Thursday 31 May 2018

Day 1750

Day 1750;

My BMI for today was 19.36, I had walked 18,702 steps which was the equivalent to 12.11 km and 1229 kcal was the total amount that I had burned off, at least by the time of my body test, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten, banana and chocolate eclair.
Dinner: chicken, green beans, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice, cider and hot chocolate.
Snacks: Haribo tangtastics (mini).

Now today I have been on the treadmill twice, the first was in an hourlong walk, the second was another hourlong workout, but this time it was a jog, and apparently I jogged 10k within the hour. Which is a speed of quicker than 6 mph, and obviously quicker than 10 km/h, however slightly.

What else have I done today?

You’ve comunicated with the little woman, you know the one that you like. But other than that I got nothing, ok.

Ok, but thanks.

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Day 1749

Day 1749:

19.95 was my BMI, 10,443 steps which were the equivalent of 6.76 km today and I burned off 863 kcal, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: omelette, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Dinner: chicken, chips, sweet sour sauce, mango, raspberry, apple and a double chocolate sundae.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, cider and hot chocolate.

The English are a queer lot (by the use of the word queer I mean strange/odd) as if you know anything about us then you’ll probably know about a habit that a lot of us have, it’s the habit of saluting magpies, and saying stuff like “Hello Mr Magpie, how’s your wife and children,” “Good morning Mr Magpie how’s your wife,” or other variations. Well I obviously don’t say anything, ever anymore, but I still do salute the Magpies. I do it as I always have, it’s my mark of respect to the natural world but there’s actually more to it than what I had always done, unsurprisingly. Apparently Magpies hold an honorary rank in the British army, so that explains the reason for the salute and the basic greeting, which I am guessing should include the “how’s your wife (and children)” parts to it also, as if you were saying good morning general (how’s your wife [and children]) and then you are supposed to salute them.

But as today I haven’t been as active as I was yesterday because I have been to the gym, for a bit of cycle training, on the exercise bike today I got to about 8.5 miles. Which should equal something along the lines of 13.6 km, as what is 6 times 8.5, well it’s 48 + 3 = 51 then divide that by 10 gets you 5.1 add the result to 1 times 8.5 which got me to 13.6 km. so I did an average speed of about 13.6 km/h in the gym for an hour today.

Then at home I did another about hour on the treadmill, but I fell off of the treadmill as I was too busy attempting to fix my trousers to concentrate on the treadmill, I know I should always have a belt ready for my exploits on the treadmill. Then I did a short abs workout.

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Day 1748

Day 1748;

Now today my BMI was 19.79, the number of steps were 16,433 which equals 10.64 km and I had burned off 1494 kcal according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, apple, pear, banana and orange.
Lunch: I cannot remember.
Dinner: chicken, runner beans, peas, carrots, potatoes and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice,non-alcoholic cider and hot chocolate.
Snacks: chocolate chip shortbread.

Now today I have heard one of the most preposterous people on the radio, it was a feminist. She was going on about her saggy boobs. Well I have never turned a woman, down on the state of her breasts I’m sure that some have. Well if they have actually asked anyone, ever, and they don’t just expect suddenly a group of Johnny Dep/Justin Beber/whoever every girl is fawning over nowadays lookalikes to come up to them take their hand and whisk them away on a magic carpet ride up the isle to marry them. But it never happens like that, as for a start there are no magic carpets, just as many women like to say they aren’t just a pretty face if they have a pretty face, and if not that’s all they got “so you better compliment me on the beauty of my face about as many hours as there are in a day, else we’re through” it’s like what they say. But now back to the feminist with saggy boobs, what she used as a comparison was with men whose balls hang low/they sag, and I was like how do you realise if a mans balls sag? As men generally wear pants and trousers (or underpants and pants for Americans) and pants will usually gather the balls up and shield them from view, and that’s before trousers which will also obstruct anyone’s view, but then I remember a rhyme from school, “Do your balls hang low, Can you swing them to and fro, Can you tie them in a knot, Can you tie them in a bow, Do your balls hang low,” well that’s about it that I can remember from all of those years back when I last heard it. So don’t think you’re so special just because you have got some big sacks of fat on your chest, glutinous that’s all that you are, except the approximately 0.01 % of you that has got an underlining medical condition, but even then you could probably just cut out all of the unnecessary food that you eat and exercise more.

Which reminds me about my podgy youngest sibling as she was actually improving before she got her job as a nurse, I don’t know if they just sit down, stand up, snacking all day but now she’s given up on improving herself, how disappointing. Just like Tini did back about 20 years ago. Tini had a load of aerobics videos, as Allergy has that 1 bounce dvd, and Tini had that white indoor bike, Allergy has that trampoline, so maybe I could reignite their passion for fitness, probably not but it could be worth a shot.

So today I have been down town on the tandem to get it all fixed up for the holiday that we are going on next week, two men and a tandem. I know what we probably should do is to get on a ferry to some mainland European country, then we should cycle to Calis and get the ferry back to Blighty. As I saw an older couple had done last year if I’m not mistaken. But we ain’t we’re going off to the West Country to cycle in the rain.

Monday 28 May 2018

Day 1747

Day 1747:

19,86 was my BMI for today, I had only done 7095 steps which was the equivalent to 4,59 km and I had only burned off 869 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: salmon, spinach, carrots, peas, asparagus, leek, bread n’ butter pudding and strawberries.
Dinner: egg salad sandwich (white bread), cucumber, tomatoes, chocolate chip shortbread and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash, non-alcoholic cider and hot chocolate.
Snacks: magnum ice cream.

