Monday 6 August 2018

Day 1817

Day 1817;

Of the day my BMI was 19.43, I had stepped 20,338 steps which was 13.17 km in length and I burned off 1934 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, nectarine and grapes.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti on bread and chocolate chip shortbread.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, potatoes, vanilla rhubarb orange desert and mini chocolate cake slices.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash

Time isn’t like the sea, in the respect of it only flows one way. But it is like the sea with respect to how easy it is to get lost on it. In the sea analogy I am but a molecule of water within the sea of time, totally indistinguishable from another errant molecule of water.

So today I have got my steps sorted out nice and promptly, in a shortish jog. Just before that I had eaten my breakfast, then I had a bit of a lazy morning, until lunch of which I ate and I got disturbed, by my watch twice while I was eating. As my watch kept telling me to move while I was eating. But then I’d finished my lunch and I went back to my being lazy up until I went on another cycle on Mich’ tandem which was fun, as we’d done our first 5 mile in just about 25 minutes. But we were getting quicker as we were going,

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