Tuesday 31 July 2018

Day 1811

Day 1811:

BMI for today was 19.33, I had only taken 1482 steps which was about 0.96 km and I have only managed to burn off 478 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, nectarine and peach.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: pork, carrots, peas, broccoli, green beans, new potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and fruit squash.
Snacks:  something and some chocolate.

Vegans think that they are saving the world, from the savage humans eating and using the produce of our animal coinhabitants of this planet, but they’re sadly mistaken, it may help to postpone the end of the world but it won’t work indefinitely it will probably only give us say something like an additional 100 more years maximum, but the problem is the whole farming infrastructure, by that I mean the mass deforestation all over the world for cattle and agricultural plants which leave fields fallow for the majority of the year and only growing wheat or another agricultural plant for a couple of months of the year, where forests once grew eating up some of the CO2 which has escaped into the atmosphere creating the effect which is commonly known as global warming, so save our trees is what we should be campaigning for not all of the vegan bull shite that they’re pushing for the moment. As I have got no problem with becoming vegan, as you know me I just eat what is layed in front of me. But just don’t go on about how much you love our fellow animals as if that is an excuse for your veganism, as it’s not in the real world (I’m typing about in the world of our hunter gatherer past) where there wasn’t all this reliance on doctors, and they knew that they had to hunt and to gather food for their breakfast, lunch and dinner, none of this man made shopping lark.

But I’ve had a lazy day today. With me going to Boccia for my activity of the day.

Monday 30 July 2018

Day 1810

Day 1810;

BMI was 19.40, Wii Fit was working again, 3032 steps was all that I had done today and I had burned off 747 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, orange, banana, strawberries and peach.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: fish, broccoli, peas, carrots, green beans, potatoes and chocolate chip cookie.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and fruit squash.

So I have just remembered something that happened yesterday, it happened while I was skiing and I had slid backwards on the skis that I was using as I had been traveling forwards on the skis and I had lost my sight at a crucial juncture, as I thought I had seen someone ski in front of me, so I stopped and I slid myself backwards a bit. Then Emu started saying something about skiing backwards, so I couldn’t refuse her so then I slipped the skis into a forward position and I started off by skiing forwards then I transferred my weight in a spinning sensation, to get myself spun around so I was skiing backwards, I looked up at Emu then I turned myself back around to a forwards position. Then I got accused of showing off, I wasn’t showing off I was just doing as I was told, then when we had got back to the lift the young woman that was skiing with us was talking to Peter Park about me and my backwards exploits, I think, as Peter Park was saying something about him being unsure of how I’d get on with learning how to ski, way back in the past when I first started going there, about 2 years ago, but then as soon as I saw someone skiing backwards I tried it out, apparently, and then Peter Park was a bit like *phew* “he remembers how to ski” so I’m guessing he needn’t teach me, but then he attempted to, anyway I think.

Sunday 29 July 2018

Day 1809

Day 1809:

Today Wii Fit was on the blink again, so I used another NHS website for calculating my BMI and scales as I what my height is, on the Wii Fit. So I got a result of 19.2 as my BMI. 

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, blueberries, orange, nectarines, peaches and yogurt.
Lunch: lasagna, salad, tomatoes, cucumber, beetroot, and lemon meringue pie.
Dinner: omelette (cheese and tomato) and a milk chocolate chip shortbread.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and cold coffee.
Snack: while chocolate chip cookie.

Yesterday while the time trial was on, in the Tour de France, I was conversing with Mich about a time trial. My thoughts were that you actually only have to go out for a blast over a relatively short stage, there’s no need for any food or drinks while you are on it, even I could do a stage like it, as I wouldn’t need to stop to get any drinks or food down me I would just go out on to the track and then blast my way through the course. But I’d obviously have to have someone with me in order to actually see, where I’m going and to stop the bike when I’m finished, else I’d probably just keep peddling. By the terminology blast, I mean just go at my own pace which maybe quicker or slower than someone like you, yesterday Mich was holding on the brakes and attempting to get me to slow down, apparently. I was on the back of the tandem, peddling as soon as it got harder I put my efforts up.

Then I have had another little bounce before I had another little row. Which was before we went all the way to our localist snow centre, well we’ve got two which are simliar distances away, and the one that I go to is the one that allows DSUK to work out of, as it’s by the use of DSUK that I have been able to ski again, and now I have actually started to learn to snowboard, well I have had one lesson once upon a time I’m thinking that it was actually in the past four months, as I had it one month that I missed the skiing day at the end of the month so Mich took me skiing earlier on the next month, which was before I managed to get to go to the next month skiing meet and I’m thinking that happened two months ago as I have gone to two skiing days since, including today, if I’m not mistaken. I’m apparently the poster boy for DSUK also nowadays, at least according to Emu. Now they’re wanting a quote from me, but I think they’re intelligent enough to know not to ask me for it directly as they were pestering Emu for it today, as they know I can ski, fine, but they must know that the words written for the case study that “I” did weren’t mine, as I never realised that I had done a case study, so it must have been Mich that did it, he may have questioned me to get some of the content for it, but you probably know how much of this is just the inarticulate ravings of a madman. But still I’m not on any posters

But today was also the day of the Prudential Ride London, we didn’t do it this year. But this year it was the time of my snowboarding instructor attempt, he only managed 94 miles but it was in something like + 2 hours on our result, and he missed out box hill apparently, which was one of the most fun parts of the ride I’m thinking. As I am thinking that it was on that hill that the man cycled up to us as we were going at a snails pace, on the descent (urg Mich is still too trigger happy on the brakes), and the man told us that we had over taken him on the assent, before he powered his way down the descent.