So today I have been let down, for the second day in a row, on the exact same issue. So it was supposed to be a day when we went out on the tandem just as we were yesterday. Well he said that we would need to test out the original tandem before our little trip to Wales, which is coming up soon. But no we didn’t go out for a tandem ride on either of the days, so I have been lied to twice, three times if I wanted to include Emu’s lies about going on a cycle with me on the tandem today. Also due to me getting her a pink jersey for cycling as an anniversary present.

But what else did I do today, I cannot remember.

Sunday 27 May 2018

Day 1746

Day 1746:

Today my BMI was 19.85, I had only done 4999 steps which were the equivalent to 3.24 km and I had burned off 951 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple and pear.
Lunch: omelette and sponge cake.
Dinner: half a hot dog (with bacon, cheese and sausage), chips and sponge cake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice, Lucozade sport (raspberry) and hot chocolate.

So today I have had an especially lazy day, in terms of steps, I definitely know why I have failed in my steps. It’s because I have been to a boccia match in the morning, if Tini really does get the team set up as a charity then I believe that we should do a sponsored walk, I know that it may be a bit tricky for some of the teams players, seeing as how 2 of them and a coach “need” wheelchairs but it’d be fun supporting them for a walk. It’ll help us all get fitter, maybe that way young  Mr Laffv could loose some of the excess weight he’s been carrying around. But then after I went skiing, which isn’t the best activity for me to do in order to increase my steps.

Saturday 26 May 2018

Day 1745

Day 1745;

Today my BMI was 19.92, I did 13,112 steps which gave me 8.49 km and I had burned off 1081 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, pear and apple.
Lunch: ham salad baguette, chocolate chip shortbread and chocolate brownie.
Dinner: Thai curry (chicken), salad and apple crumble.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and fruit juice.

Now this morning I started up by doing my little abs workout. Then I had boccia practice, there was only 4 of us taking part today instead of the usual 6, but then we have a match tomorrow and there’s only the 4 of us that are eligible to play for our team, so we have to get ready for what we are up against tomorrow. Which is the team that beat us earlier this season and the team that we beat, on the same day. So we.could loose our second and third matches of the season, we could win 1 of the 2 or we could win both of our matches, myself the eternal optimist is thinking that we will probably lose both of the games, as the last time we played the first team beat us comprehensively, so the second team started getting “overly” confident, with their team captain saying don’t worry about how much we beat them by , I think.

By the time I had returned home I had been almost dying to use some energy, so I had another little walk on the treadmill. But it was only an hour long (short) walk.

Friday 25 May 2018

Day 1744

Day 1744;

For today my BMI was 19.59, I had made 29,672 steps which was apparently 19.21 km and I apparently had burned off 2341 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, pear and orange.
Lunch: baked beans on toast with mini sausages, pork pie, chocolate chip shortbread and fruit cake.
Dinner: scampi, peas, chips and a little pot of mousse.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice, water and hot chocolate.

Today was a day which had me doing a minimal amount of steps for the start, I was unsure about what I was supposed to do today, as I was unsure of what Mich had planned for us to do. As I had heard that he was talking about us having a ride on the tandem, but I wasn’t sure of weither it would happen, due to the weather not being “good” enough for Mich, this morning.

So I did another 90 minute jog on the treadmill followed by another 30 minute row, on the machine. Now that 2 hour morning workout put me on track to my successful acquisition of the 1000 minutes of intense workouts, which I managed to get to later on today, when I was on the tandem, with Mich. While I was on the tandem today I was going all out, for the majority of the ride, which was interesting as Mich got quite annoyed by me going at speed at least at one point, as he had unclipped himself from his peddles (I tell him not to bother with unclipping but he says he doesn’t trust me). If you were like me and confused by that remark as where does trust come in to it, as put simply the only reason that I can ride the tandem is because of Mich, so if anything untoward was to happen to Mich while we were out on the tandem would jeopardise that then it’s one of the things that I enjoy the most in this world potentially gone, plus we managed to travel at an average speed of 14 mph or 22.6 km/h on our 1 hour 45 minutes and something like 59 seconds ride today.

But wasn’t Chris Froome just awesome today on the Giro, as he quite literally blew away his competition in Tom Dumoulin raking out a 40 second lead in the Giro which came from +2 minutes back on Tom, as Tom was in second place, as for Simon Yates, he was taken from first place right the way out of the top 10 in General Classification, as he had an exceptionally poor ride today, from his own high standards, by loosing something like 30 minutes in this stage. I wonder if Froome can continue his form from today into the rest of the race and complete his win of his third of cyclings GT's in succession, as last year he won the Tour de France and the Vuelta de Espana. So he just needs the Giro to make it a full set, of cyclings Grand Tour’s, and thanks to the ride that he put out today who would be betting against him?

Thursday 24 May 2018

Day 1743

Day 1743;

19.85 was my BMI for this day, I had taken 17,800 steps which was apparently 11.52 km and I had burned off 1140 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and pear.
Lunch: ham sandwich and something.
Dinner: gammon, peas, carrots, broccoli, green beans, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, cider and hot chocolate.

Today was interesting as I started it with breakfast, as usual, but then I went for another 90 minute walk (but it was really a jog with minor excursions of walking), I had another little row, 30 minutes of the light row to be more exact. Which means that I have done another 2 hours of working out today.

