Saturday 4 August 2018

Day 1815

Day 1815;

BMI of 19.27, steps 27,766 which was 17.98 km and I have burned off 2300 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese, tomato with white bread) and 2 cherry bakewells.
Dinner: gammon, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, green beans, potatoes and a fruit pastry.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange and raspberry) and cider.

Now today I have been on cycling, my watch ran out of charge before we’d finished our ride, but Wii Fit step counter reached 27,500 steps just after the ride. Today we didn’t do too well on the ride Mich blames it on the heat.

I have also got burned by the sun which I was out riding, I thought that I had signed sun cream to Mich this morning and he didn’t respond, but apparently he did see but he thought that I’d have weathered myself up by now so he thought don’t be daft at my suggestion. But then again he has also told a story that had him saying to me that I should wear sun cream but apparently I decided, so that has me at confused. Wasn’t there that radio programme on recently saying that the only way to get a healthy tan was from a bottle as the other ways are actually by burning your skin, so that is why I cringe every time he says at least your looking a healthy colour now.

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