But I’m hoping that I get another shot at it next year I’m hoping to see if I can beat the time that we got last year perhaps with a different driver on the front of the tandem, if Mich is so worried about messing up his one hundred percent record of competition, for the PRL one hundred.

Saturday 28 July 2018

Day 1808

Day 1808:

So Wii Fit worked today, my BMI 19.53, my steps were only 8382 the distance I had walked was only 5.43 km and I had burned 1311 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese, cucumber in white bread), chocolate cake and batternburg.
Dinner: lasagna, salad, tomato, cheese and summer trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and peach alcohol.
Snacks: banana, strawberries, blueberries, peaches and nectarines.

Yesterday I had taken 11,732 steps which was 7.60 km and I had only managed to burn off 848 kcal, according to Wii Fit, but today I have been cycling around “the streets of London” 

“Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London,
I’ll show you something to make you change your mind”

But those lines come after the lines “So how can you tell me you’re lonely” and “And say for you that the sun don’t shine”, of which the first could be a reference to how it feels in London with everybody rushing about sticking to their own business without any interpersonal interactions, unlike the countryside life where everybody knows everybody or at the least you have a mutual acquaintance, or how it used to be. The second one would probably be another reference to the past but thinking of the past as in the smog and such like which used to plague London and about how little sun light you could see in the dark days of the old industrial revolution. So it could be a sarcastic song, or something like that, the song of oxymorons.

Now today I have been cycling around the Prudential ride London free cycle route which was our probably slowest ever cycle around London but we still managed to meet 3 other tandems on our 2 laps around the circuit, which took us about maybe slightly over 20 minutes. But we had an enjoyable time, we watched some BMX riders prance about on a stage over lunch also. But Geraint Thomas won his first of cyclings Grand Tours today to make him the third Brit to have won it, but Chris Froome managed to eak out an unlikely 3rd position by coming second on the time trial stage, even if it seemed like he had won the stage but it turned out not to be the case and Tom Dumoulan won the stage, even though Geraint came third on the stage he had managed to get a big enough buffer over the course of the 3 weeks of racing to win. So now he just needs to get himself to the line in Paris tomorrow to win.

Friday 27 July 2018

Day 1807

Day 1807;

My BMI is 19.6 today, I didn’t gather the rest of my data from the Wii as my disc had stopped working, so that BMI was also worked out another way.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, nectarine, peach and blackberries.
Lunch: sandwiche (cheese, pickle in wholemeal bread), lemon meringue pie and blueberries.
Dinner: chicken, rice, peas, carrots, green beans, strawberries, blueberries and yogurt.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash and water.
Snack: a Maltese chocolate.

So today my Wii Fit stopped working for me, now I can say that it has lasted me a good length of time. So from now I’m going to have to be getting all my fitness data from my watch.

I can’t remember anything that I’ve done for today. Other than Wii Fit stopping working so now I think I have had a failure of a day. Except my early morning workout, which was a bit of a disappointment, as I only managed to walk for about 18 minutes then I rowed for about 3 minutes before a 5 minute bounce, before I had a little jog on the spot until 11 o’clock.

Thursday 26 July 2018

Day 1806

Day 1806;

My BMI increased, unsurprisingly, it was at 19.40, I had walked 12,685 steps which was 8,21 km and I have burned off 805 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and orange.
Lunch: gammon, beetroot, salad, coleslaw, potato salad, Batternburg and cherry Bakewell.
Dinner: fish, peas, carrots, green beans, new potatoes, strawberries, blueberries, yogurt, Tunocks wafer and some lemon dessert.
Drinks: milk, water and fruit squash.c
Snacks: chocolate ice-cream.

On this day I have been having another lazy day, apart from my morning activity which was only another one of those treadmill walks it was only a little 5 mile stroll, on the treadmill. Which took me one hundred minutes, now I’m just wondering if I do that for 100 days I could be called a proclamer, or would that be 200 days of walking?  But no I have to be walking to something or person because as they say in their song;

“But I would walk five hundred miles,
And I would walk five hundred more,
Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles,
To fall down at your door,”

So for me to get the proclaimers stuff correct I must first find a person that lives a thousand miles from my abode before I walk to there home to fall down at their door, that’s going to be difficult.

Now today it has been a bit dull in the Tour de France as it was a sprinters stage, not a mountain stage so today there was no change in GC, not at the top at least. Thomas, Dumoulan, Froome as the podium still sits.

The new dishwasher and washing machine arrived today, the washing machine we forgot to take off the dead bolts so Tini was saying that it was written off before it had even been started, properly, as Tini had only put it on a small washing cycle before it had jumped out of its spot in the kitchen, and I was there attempting to push it back into position meanwhile Mich switched it off at its plug socket. But it still works so there was no harm done.

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Day 1805

Day 1805;

My BMI for today was 19.17, steps were 12,757 which gave me a distance of 8.26 km and I’d burned off 811 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in wholemeal bread) and Batternburg.
Dinner: omelette, beetroot, salad, tomatoes, coleslaw, potato salad and a vanilla, rhubarb dessert.
Drinks: milk and fruit squash.