Then later on today I went to the gym, I did an hour on the exercise bike, which got me a distance of 14, according to the exercise bike. But I was trying something different today, as I had ended up on a bike that actually worked properly. So today I starting at 20 instead of at 10, and I stayed at it for 5 minutes instead of 4 then I went up to 30 for the next 3 minutes, before finally going up to 40 for the last 2 minutes. I did that routine through twice, by the end of the first 20 minutes I had cycled about a distance of 4. Then I gone back to the usual practice for the remaining 40 minutes.

So I watched the highlights of the Giro and I read some of a comic, a comic from 2010 (Green Hornet), and then I have done another little abs workout.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Day 1742

 Day 1742:

My BMI was up to 19.89 for today, I had only done 14,186 steps which equalled 9.19 km in distance walked and I’d managed to burn off 1193 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal and strawberries.
Lunch: chicken bacon stuffing sandwich (white bread), cupcake, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Dinner: meat pie, carrots, peas, broccoli, runner beans, cauliflower, lemon meringue pie, banana and strawberries.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, cider and hot chocolate.
Snacks: Haribo tangtastics mini.

This morning I did a 90 minute walk, on the treadmill, which was followed by a 30 minute row, on the rowing machine. The 90 minute walk was only a “fat burn” exercise at a maximum speed of 5, I decided to do that as my legs were feeling a bit weird. But I’m going to do better in the coming mornings, see asertive he’s being all assertive now isn’t he, yes he is I think it’s something to do with his new more confident persona, oh not that old thing... again!  I can still read you Red. Yeah, and... what? I don’t know what...

Now when I had got that done I went upstairs for a shower, then I got myself dressed into jeans and a t-shirt,  but what’s more is I also remembered to put my belt on while I was getting ready this morning. So I think that I probably should tell you of the order that I met today. So how it went:

1. I got up,
2. Went for my breakfast,
3. Had my 90 minute walk,
4. Went for a 30 minute row,
5. Brushed my teeth,
6. I lazed around a bit,
7. Had lunch,
8. Did more of the 5 minute abs workouts,
9. Had a bounce,
10. Had dinner.
11. Wii Fit,
12. Got myself changed into night wear.
13. Brushed my teeth,
14. I went off to bed.

So good night I think is in order, so have a good night anyone that reads this.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Day 1741

Day 1741;

My BMI was 19.49 for today, I had made 17,618 steps which are apparently equivalent to 11.41 km walked and in doing that I burned off 1466 kcal apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, apple, pear, banana and orange.
Lunch: cream cheese + cucumber sandwich and cupcake.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, turkey drummer, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and double chocolate sundae.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and water.
Snacks: Jaffa cakes.

Now today I have got up, gone downstairs for my breakfast, eaten breakfast, been back upstairs to get myself dressed into my gym gear, gone back downstairs to the makeshift gym, I have been on a 90 minute walk on the treadmill then a 15 minute row on the rowing machine next up was lunch to eat, so I think that’s what I did.

Then I had a lazy approximately 2 hours, as I was waiting for Tini to arrive, so I could go to the gym, for another cycle on the exercise bikes. But it was taking ages for Tini to arrive so I started doing some of the abs workouts I had completed six of the workouts and I had returned to my room by the time that Tini eventually arrived so it was all about how I wasn’t ready to go by the time that she’d got here. I was just not thinking about stuff and I was just in a rush to get to the gym and put my feet to the peddles. So as I got on the bike I started peddling and I started my watch the bike soon broke, but fortunately I had my watch to tell me how long I had been on the bike so I got my allocated 30 minutes and then I left.

But in the Giro Chris Froome is up in 4th position, and Simon Yates kept hold of the pink jersey, but his gap to Tom Dumoulin is decreased quite considerably. But the shock of the race day was Chris Froome as at the first 2 checkpoints he was doing okay but he was quite a considerable way off of the pace of the top 5, but then comes the hilliest part of the course and then he just flew it, putting him upto 4th in the Time Trial, but then Tom Dumoulin beat him knocking him down to 5th for the time trial.

Monday 21 May 2018

Day 1740

Day 1740;

My BMI wav19.71, I had made 12,933 steps, I had burnt off 1470 kcal and I had walked 8.37 km today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and strawberries.
Lunch: baked beans with sausages on toast, cake and chocolate chip shortbread.
Dinner: lasagna, salad (apparently), chips and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: some chocolate chip shortbread.

Now I thought, last night, that I was supposed to be going off on the tangent of what I was meaning to type for yesterday as I forgot about my day yesterday night, apart from the little cycle, basically.

Of what else I was doing yesterday I can remember me attempting a few of the abs workouts, as I am still attempting to get a 6 pack, as I do not have one.

But then today I have gone for a small morning walk on the treadmill. I have had my lunch and then I went to the gym, for some exercise.

Then later on today I have gone to laffdown athletics club, the part for the disabled; like me (its called all ability), and I have also been doing some of the exercises to help me to get a 6 pack, it was 5 minutes of crunches with long arms, 5 minutes of reverse crunches, 5 minutes of heel taps followed by a final 5 minutes of floor clearer’s, which gave me my new 20 minute workout.

Sunday 20 May 2018

Day 1739

Day 1739;

BMI was 19.76 for today, on Wii Fit I had done 23,656 steps which was apparently 15.73 km, and then today I had burned off 1630 kcal. But my watch told me that I had only done 1471 steps, but I had traveled 68.6 km today.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, apple, pear, banana and orange.
Lunch: bacon egg mushroom bap (brown breadroll), chocolate cake and chocolate chip shortbread.
Dinner:lasagna, salad and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot chocolate.
Snacks: more of the candycane and Jaffa cakes.

