Friday 17 August 2018

Day 1828

Day 1828:

My BMI was  18.65, I had taken 24,468 steps which was equivalent to 16.11 km and I had burned off 1523 kcal, today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, nectarine and plum.
Lunch: sausages, mashed potatoes, green beans, carrots
Dinner: sandwich (cheese + ham), blueberries, strawberries, egg custard and chocolate eclair.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice, ginger ale and hot chocolate.
Snacks: scone (butter and jam) and some chocolate biscuits.

Today I had traveled just about 26 miles by about lunchtime, but I had only taken 153 steps, according to my watch. This was as I had gone out with Mich on the tandem to my aunts house, where we had our snacks and I had myself a mug of ginger ale, which was because their is a lack of CO2 for there to be enough for ginger beer, apparently, but there seems to be enough for coke? As Tini has been getting that for herself, and that doesn’t seem to be in short supply?

So I had to remedy the situation, I did that by walking another 8 km on the treadmill just after lunch. That was my activity for the day, I think at least. The only other things I done today have been playing on my iPad's, other than that I’ve forgotten.

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