Today I have had a pleasant enough treadmill wander as a starting point, for my day. So I’d done my steps for the day. Before I had another lazy afternoon sat in front of the box watching Le Tour.

So today Le Tour de France was interesting, with Froome getting dropped in the final climb, but Geraint was still best Tom Dumoulan is now second, just a second inside 2 minutes, before Chris Froome in third, 32 seconds back, to then Primoz Roglic only 16 seconds behind Froome. So it’s looking like it’s Geraint’s to loose now.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Day 1804

Day 1804;

My BMI as of today has been 19.27, of which I find kind of disturbing as if as Mich has been telling me (that I have been growing) is correct then my BMI could be set to fall further. But I have done 13,674 steps which were 8.85 km and I have burned off 1076 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, pear and orange.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese), cherry Bakewell and a Müller corner (lemon).
Dinner: baked gammon, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, green beans, green cabbage, new potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, Lucozade sport (raspberry) and fruit juice.
Snacks: grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.

So today I had my first 4 out of 5 for breakfast, then I didn’t eat any more portions of fruit until I returned from the gym, in the afternoon, when I had my snacks, which was a little pot with 2 out of my 5 for today, so I have eaten 6 out of 5 for today, that should probably be good enough for today. Before I started on my 5 out of 5 vegetables for dinner. So that should have been 11 out of 5 for today.

But after I had finished my breakfast I decided to do a little 100 minute walk on the treadmill. Of which I had met my step goal for the day after about 80 minutes, before the 100 minutes was up, so I just kept on walking for the 100 minutes. Then later on today I went to the gym, for a little cycle on a exercise bike.

Then Tini and I had a bit of a falling out as she knew that I didn’t want to go with her into school tomorrow, and she told me to think about it and to get back to her later, so I thought about it and I came to the same perspective that I didn’t want to go with her so I told her my reasons and she started off by saying that I could have just told her no, but I did, before she asked me to think about it.

Monday 23 July 2018

Day 1803

Day 1803;

My BMI was 20.40 today which was less than it was yesterday, but then I had also walked less step so therefore I hadn’t walked as far, with only something like 7.69 km in distance but I had beat myself on number of calories burned off today as I had burned off something like 1100 kind.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, pear, apple and orange.
Lunch sandwich (cheese, pickle in wholemeal bread), Batternburg and cherry Bakewell.
Dinner: pie ( steak and ale), broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, green beans, green cabbage, tiramisu and amaretti.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water, fruit juice and cider.
Snack: a Maltese chocolate.

So it was today that I remembered what I was supposed to be typing about yesterday when I instead started rambling on about the Legend of Zelda, as it was supposed to be about the big sport shock of yesterday with Lewis Hamilton winning the German Grand Prix from 14th position on the grid, due to his “car failing him” apparently in qualifying, yesterday. But Vettel’s “car failed him” apparently today also when the race was on, and he was forced to retire from the race, from first place. So now that shifts the championship leadership from Vettel to Hamilton with a lead of 17 points, which is an increase of 9 points on Vettel’s lead coming into the race.

On the radio today I heard a load of people’s ideas for keeping cool while you’re sleeping they were all things like putting your pillow in the freezer, getting wet flannels (ring them out) apply to your body and lie on something cold on your bed. I prefer to not bother with doing anything that extravagant, l find that by just laying down on my bed helps, do not get in your bed just lay on top it’s worked too well for the past few days.

So today I have had my 5 fruit of the day with breakfast and I have had my 5 vegetables for dinner, in between I have pickle, but it was Branston pickle and I’m unsure if it would count, as Branston’s wouldn’t just put some pickle in a pot and give they’re name to it; surely not.

Sunday 22 July 2018

Day 1802

Day 1802;

BMI of the day was 19.49, steps were 14,048 and I had walked 9.10 km, but I had only burned off 844 kcal, today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: Swiss baked egg, wholemeal bread, Batternburg and cherry Bakewells.
Dinner: chicken, green beans, rice and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash, cider and hot chocolate.

So today I have been for a cycle ride, which went wrong. As when Mich was telling me what to do, which I already know as how hard can it be to peddle, I responded but the only problem with my responses are that I cannot respond in a civilised manner so I apparently grunt. Then Mich got really annoyed at my responses, so he flipped out a bit. He tried stroking my chin, of which I think was his attempt at knocking my block off, as I heard him say later that he almost knocked my block off.

Mythology in Hyrule seems to be lacking, I mean other than the games which could count as at least part of the mythology, but then they’re so rarely referenced within the other games, like the Minish, they have been used in one game so far (I know that they have been referenced as the reason as of why you can find all types of things in grass and such like and Vatti has been seen in some of the games and he was a Minish), the Minish or Pictori (as known by the Hylians)  are miniature creatures, creatures that are only the size of a thumb, but who’s thumb I don’t know, and are only visible to well behaved children (but well behaved is a subjective quality so that is probably why the Wikipedia page has conflicting information that point. But I think that what the legend needs is a bit more of the mythology as so far we have only been exposed to the main creation story of Hyrule, which echoes, three goddess, Din cultivated the land, Nayru brought law to the land and Farore produced life to uphold the law. Then in Breath of the Wild we get introduced to the fourth goddess, Hylia, and her foe, Demise who sets the repeating chain of events which have supposedly been stopped by Breath of the Wild.