Then today we have been on another tandem ride but we were too slow, as we were late back home for lunch. Mich really puzzles me as he goes slow but then he says that the reason he’s on a go slow was as we had never gone on the roads that we went on in the morning before, and he didn’t know what was behind the corners. But then if I could, then I would (I’d go wherever you will go. but that’s enough of “the calling” out from you over there in the back of the recesses of my imagination, yellow) I’d tell him to use his ears, as cars aren’t quiet so you can hear them quite a way before you can see them, on the narrow country lanes. Plus if we’d both have sped up then we wouldn’t have been in the way of other road users as much.

Today I have failed to get on with a walk on the treadmill, to make my step total equal something decent.

Saturday 19 May 2018

Day 1738

Day 1738;

My BMI was 19.98, 2212 steps, 515 kcal and I have only walked 1.43 km today, so I have been pathetic today.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, orange, pear and apple.
Lunch: cheese cucumber sandwich, chocolate chip shortbread, chocolate cake and banana.
Dinner: chicken, sausages in bacon, broccoli, carrots, peas, mini sweetcorn, potatoes, tiramisu and biscuits.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot chocolate.
Snacks: part of a candy cane.

Today I was at boccia this morning and I just haven’t got myself moving, at all pretty much. But hopefully tomorrow is better for me, I mean as I’m going to be going on a cycle tomorrow apparently. Which probably isn’t going to do a thing for me on my watch, but I will then have to go on a walk, on the treadmill when I’m home from the about 40 mile cycle tomorrow.

Also tomorrow I’m going to have to do quite a bit more of an abs workout as today I have only managed to get myself just passed the first exercise, which is appalling.

But also today Manchester United lost the FA Cup final to Chelsea, the Ginger prince married his bride, who’s apparently,mixed race, but what the hell does that mean I don’t know. But I thought it was something to do with her mother is black and her father is white but then what are the two races being mixed? As if they are as I think both part of the human race, where is the racial diversity? A zebra and a donkey can mate and they have a zedonk as offspring that is an example of cross breeding and mixing up of “race” if you were going to call it that. But in a human context the term race refers to the skin tone of certain individuals, doesn’t it? Well that’s stupid that’s like saying that a Chihuahua isn’t a dog as it’s nothing like a Saint Bernard.

Then I watched some of the Giro, which was good, as Chris Froome is starting to find his way, on the mountain stage of this Giro. He has also gone up to 5th spot in GC. But then inf

Friday 18 May 2018

Day 1737

Day 1737;

My BMI for today was 19.82, Wii Fit my steps were 10,449, I had managed to burn off 1078 kcal and I had walked 6.76 km.

Breakfast; cereal, banana, orange, apple and pear.
Lunch: Swiss baked egg, bread (white), salad and something.
Dinner: pie, broccoli, peas, carrots, sweetcorn, potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.

So today I was started off by attempting a workout, one which should get me a six pack (some defined abdominals) like the terminator.

So I started doing it today but the thing I noticed about the workout was that I had seen all of the exercises on posters laying around on the internet, but I hadn’t been doing them correctly, like straight arm crunches, which I had always thought that they were like sit-ups, how wrong was I.

Then I had done a small cycle with Mich to see if the new cycle path was up to much it wasn’t, the areoplanes that were flying above our heads (obviously) provided a lot of noise.

But then Allergy arrived, as she’d been on holiday the past week. She’d been down on the coast snorkelling I think.

Thursday 17 May 2018

Day 1736

Day 1736;

My BMI was 19.62, 10,800 steps, 1020 kcal and I have walked 6.99 km, apparently. But my watch tells me a different story, 12,936 steps, 14.2 km walked and 1401 calories.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Lunch: chicken sandwich (brown bread) and batternburg.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise, salad, bread and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: grapes, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries

But as I have been saying for years, not literally as I cannot speak, but Eurovision is a joke, now if you don’t know about the latest “winner”, then where have you been and can I join you please? Fat acceptance should b3 a step not an end goal, by that I mean a person should accept that they’ve fat, if they are fat, and use it as motivation to improve of their fitness, eating habits or better still both.

I had noticed that I was almost a complete day behind on my intensity minutes for this week, and that was after I had attempted to get in my 2 hour jog, I failed at it, again,  but what’s worse is that I only managed to do 31 minutes on it. Then I went off for lunch.

Then in between lunch and my snack I went on the rowing machine for half an hour, then after I had eaten my snack I went off to clean my teeth, again, and I gave myself a shave. Before I got myself back into the kitchen to clean all of the stuff that I used while I was eating lunch and breakfast. Then after doing the clearing up I was thinking about going back on the rowing machine, but that was how it remained as I saw that Tini had arrived and she was instructing me to clean the sink in the shower-room, as well as the bog that was in the room as well, so it was basically “Savage get your lazy backside upstairs and clean the shower room “ so I obliged.

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Day 1735

Day 1735;

My BMI was 12.69, I had made 12,661 steps, I had burned off 1322 kcal and I had apparently walked 8.20 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple and pear.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and batternburg.
Dinner: chicken balls, chips, grapes, raspberries, pineapple and chocolate sundae.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: grapes, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and Jaffa cakes.

