Sunday 26 August 2018

Day 1837

Day 1837;

13,527 steps
8.91 km
973 kcal

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, apple, pear, nectarine and grapes.
Lunch: lasagna, chips, lettuce and tiramisu.
Dinner: carrot soup, bread (white) and slices of cake.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit squash and hot chocolate.

So I’ve basically had a little one pack since January by that I mean that I’ve had my upper left side of my abdomen kind of there sticking out of my stomach area, only a little bit, and I have been attempting to make it more defined and the whole of my abs which I had managed to get my abdomen more defined since yesterday I think that I had managed to increase my abs to 2, 1 for my upper and 1 for my lower abdomen.

Today I have been listening to the radio, and one of the stories was about the Pope as he’s on his visit to Ireland and he’s been talking about the paedophile priests. But I signed to Mich “Why is the pope apologising to God?” his response was somewhat sarcastic, I think, by saying because he believes in a God. But then I attempted to clarify by typing what has the members of his organisation ever done to God? Which is nothing he should be apologising to the many people whose lives have been effected by the perverted priests, because if God existed it’d probably be fine with abuse performed by the many of its followers as isn’t he supposed to be all knowing, always present and couldn’t he just step in at any second to avoid any of the unpleasantness, just as they say he did in the Bible? As in the Bible isn’t there that tale where children take the mic out of its prophet Job then God sends a bear to maul the children?

Also I have watched the Grand Prix which was a bit of a non race minus the first lap which saw the incident that put out of the race something like 6 of the racers, then again as soon as that happened the race for the win never really got started as Sebastian Vettel got past Lewis Hamilton on the first lap and he just stayed there for the whole race.

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