Saturday 21 July 2018

Day 1801

Day 1801:

My BMI was 19.95,  1765 steps which was only 1.14 km and 590 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: sandwich (prawn mayo, 1 wholemeal bread and 1/2 of a white bread) and some pastries.
Dinner: chicken, peas, carrots, cucumber, red cabbage and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash, cider and hot chocolate.
Snacks: orange, pear, banana, apple, chocolate chip cookie and mango raspberry haggis dazs ice cream bar.

So today started as every other lazy Saturday started,for me at least. I ate my breakfast, went upstairs to get myself changed into my boccia gear. Then I went to boccia, which was before I got myself disappointed, as the little bike ride is on next week, so I had another lazy day instead, with myself only getting a bit on Splatoon 2 done, I only managed to complete 4 games in my crusade against the inklings. 2 victories and 2 defeats.

Within Le Tour de France Chris, Tom and Geraint finished the stage on the same time to leave GC as it stood before the stage, with Geraint leading ahead of Chris and Tom respectively.

Friday 20 July 2018

Day 1800

Day 1800:

19.59 was my BMI, 12,513 steps which was 8.10 km and 882 kcal, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: sandwich (sardine,tomato paste in white bread), lemon cake, batternburg and chocolate chip shortbread.
Dinner: ham, egg, chips, peas, fish finger, Amaretti, strawberries, ice cream and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, cold coffee and hot chocolate.

Today I have heard another woman cyclist talking about a woman’s Tour de France, she said that she’d like it but it’s not to be as far as the men’s Tour, but the women’s Tour de France happens a full day earlier than the mans Tour, which their was a woman who is riding in it talking to the presenters of the Tour de France, which they weren’t actually racing for it it was more of a way for them to prove themselves in such ways as, some, men have to prove themselves like the ways that some men have to have some great financial success before they allow themselves to get close to a woman, so they can provide for them. Which I know that may even be some old times though process, not the kinds of a millennial, or the “Me, Me, Me” generation, which oddly enough I am part of; as you could have undoubtedly told from the subtext under the heading of this accursed blog, I am honestly that selfish and self obsessed, with the majority of topics that I cover being about me. Anyway I’m guessing that those thoughts are looked down upon, nowadays, in the western world there’s only enough room for the fat liberals and there skinny enablers. Everyone else be dammed, freedom of speech and expression, as long as they are the Politically Correct (Politically Censored) speeches and expressions.

Now today I have been out on a tandem with Mich again, now today we did test ride on the older tandem to see if it had been fixed good enough for a little ride we are apparently going to do tomorrow.

Thursday 19 July 2018

Day 1799

Day 1799;

My BMI was 19.56, 21,909 steps, 14.19, 1158 kcal apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear
Lunch: I forgot what I had.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash and hot chocolate.

I started off my day with breakfast as usual, then I had a hundred minute walk on the treadmill, just so I was all warmed up for my cycle ride of the afternoon.

The cycle turned out to be a pitiful experience, with there being many incidents. The first of which was I slipped off the peddles, then the bike accident broke, the brakes came off of the back wheel then I think that Mich’s feet left the peddles. I can’t remember all of the incidents but there was quite a few more.

Then in the Tour de France today it was another win for Geraint Thomas which strengthened his lead in the yellow jersey, over Tom and Chris.

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Day 1798

Day 1798;

My BMI was 19.59, I had only taken 17,512 steps which was 11.34 km and I had burned off 1013 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple, banana and pear.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: battered fish, chips, curry sauce and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: half a banana.

Now today I have had I have had a bit of a nothing morning. Then just before lunch I had a tiny walk on the treadmill, but then after lunch I had a longer walk on the treadmill. But that was it of my activity for today, until the cycle I did later on before we had our take-away dinner, of fish and chips, but I had extra chips to save them from going to waste; not that me eating them isn’t a waste.

Then we watched the highlights of the Tour de France, team Sky came to the fore in today’s stage, with Geraint Thomas taking the yellow jersey with his team mate just 20 seconds behind him, in Third but he’s on the same time as Tom Dumoulan who finished in second. So GC is looking interesting with Geraint Thomas now in first, Chris Froome in second and Tom Dumoulan in third, 29 seconds off Froome. But Mark Caverndish of team Dimension Data, failed to make the cut, by 1 hour 5 minutes, so his tour is now over.

Tuesday 17 July 2018

Day 1797

Day 1797;

My BMI was 19.40, I had made 14,176 steps which were calculated at 9.18 km and I have burned off 866 kcal, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, apple and pear.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese, salad in white bread), Maltese biscuits and batternburg.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, cauliflower, green beans, croquet potatoes and summer trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash
Snacks: chocolate.

Today I have been ready to go cycling minus socks for the majority of the morning, and I have been listening to La Course which this year has taken a step back in equality with Le Tour, I think it was because some of the women were saying that it was too much of a challenge last year, being a year that it was a 2 day stage last year but it was only a one day race this year. So disappointing for all the women that say whatever a man can do they can also do, or women can also do.

But then I had to get changed into a pair of trousers and t-shirt as I had to go on a walk to the hair dressers, to get my hair cut so I had my hair cut then we walked back. Then after I had my lunch I was waiting for ages, not literally just a very long time, for the cycling time, but when I had got bored of waiting I started having a go on the treadmill it was supposed to be an hour long walk, but it was only a 3/4 of an hour, as Mich came by and told me that he was ready for a little cycle, which didn’t go very well today, as we had a puncture, which I am thinking was a preexisting puncture, as we hadn’t managed to get to speeds of anything like 15mph since before that stop by the pond sometime last weekend, I think. So I am thinking that we picked up the puncture in between our final sub 20 minute mile and us stopping at the pond.