So I decided for the second one of the suggested fitness ideas, for this morning. But I failed to get myself to the full time, I managed to get myself through 70 of the minutes before I quit. Then I went upstairs to get myself ready to have a shower, I had almost got myself completely ready for the shower before I finally went downstairs to check that I had locked the backdoor of the house, even though I thought that was my reason for my stopping the treadmill. I was only too surprised when I checked on the status of the backdoor, when I found that it was still unlocked, as I first thought that I had locked it just after Tini asked me to then I believed that I had checked it just after my treading on the mill, but it wasn’t until I had got myself almost completely undressed that I found myself checking it and actually locking it.

Then after I had my shower I got myself dressed into a pair of jeans (1 set of 2 legs), t-shirt, boxers and my watch. Then I went downstairs for my lunch. Then next up I had a lazy day, as I had made my step goal in the morning jog,

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Day 1734

Day 1734;

My BMI was 19.53, I had made 17,837 steps, I burned off 1371 kcal and I apparently walked 11.55 km, but I don’t know how, i know that I may have done a slightly more than 1 hour jog this morning which was 7.91 km on the spot but that was basically it, until I did a 45 minute cycle at the gym.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and orange.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and something.
Dinner: chicken, bacon, sausages, carrots, peas, broccoli, chocolate chip shortbread and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: Jaffa cakes.

Yesterday I did a 30 minute hill jog (program) on the treadmill, sometime in the morning, so this morning I had decided to go for an hour. Within the slightly longer than an hour time I set myself for the little jog, I only managed to get upto 9822 steps or there about but that was enough to have me reach my 10,000 steps for today goal. But by the end of my jog I could smell something that wasn’t nice so I had to go back to my room and change out of the outfit that I was wearing, and wash myself a bit. Which put me ahead of schedule as I had changed into my gym gear earlier than I was anticipating, so now I’ve got to make sure that I don’t drop my lunch down myself, else I’ll probably have to change before my trip to the gym later today. But then I put myself back 1/2 an hour on lunch, as I didn’t start it until about 12:30.

Tini arrived back before I'd finished my lunch, which only gave me 30 minutes from when I finished my lunch until it was time for me to go off to the gym. Which I in fact managed to meet, just. For this week, I have managed to get to 306 intensity minutes out of my weekly target, of 1000, about this time last week I was up by about 94 on this week, so I have to do better in order to beat last weeks.

What should I do tomorrow...? I’m thinking let’s up the difficulty on the treadmill and then make it longer. The treadmill’s time settings don’t go up to 2 hours, but I could do a free routine, for 2 hours, or I could do another routine on a 20 minute loop, for 2 hours, which would mean that I would have to do the same routine 6 times decisions... decisions.

Then later on today I went out for a 45 minute cycle on an exercise bike at the gym, I’m wondering, how can I emulate the men in the Giro, on the exercise bike? As I should know they travel at about 40 km/h on the flats, but that is for hours on end, I only managed about half of the speed for half an hour, then the next 15 minutes I floundered. But that was only on level 10, if I ratchet the level up anymore, what should happen to my speed (speed=distance/time) would it get any quicker, or will I just be making it too difficult for me? Well I’m only going to know if I try it out, so that’s my task for this period of time.

Monday 14 May 2018

Day 1733

Day 1733;

As a BMI of the day I had something like 19.57, steps were something like 12,567, my calories burned were something like 1134 and my distance walked (on my watch) was 14.8 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple and strawberries.
Lunch: lasagna, salad, chocolate chip shortbread and chocolate cake.
Dinner: bacon roll (brown bread), Turkish delight and chocolate.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: something and Jaffa cakes.

How much nonsense was I hearing on the radio this morning, it was the professional victims lecture on the BBC, I know that there’s some forms of racism in the country today, but the majority of the stuff that they were talking about had more to do with class, and one of the presenters even said that the most underprivileged groups in our society today was young white men, but then none of the other guests/presenters never addressed that point and they just started complaining about other things, at least that’s how I heard it before I switched it off so they could have addressed the point at some point within the discussion but I never heard it.

So it was the other day and Tini thought that I’d grown, more likely that she’s shrunk, I was thinking. Tini then got me to stand back-to-back with Mich and she noticed that I was only about 1 cm shorter than him now so I signed about half an inch then, as half an inch in metric is pretty much 1 and a 1/4 cm as an inch is pretty much 2 and a 1/2 cm, the 1/4 of a cm is pretty insignificant. So I’m guessing that Tini was correct on her assumption that I had grown, or that both of them had shrunk.

There was no Giro on the box today, it’s a rest day, but Simon Yates managed increase his lead on yesterday’s stage, as Chris Froome drifted further away from the front of the ride.  But today we have got his bike fixed, as in my foot slipping from the peddle and it rebounded from his foot back to the chain it may have also broke a spoke on the wheel of the bike which caused the need for it to go to get repaired, but it was returned to us and we cycled it back home.

Next I had my snack of something before going off to athletics, of which I found out that my longest jump today was apparently 2.8 m. Then my throwing was still deplorable, as in I can’t throw for toffee (not that I would ever like or need to). 

Sunday 13 May 2018

Day 1732

Day 1732;

Now today my BMI was 19.71 again, I had made 11,192 steps, I managed to only burn off 860 kcal and I had walked 7.25 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: forgotten.
Dinner: meat, carrots, broccoli, peas, lettuce, potatoes and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot chocolate.

