sporting manner, I do believe.

Now the object or person of my affection I am unsure of how it started but I can remember being teased at school for “loving” her but I have never made love to her, not even have I had the intercourse of sex with her; as I’m currently to the understanding that they are both separate instances. Well you can’t make love without having sex but you can have sex without making love, but even if I was to believe that the person was inferring to the other meaning of love. Of which I cannot fathom as of her reasoning to why it was me that loved the object/person of my current affections, affections are “1. A feeling of fondness or liking.” Which of this woman I do like her, quite a bit, as she’s one of my best friends. 

So today I have been to the place where boccia has been on, but no it wasn’t on today, not that we had been told it was just a waste, of time, fuel, money and whatever else. So I got nothing done for my fitness. At least not before lunch, then in the afternoon I got in a bit of running on the trampoline, so it wasn’t a complete write off of a day.

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