Monday 16 July 2018

Day 1796

Day 1796

19.30 was my BMI, I had only made 8211 steps which was the equivalent to 5.32 km and I had burned off 1085 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, pear and orange.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese, pickle and salad), batternburg and lemon cake.
Dinner: chicken, green beans, rice, 
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice, water, Lucozade sport (raspberry) and hot chocolate.
Snacks: fruit cake (wedding cake).

Now today I have been to the gym and to athletics and I still haven’t made my step goal, but I haven’t set a kcal goal, I’m unsure about that also, as what should it be? I am not even sure of how many Kcal I consume. But then today I also have had the best part of getting married, the cake, but then I haven’t had anything to do with the marriage, I don’t even know the two people involved in the marriage.

So now I have discovered how you are supposed to get a woman pregnant, I know that it’s sex basically, but I have just discovered how much sex you should have and you shouldn’t drink alcohol, smoke or abuse drugs ; but how you are supposed to abuse drugs is anyone’s guess, as I’d get it if it was to say you shouldn’t abuse druggies as if you do then you could be arrested for abusing another person, but I’m just unsure of how you’re supposed to abuse drugs? It could be that cutting through the Cocaine with a credit card could be considered abusive to the drug, but I just don’t know. Then the other 3 “helps”  are literally use an ovulation kit, have sex before ovulation and don’t use the calendar method of prediction, but I am thinking why bother with any of those 3 tips, if you’re having sex 3 times a week say on Monday, Thursday and Saturday then over the course of a 52 week year that should be 156 sexy times per year then, that should be enough and it just takes 1 of those 156/365 to conside with ovulation, I know that semen maybe weak but it could last for up-to 7 days in a women’s vagina so even if the sperm is weak then it could keep the woman fertilised for the year. But other reports say that: 

Sperm in the vagina don't live more than minutes, the ph is too acidic for them. Sperm in the cervix/cervical crypts on the other hand live at least 48-72 hours, some reports do suggest up to 5 days

Source: HealthTap, https://www.healthtap.com/user_questions/319667-how-long-does-sperm-last-in-the-vagina-i-hear-3-5-4-5-5-7-what-is-the-correct-answer

Sunday 15 July 2018

Day 1795

Day 1795;

My BMI was 19.43, I had made 19,607 steps which was 12.69 km and I had burned off 894 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Lunch: prawns, picked eggs, bread, lettuce, tomato, cucumber and scone (jam and cream).
Dinner: chicken, carrots, green beans, rice, scone (cream and jam) and summer trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice, cider and hot chocolate.

Today was the day that France was declared to be the football World champions by beating Croatia by 4 goals to 2, but then 2 of the goals that France scored were by some very contentious refereeing decisions. But I thought that VAR was supposed to be used to eradicate the contentiousness in the referee’s decision making, not create a whole load more that potentially effected the result of the match.

But then also today I have been on a cycle ride, it was a near enough 45 mile ride. I was thinking that we hadn’t done very well on the ride today but we had broke a considerable number of our personal records.

Saturday 14 July 2018

Day 1794

Day 1794;

My BMI had increased again 19.71, my steps had decreased again to 2480 steps which was only a pathetic 1.61 km and I only burned off 555 kcal, today.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: sausages, carrots, peas, broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, potatoes, banana, strawberries and ice cream.
Dinner: cheese sandwich (white bread), batternburg and fruit cake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot chocolate.

Today was set up to be another lazy day, as I had boccia practice to go to in the morning, ah I can still remember when my Saturdays were my favourite days of the week, as I would get to do a proper sport on Saturday mornings, it started off with a 1 hour session but then I went to the full 3 hours, which was first up was the Pee Wee hour, which was followed by a Youth hour before finally settling down into a game hour/Junior and Senior, Pee Wee, Youth, Junior, Senior are 4 of the age groups, for roller hockey.

But then today I have also watched the England vs Belgium football match, which was a win for Belgium by 2 goals to 0. 

Friday 13 July 2018

Day 1793

Day 1793:

19.66 was my BMI of the day, 16,074 steps which were worth 10.41 km and I had burned off 1170 kca, according to Wii Fit. But my watch tells me that I have only taken 6782 steps but I’d moved 45,0 km which could be down to the 37.17 km that we rode on the tandem.

Breakfast: cereal, raspberries, banana, pear, apple and orange.
Lunch: sausages roll, potato salad and Belgium bun.
Dinner: cod in batter, chips, curry sauce and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot chocolate.

So in the morning I had done a little jog on the treadmill which got me upto about 6000 steps by my watch, then my time of the day in between then and now, I cannot remember what I have been doing for the majority of it, at least until we went out on the tandem which was where the vast majority on my distance traveled today has been. As I have spent 37.17 km on the tandem today, but then today we managed to max out at some speed of a tiny bit more than 30 mph, as I was looking at my watch at a time during the ride and it told me that I was traveling at something like 29 mph and I thought that we had just been moving faster, then when we’d finished I asked Mich and he told me that our max speed was at 30.2 mph. But because Mike had quit before our final assent of the ride we were 14 seconds down on our PR which we had set yesterday/that 14 seconds is how much worse I am without Mich’ Input.