Now today I have had another lazy day except I managed to get a walk on the treadmill in and then I got some walks outside to GM and to GAK. GM was her usual self, as was GAK, but in GAK’s usual self I’m meaning the usual self from years ago/ before she came down to live by us, so I was half expecting her to suddenly bring out a bottle of Sherry fruit her top pocket.

One day in either the past or future Allergy went or is going off to a smaller island which is somewhere along the British coastline, I think.

Is a ring collared parakeet even a garden bird? As I was looking at a picture of one on a tea towel which had the text garden birds, on it as well as a whole load of birds (like the Blue Tit, and others) so I was trying to remember if I had ever seen a parakeet before, in the wild, and I can’t say that I ever have. Now it was on the radio today that I heard a song with the lyrics “Bless your cotton socks, The woolly ones at least,” and I thought isn’t that a bit nonsensical, as cotton is grown on plants, cotton plants, and wool is grown on animals, like sheep.

Saturday 12 May 2018

Day 1731

Day 1731;

I had a BMI of 19.71, today, but my steps I only managed to get just over 3000, which was in the about 2 km that I walked and I only managed to burrn off 594 kcal.

 Breakfast: cereal, strawberries and banana.
Lunch: forgotten, strawberries, apple and orange.
Dinner: pie, carrots, peas, broccoli, cucumber, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water fruit juice and hot chocolate.
Snacks: Turkish delight and Jaffa cakes.

Today I have had a lazy day by that I mean I played some boccia then I watched some Eurovision I’m sure that I have done some stuff in between but I have forgotten what I have done.

My favourite Eurovision entry ever was “Lordi” with “Hard Rock Hallelujah”  Hungry’s entry was my favourite of the year but I couldn’t understand a word that they said, which was probably their downfall. Otherwise we could have been seeing the birth of a new Lordi, but they beat the UK or GB entry, which may not be difficult.

Friday 11 May 2018

Day 1730

Day 1730;

My BMI was 19.36 again, but I had taken 15,827 steps, which apparently is 10.25 km and I had burned off 1644 kcal, According to Wii Fit .

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch:cheese pickle sandwich (white bread) and Belgium bun.
Dinner: salmon en croute, broccoli, peas, carrots, sweet corn, potatoes and profiteroles.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: Turkish delight and Jaffa cakes.

Today my watch read my mind, it said something about going to the gym on it, pity it was referring to a Pokémon gym not the type of gym that I was meaning. But then when I got myself ready for the day I was in my only pair of shorts, not my cycling shorts, my only pair of proper shorts. I put on a cycling t-shirt as well, so I could

But then I have been on another little cycle, but today I broke the bike. As we were attempting to go fast my left leg slipped from its peddle and it knocked into Mich’s foot, which as we were peddling at this moment in time well he was and I was with the other foot my foot catapulted back into the chain between both of the peddle shafts(?) which ruined my left shoe/trainer. But miraculously the bike was fine.

Also today Tini also informed me that I had grown I think that it’s nonsense, it’s just that they’ve both shrunk 

Thursday 10 May 2018

Day 1729

Day 1729;

My BMI was 19.36, my steps were 15,215, I had burnt off 1578 kcal and I had walked 9.85 km today, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and chocolate cake.
Dinner: cheese omelette and profiteroles.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: Turkish delight.

Today I have been on the rowing machine for half an hour, in the morning, then next up I tried more of the killer abs poster before I had my lunch. Next up was the fact that I had to get into my gym gear as Tini was supposedly going to take me to the gym sometime after lunch.

But then after lunch I think that I had to wait around for ages for Tini to return, so I got in a walk on the treadmill which was fun as I think that I was upstairs, the phone rang it was Tini on the other end she was reminding me to do what I had just done, as in get myself ready for the gym. So then I went out to the gym and I had an excellent trip.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Day 1728

Day 1728;

My BMI for today was 19.69, I have done 11,245 steps, I have burned off 1464 kcal, I have walked 7.28 km and I have made up 41 minutes of fit cash for today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and Victoria sponge cake.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise, bread and profiteroles.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: ice cream and Turkish delight.

Now this morning I have got up relatively early, had my breakfast then I went upstairs to get into a top and shorts before going to the makeshift gym to have an hour hill walk (program on the treadmill). Before I tried out two abs workouts, total abs and killer abs, but I must not be doing the second one properly as my abs aren’t killing me (nor are they even hurting).

Up next I had lunch, which was a cheese sandwich and some cake, there’s nothing wrong with the combination, unless you’re a vegan. But then if you were a vegan you wouldn’t like the sandwich as it had cheese and it was a white bread, and the cake had cream in it, as well as everything that makes it taste nice. What can vegans actually eat? Quorn, sugar, fruit and is there anything else?

Then after lunch I was trying stuff on Wii Fit I initially attempted some of the muscle workouts then I attempted a little cycle on the Wii, I think I only managed to get myself just about 18/19 km around the island of which I think is just about semi decent, just about 36-38 km/h but it was better than my previous best, by about 2 km, and it was at least 5 km better than my previous of this week, but it was still about 6 away from my goal as I set out at the start, as I informed my guide (the person that was doing the steering for me) that I was aiming for 24.

But I failed.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Day 1727

Day 1727;

My BMI was slightly better  19.43, I had made it up to 14,375 steps, I had burned off 1563 kcal and I have walked 9.31 km today according my Wii Fit..