Thursday 12 July 2018

Day 1792

Day 1792;

My BMI was 19.62 for today, the number of steps that I did was 19,697 which was 12.75 km and I have also burned off 1841 kcal, according to Wii Fit. But my watch tells me that I have done 10,365 steps which was 47.5 km I have burned off 3260 calories which was 1768 rest and 1492 active.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, pear and orange.
Lunch: baked beans on toast with mini sausages, batternburg and fruit cake.
Dinner: chicken pie, broccoli, vanilla cheesecake and raspberries.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot chocolate.

Now on this day I first off went for a jog on the treadmill. Next up I had gone on a couple, at least, of walks to the town centre and down to the local grassy fields, which have had quite the makeover since the last time that we had been down to them, but I was more interested in what a state the pieceof land that the scout hut is on, is in. As I am unsure if it has always been as overgrown with weeds, out back, but I can remember guess to one birthday party which was there and I don’t think that it was as overgrown as it is now.

Then myself and Mich went on a, but we managed to get our average speed of 15.6 mph for our total ride, which may seem like nothing to be honest, especially when the speed of life is rocketing, so I had an idea 

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Day 1791

Day 1791;

My BMI was 19.82, steps were 9390 and my distance was 6.08 and I have burned 801 kcal. But my watch tells me that I had done over 10,000 steps.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise and vanilla cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot chocolate.

So it was today that the dream died, for the next 4 years at least, England won’t be lifting the World Cup in Russia, Croatia has seen to that. But England still have one more match to win, in order to come third in the tournament and cement their place as the second best English team/the best on foreign soil to have ever come out of England. Anyway Harry Kane still has one more match to nail the golden boots to his feet. As he is still only got the 6 of them and I can’t help thinking that there was another player creeping up on his score, and he hasn’t scored now since the last 16 stage, I think.

Tuesday 10 July 2018

Day 1790

Day 1790;

My BMI has increased slightly on yesterday’s results 20.50, 4789 steps which was 3.10 km and I burned off 580 kcal.

Breakfast: raspberries, strawberries and weetabix.
Lunch: cheese omelette, muller corner yogurt (lemon) and a banana.
Dinner: macaroni cheese,frankfurter sausages and summer trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot chocolate

Today I have been having another lazy day all that I have done today is go on a short walk on the treadmill. But I ate my weetabix for breakfast today, and I watched France beat Belgium in the first semifinal match of the World Cup, which puts them up against the winners of the match between Croatia and England and the losing team plays Belgium, in the third place playoff.

Monday 9 July 2018

Day 1789

Day 1789;

BMI for today was 19.53, my steps were a bit on the low side being 1754 which was 1.13 km and I had burned off 498 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: cheese omelette, 
Dinner: macaroni cheese and summer trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot chocolate.
Snacks: raspberries, banana and strawberries.

Now today I have had a Wisdom tooth removed, local anaesthetic is what the lower left hand side of my mouth was put under. My only thoughts of the operation was that anaesthetic tastes bad and the woman that was there to hold my hand was pretty irrelevant and a bit of a discomfort for me; as that was the most uncomfortable part of the whole process having to have a person hold my hand, I have no idea why she had to hold my hand, it wasn’t going to hit anybody nor did it clench, which could have been as she was holding it so I was making an effort not to clench around her hand. So it happened with drills and a device for removing the shards of the tooth from my mouth, now how the doctor preceded with the operation was drill my tooth to break the tooth into pieces, then he used the other piece of equipment to pick out all of the pieces of root and tooth, hearing my tooth crack was a sound that I heard.

But my compliance was appreciated by the doctor, or so he said. Besides all I did was follow his instructions like open your mouth, bite down on the mouth stop thing and move your tounge over. I had no feeling in the part of my mouth that he was operating on so it I was to state it hurt me would be totally dishonest, as how could it my mouth was numb. So I had a nice rest, I was lying down for the whole experience, but when they were taking me back to Mich, who transported me to the hospital, they used a wheelchair to transport me back to Mich, which I thought was irritating, as I could still walk.

After there was no football on the box, so instead I watched the Tour de France, Wimbledon and I’m thinking that I watched the medallion, which was a Jackie Chan film. Where his character Jimmy gets shot and he comes back with superpowers thanks to the medallion that a child gave him.

Sunday 8 July 2018

Day 1788

Day 1788;

Today on Wii Fit I had a BMI of 19.30,steps of 18,324 which gave me 11.86 km that I had apparently walked and 1075 kcal burned off.

Breakfast: cereal, raspberries, banana, orange, apple and pear.
Lunch: prawn salad sandwich, peaches, strawberries, raspberries and ice cream.
Dinner: chicken, rice, broccoli, runner beans, something, strawberries and vanilla cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot chocolate.

Today I have been on a 42 mile tandem ride, with Mich. Which was good for my Wii Fit steps, how ever very poor for my watch steps. Well they were 2226 on my watch which is pretty appalling. But my watch tells me that I have moved 42 miles.

After my morning cycle I spent the rest of the morning being lazy, and that continued until I checked my watch, and up until then I had done approximately 600 steps, so I went to the make-shift gym and I noted that it was way too hot to be working out in that room, so I went for a walk outside, then I made it up to 2000 steps , by stepping around the garden.

Saturday 7 July 2018

Day 1787

Day 1787;

My BMI was up again to 19.53, my steps were seriously down to 1864 which was a small 1.21 km and I had only burned off 489 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, pear, apple and strawberries .
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and pickle), strawberries, ice cream, cake bars and batternburg.
Dinner: omelette (cheese, mushroom and ham)
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash and hot chocolate.

First up today was Boccia, which is a “sport” for the clinically lazy, like me; for today at least. As on this day I have been playing boccia, then sitting down for my lunch before taking my seat for the afternoon kickoff, which was between Sweden and England, of which the result was 0 - 2 to England, which sets them up nicely for the semifinal which was decided later on today.

Then up next on the box was the game between Kyle Edmund and Novak Djokovic, Kyle Edmund was looking good for the first set, if you think that good is wasting the majority of your first serves but then he took the first set, so that should probably mean that Djokovic wasn’t on as top form as he usually is, in a break between the sets I decided to have a go on the rowing machine, which I did for 5 minutes

Before the final match of the day, I’d already gone to eat my dinner before watching the game which was between Russia and Croatia, to find out who’d be England’s opposition for only their third ever semifinal at a World Cup, their first was back in 1966 where they won the competition, the second was in 1990, when a German side clad in green, beat them in a penalty shootout. The third I know it’s against the Croatia team that has managed to get through 2 penalty consecutive penalty shootouts, to get this far, England haven’t even managed to get through 2 penalty shootouts in their history, so what’s the betting that Croatia will be dragging England to England’s second and Croatia’s third in the tournament, penalty shootout? Which will make more history whichever way the place in the final goes.

 Now it’s onto next Tuesday and Wednesday, to see which of the four semi finalists have got what it takes to make it to the final, next Sunday?

Friday 6 July 2018

Day 1786

Day 1786:

Today I had a BMI of 19.36, I had done 13,750 steps which was a distance of 8.90 km I burned off 1112 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, pear and apple.
Lunch: cheese and pickle sandwich I think.
Dinner: fish, potatoes, carrots , broccoli, cauliflower, tomato and panacotta with raspberries.
Drinks: fruit squash, milk, cider and hot chocolate.
Snacks: cupcake, batternburg and a little cake bar.

So today I was treading on the mill, on the treadmill, for only approximately 40 minutes, so I was being a bit lazy today. Then I’m thinking that I’ve forgotten just about everything that I’ve been doing in between then and the football match that was won by France, 0 - 2,  it was the first of quarterfinal matches of the World Cup. But then later on Brazil got knocked out, which made it the first World Cup which hasn’t had either Argentina, Brazil or Germany contesting a place in the final. But so now it’s Belgium v France in the first semifinal.

But then I have been out on the tandem today also, between the two matches so we had done 15 miles in the hour, on our little excursion.

Thursday 5 July 2018

Day 1785

Day 1785;

BMI was down to 19.33, steps were up, not difficult I know, to 15,823 which was 10.24 km and I had burned 1209 kcal. 

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, pear and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese, pickle In white bread and a chocolate brownie.
Dinner: turkey, broccoli, cauliflower, runner beans, carrots, potatoes and a little pot of like cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.

So today I have kind of found myself, in part at least, if I was lost yesterday. As this morning I got back to doing a bit of jogging which was before I had another go at the abdominal exercises. Then I did a load of shenanigans for Mich, like dragging the dustbin back onto the property.

Later on we went out on the tandem, it was a twenty mile ride which we averaged at 14.4 mph today which was a disappointing speed, but the temperature was his excuse for our drop in form. We shouldn’t be making excuses, we should have just knuckled our heads down and produced results, but we failed at doing that there’s nothing else to state.

Wednesday 4 July 2018

Day 1784

Day 1784;

BMI was 19.59, steps I had taken were only 1402, I had only walked 0.91 km and I burned off 520 kcal,so I know that I had a lazy day of the highest order.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: sandwich (sausage, bacon, eggs in brown bread), mango, raspberries and apple.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise and a cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot chocolate.
Snacks: grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.

Now today I didn’t know what to do with myself as I had to let the piano movers come in to collect the piano, so they could move it on to it’s new home which is with Emu and and C, to actually get some use out of the old thing. Which was more than it was getting here, as it was just sitting here gathering dust, like me in general especially when there’s the World Cup on the box, which there wasn’t yesterday.

I didn’t have a jog on the treadmill, yesterday I was too lazy, instead I had a slight row on the rowing machine, but I was going to do a 30 minute row today, I only got 15 minutes of the way through and I noticed that Flow had arrived so I got myself up and let her in the house it was as there was some paperwork for her to collect so she collected it and then I got her to have a go on the rowing machine, which was a result.

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Day 1783

Day 1783;

BMI 19.59, steps 13,587, distance 8.80 km and I burned 926 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberry.
Lunch: sandwich (chicken roast with white bread), grapes, strawberries, banana and apple.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, green bean like things, baked potatoes, croquet potatoes and pot of some fruity yogurt stuff.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, cider and hot chocolate.
Snacks: muller corner yoghurt.

So today I have been on the treadmill, for a short jog, then I have taken my t-shirt off (as it was drenched in sweat) before I did another one of my little abs workouts, then took a small jog around the lounge to get my steps up and I managed to get my pocket step counter to 10,000 before my watch, as I’m thinking that my pocket was beeping around about 11:30, but it was not until a bit later that I’d finally completed my 10,000 steps on my watch.