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten but I know that I had some Victoria sponge cake and Batternburg for pudding.
Dinner: sausages, carrots, peas, broccoli,green beans, spring greens potatoes and profiteroles.
Drinks:  milk, fruit juice, fruit squash, water, Lucozade sport (raspberry), cider and hot chocolate.
Snacks: Jaffa cakes, Turkish delight and M and M’s.

Today I have been on a little walk to the hair dressers and I have had a haircut. I’m having another little think about doing a bit of exercise on Wii Fit, to get myself a bit more fit cash as yesterday I had a cycle, which got me a lot of steps (on the Wii Fit ometter), but I had still only got just over 1000 on my watch so I had to do quite a bit more steps on Wii fit and out and about, which I finally managed to get up to on a walk to GM’s house. 

In the end today I decided against doing a bit of exercise on Wii Fit as I had already been on 3 walks today, the first was as you should know was to get a haircut. My second was a “brisk” walk, at least that is what I think it was, I was traveling at a speed of 6.9 km/h on the treadmill but my watch said that I was only traveling at the speed of 6.1 km/h which could have been as my stride length was longer than my watch is set at. The third walk of the day was a walk to collect Mich’s car while had been in to get the air conditioning repaired, but we were late, only by about 2 and a half minutes, but it took us too long to get down to the car workshop.

Monday 7 May 2018

Day 1726

Day 1726;

Now my BMI has dropped even further today, it was down to 19.27, my steps went up on yesterday also, as it was at 25,506, the number of calories burned was 1829 and I’d apparently walked 16.51 km, I also got 42 minutes worth of fit cash, on the Wii.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple and pear.
Lunch: bacon egg sandwich (brown bread), Victoria sponge cake and Batternburg.
Dinner: vegetarian lasagna, salad and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, cider and hot chocolate,
Snacks: Jaffa cakes, m&m’s and Turkish delight.

Now today I have been on another cycle ride, but today we were doing really quite well for the first 15 miles, as we’d made the first 5 mile in just over 19 minutes, then the second in just over 17 minutes before the third took us back to 19 minutes to cover, which was before we stopped but as we got going we never managed to get up to the speeds that we had previously, which was disappointing to say the least, but what could we have done?

Tried harder.

I know I could have, and I am sorry that I failed at that aspect.

So Savage I ain’t gonna be pleased with you until you’ve got the first 15 mile down to half an hour so I have got to knock off at least 10 minutes, so you can claim to have cycled up to the Tour de France standard, unless by the time that (if) you’ve managed that the tour people have moved in speeds and then it’s up to me to stick to it in the insane hope that we can make it. But first things first, I must get peddling quicker for longer.

So the string test, is literally your height divided by two minus your waist size, if you’ve got a negative number your overweight. My waist size is about 31 apparently, so I have to be over 62 inches in height, so my minimum height is 62 inches, or 5ft 2in which I do believe that I am. Only by a number of something like 8, or thereabouts. So I have got some weight to put on, according to Mich, so that is one of the reasons that I’ve been feasting on my snacks.

Sunday 6 May 2018

Day 1725

Day 1725;

By the time of my body test I had a BMI of 19:59, I walked 5140 steps, I had burned off 843 kcal  which translated to 3.33 km, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple and pear.
Lunch: chicken, carrots, broccoli, peas, cauliflower, mashed potato, strawberry cheesecake and mandarin cheesecake.
Dinner: bacon, fried egg, fried bread and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, orangeade, apple cider, pear cider, fruit squash and hot chocolate.
Snacks : m and m’s, Turkish delight and Jaffa cakes.

I have been to the house of my GM and GD, so I got myself 2 mugs of cider,1 of GD’s own apple cider and 1 of GD’s own pear cider. The first sips of pear cider didn’t taste very good, it was a bit iffy in flavour, but it soon grew on me. His apple cider was top, still, but today I have done 10 laps of the GPents orchard, it was in total apparently 0.80 miles at about 7.0 mph.

Last night after I posted yesterday’s post I went off to brush my teeth, before going to bed as I had a trip out to see my GPents which consisted of 2 +3 hour drives, so that’s a quarter of the day gone before in traveling which I wouldn’t mind, if we could do it on the tandem, but no we have to go in the car. I’m thinking that it’s something to do with the fact that there was more than two of us going. But anyway I had eaten my breakfast and brushed my teeth before heading out in the car. But when we’d got there after the 3 hours we arrived just in time for lunch, so then that was my mid day taken up before going outside for the cider tasting which I had brought my own mug. Now the time that I had finished the cider was just enough time for me to get my 10 laps of the orchid before it was time to go home, so I left. But I had a great time today at the GPents house. 

Now I’m back at home so I stated off by eating some m and m’s then I moved on the Turkish delight, before I had my dinner. I’m wondering if Tini will take the GPents recommendation and use some of the cider to cook some pork in? Then after dinner I was eating some more Jaffa cakes before the body test, of which I had improved on even though I had made more steps than yesterday, after the body test I have had some more Jaffa cakes, as I was also doing some more of the abs workout, but they’re actually starting to come together now, I’m meaning nothing like a six pack move like a three pack, and I’m just about to go and brush my teeth, again.

Saturday 5 May 2018

Day 1724

Day 1724;

My BMI increased, a bit, it was up to 19.53, I had only done 2363 steps, I had burned off 732 kcal and I waked 1.53 km.

Breakfast: cereal , strawberries, apple, orange, banana and pear.
Lunch: cheese omelette and something.
Dinner: vegetarian lasagna, salad and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice, fruit squash and hot chocolate.
Snacks: Jaffa cakes, advent calendar chocolate, Turkish delight and chocolate ice cream.