Then I sat down eating my lunch for what seemed like hours, but then Tini showed up, I thought ‘that’s wrong, isn’t she supposed to be covering for her colleague today’, then Tini revealed that it’s now going to be on a different day, but it was going to be today.

Later on today the game kicked off, the game between Sweden and Switzerland, Sweden won, so that was one yellow team beating a team in red. But then the reds struck back in the second match of the day, between Columbia and England, of which England won it and it ended in a penalty shootout. Which is apparently a first experience, as in England have never won a penalty shootout before. But I’m unsure about that it maybe that was the case for in the World Cup, but I’m just unsure. But anyway by hook or by crook England have made it through there first knockout game in a major tournament for quite some time, and it was done by means of penalties. But then there’s also the matter of how they managed to do it in the end, as I think it was the English 3rd penalty taker that had his saved, which was after the opposition had scored their 3rd penalty so they were a goal behind and the next player up, a Columbian, struck the ball so it rebounded off the post and it didn’t cross the line, the score was still 3 - 2 on penalties then up came the English 4th penalty taker and scored his shot to level it up at 3 - 3, next up was the 5th man from Columbia he took his shot it was saved by Pickford so we’d come down to the tenth of the chosen penalty takers, it was an Englishman if he scored it England would win, they’d be through to the quarterfinals, so the little Englishman struck the ball the net rippled and the English went wild, it was as if they had won the whole competition. But there’s still three more rounds to go and potentially 3 more penalty shootouts to endure.

Monday 2 July 2018

Day 1782

Day 1782;

BMI was 19,33 today, I had taken 11,717 steps which was the equivalent of 7.59 km and I had burned off 967 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries and banana.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: sweet n sour chicken, rice, noodles, chocolate ice cream and apple.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, cider and hot chocolate.
Snacks: mango, raspberry and apple pot.

Now today I have only done a short jog on the treadmill this morning then after I went outside for another jog around, it’s to clear my airways of the pollen, apparently. Then later on today I went to the gym and I completed my 10,000 steps, for the day, on the lateral trainer.

Later on today I watched the football, after a slow in the first Brazil eventually managed to score, in the second half then just before full time they managed to score a second time, which may have flattered the Brazilians in making it look easier than it was. But then the second match came on today, Japan v Belgium, and it looked like there was going to be another upset on the cards thanks to Japan and they’re quick two goal lead at the start of the second half,  but then by the full time was due to be called the score was two goals each, before the fourth official put up his board which said 4 minutes of indury timeto be played, and then in the fourth minute of stoppage time Belgium won the game. 

Sunday 1 July 2018

Day 1781

Day 1781;

BMI of 19.98, steps 7083 and I walked 4.59 km I burned off 826 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana and pear.
Lunch: roasted chicken, butternut squash, lettuce, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli and strawberry Eton mess.
Dinner: cheese sandwich and summer trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash and hot chocolate.
Snacks: chocolate biscuit and tic-tac.

This morning I’ve heard a sharp squeaking sound, I would probably say that it was like a mouse, if I was asked, but I wasn’t so I’ll just keep my opinions to myself. Anyway it wasn’t long until the squeaking sound was drowned out by the usual sound of our mornings, the pigeons cooing. But then I’m guessing that the sharp squeakers have vamoosed before the birds pluck them from their safe spaces and devour them.

 But then I have had a lazy day today as I have been traveling in a car for some of the day, as I have been having to go to the location that Emu and C live, which was disappointing as both Mich and I had got a cycle ride to go on, one which had a bbq at the other end also and I know that I had the idea of getting them, Emu and C, a bbq which was at least a few years ago now and they’ve received it and it’s in a box on their patio as they still haven’t used it. I started unpacking it today for them but they just repacked it away and they keep saying that they are going to use it but they never do. Then we had a slight walk to a place to eat then around the city/town that they live in, before going back to their home which we did so we could get back in the car and return to our home.

But then we were just in the car on the way home, and Mich had made a crack about how I always go to sleep on car journeys, and I am willing to admit that I close my eyes when I’m in a car, but I was still listening to the radio and from what the commentators were saying was that the referee bottled it on his decision not to award Spain a penalty in the second half of additional time which could have changed the result, as if they’d have scored it then then the resulting penalty shootout wouldn’t have happened and Uruguay would have won the tie.

But as it happened:

Russia get through, knocking Spain out on penalties, woah. We got to hear that result before we went into the tunnel the score was 3 - 4 in the penalty shootout, the Spanish man scored his first penalty, Russia scored, Spain scored, Russia scored, Spain missed, Russia scored, Spain scored, Russia scored, Spain missed, so Russia managed to get through with a penalty to spare. The score was 1 - 1 by halftime, then after full-time the score was the same, the result hadn’t changed after 30 minutes of additional time before the previous happened the result of the game was 4 - 5 after the game had been played.

Then in the other match of the day the first goal was scored by the Danes in the first minute of the match, then the Crows scored their equaliser in the first four minutes so it was level pegging, at 1 - 1, the score stayed the same for the whole game up until additional time had almost ran out, and the Danes gave away a penalty. Then Casper, the Danish goalkeeper saved the shot so it was all up to spot kicks. From the spot kick’s the score was 3 - 2 to the Crows, so the final score was 4 - 3 to the Crows, so they will be Russia’s opponent for the quarterfinals.