So yesterday I had my little feast just before I brushed my teeth at night, so I have begun feasting just after I brushed my teeth today, I started on a Jaffa cake before moving on to another one of my advent calendar chocolates, I should have finished them all off by the end of last year but I think that I still have got about 3 days left for me to eat, but I should really eat them today, as I did this morning. Before going off to play some of of the lazy sport; boccia.

So when I had finished the games of boccia, we lost the first 12 - 3, but before my line was subbed out we were down by 9 - 0, but then the second game we won 3 - 6, the score was 4 - 1 before my line was subbed in, so we managed to get a draw with our second opponents. So I wasn’t too good today, but without loudmouth Link, how do we stand a chance against them back at our hall? Link was our other captain, I think.

Now so we had got back home after being out for ages then I had an 5 minute walk inside, before watching the Giro and the Tour (of Yorkshire), the highlights. Then it was time for me to have a shower, of which I did, before going to do my body test, I discovered that it was not enough, to put back on some of the weight, so I went ahead on eating some more Jaffa cakes and Turkish delight.

Friday 4 May 2018

Day 1723

Day 1723;

Now today my BMI was 19.27 by the time I did my body test by this time I had walked 15,120 steps which was apparently 9.79 km, and I had burned off 1357 kcal, according to Wii fit.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, apple, pear, banana and orange.
Lunch: pizza pocket and carrot cake.
Dinner: ham, peas, chips, fried egg, strawberries and pastry with cream tangerine peach.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, fruit juice, cider and hot chocolate.
Snacks: advent calendar chocolate, Jaffa cakes and Turkish delight.

Now I don’t know what you will be thinking about how I have eaten so much today and I have lost some more of my BMI, well that could probably be as I have only been snacking after my body test, as I thought that I had been having a lazy day today, only due to the fact that I forgot that I had been to the gym early this morning so I had already been on a 72 minute cycle at the gym. Then when I had got myself home I had been having a lazy day I mean I had walked to GM’s house and back which only gave me about 2000 steps for my whole day up until this point.

Then later on today we sat down to watch the Tour de Yorkshire,  which was interesting seeing how quickly they travel at meanwhile thinking that we’d be somewhere near to the start of the stage by the time that they’ve finished the stage. The news of the Giro wasn’t good either, as Froome isn’t doing very well in it.

Thursday 3 May 2018

Day 1722

Day 1722;

My BMI for today was 19.56, I had taken 21,314 steps, my calories burned was 1611 kcal and my distance walked has been 13.80 km, at least according to the Wii.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, pear, apple and orange.
Lunch: tuna pasta bake, salad and Belgium bun.
Dinner: honey glazed ham, spring greens, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, strawberries and cream tanneries peach on a pastry.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice, cider and hot chocolate.
Snacks: Turkish delight and chocolate.

Today has been today I have been on a small walk into town with Mich, when he said what I thought was obvious, as I signed to him how fast is a brisk walk. He answered by stating the fact, that means you don’t know what a brisk walk is, oh I know there was a reason behind me asking the question, then he attempted to demonstrate what a brisk walk is.

When that was over I went on the treadmill for an hour long walk, it was at speed 6.7, but I did that before getting myself changed so I could go out on the tandem, now I had to get changed beforehand as my t-shirt was soaked in my sweat. From the hour previous’s

But before I go to bed tonight I have got to have another go at an abdominal workout. As I had got xmy watch’s steps past 10,000 steps by the time I’d finished my second walk.

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Day 1721

Day 1721;

I think I got 19.73 as my BMI today but I cannot even fathom what my other results were when I did my body test, but I have got my watch, and it has informed me that I have done 13,987 steps and have burned off 2,698 calories.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: baked beans, mini sausages, toast, carrot cake, sponge cake, fruit cake and energy bar.
Dinner: tuna pasta bake, salad and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.

Now today I have gone on 2 walks on the treadmill and 1 round to where my GM lives, so in total I have been on 3 walks. I have also been trying some new exercises today to help get my chest muscles in better shape, so I can then have a better shot at getting myself up from when I’m down while snowboarding, a# well as so I can show it to a girl.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Day 1720

Day 1720;

By the time of my body test I had a BMI of 19.76,   17,304 steps, 1139 kcal and 11.20 km, apparently. But I am thinking that my watch told me that I had burned off 2233 calories just after skiing.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and pear.
Lunch: cheese + ham sandwich (white bread), fruit cake bar, little cake bar and Kit Kat.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise, cheese and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (raspberry), ginger beer, fruit juice and hot chocolate.
Snacks: Kit Kat.

Today I have been to London for some more of the treatment which is to weaken my muscles in my eyelids and arms. Which the first, my eyelids, is so I can open my eyes and see more, as for the other part, my arm, it is to combat the dystonia that effects my arms, the spasticity which I have, but before the injections could start Mich had to show off the video of me skiing, to the Italian doctor, who can also ski. But she was talking about how when I’m skiing I don’t look disabled but I don’t have any poles, which she was commenting on my leg strength, but I cannot even stand myself up the proper way on a snowboard, which is how weak my legs are.

Then later on today I went skiing with Mich, the snow centre was quiet, we had the slope to ourselves and basically 3 other skiers, 1 snowboarder, 1 sit-ski and her instructor. Then we had to get home and it was through a lot of traffic, but we made it, eventually.