Monday 31 October 2016

Day 1222

Day 1222;

21.98  was my BMI for today and I was wearing my PJ's, a pair of wrist band and my specs so there was no weight for the clothes that I was wearing today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana.
Lunch: beef, peas, carrots, roast potatoes. apple and blackberry crumble with cream.
Dinner: apple and blackberry crumble with cream.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, and 1 300ml mug of Shloer

Last night I did 25 more additional press-ups to put my additional target down to 50. So I should still have to do 15 minute row, 50 situ-ups, 50 crunches and 100 press-ups today to get myself back on schedule.

Today my rowing machine had me at doing one 21.57 row but then I had 3 stoppages during my row, which where for 2 separate reasons. the first 2 were because both of my feet came unfastened from the peddles and they were each within the first 5 minutes of the row; as first my right foot came unstrapped so I thought that I could continue but then my left foot the same thing happened to so I stopped the clock had stopped by about 40 seconds in, then I strapped myself in again, but I continued the clock, and I got to somewhere after 3 minutes when my feet became unfastened once more but then as I was attempting to fix this problem Emu came in the room and she offered me assistance so I accepted her help then it was a third time that I had started and emu started giving me time checks as I informed her that I'd be going for 15 minutes, I realised this as when I got up to about 5 minutes by the clock that is on the rower Emu told me that I had done 2 minutes and there as I had 13 minutes left to do. But then the most peculiar circumstances occurred as my rowing machines  clock said that I had rowed 10 minutes Emu said that I had rowed 5 minutes, and my right foot had come undone from it's holder some where in the 5 minutes previous, but as I still had my left foot attached I decided to continue so I was doing the final 10 minutes/the 10 minutes until I got  to 20 minutes, as I got to 20 minute mark my specs started to fall off of my face and it wasn't until 21.57  minutes that they had fallen off and I had stopped rowing.

I also had some more skiing today which was fun I especially enjoyed my final 4 runs down the hill side as I was in the lead for the 4 runs down the hill so I could do what ever I liked on the slope which in the 3rd one of the 4 I switched to backward skiing before switching back to forward skiing, Some of the people there said that I did a 360, which in reality was 2 separate 180's a 360 is or should be a simple 360 degree turn around in one move, I left a pause in-between both of them, I am not a smooth enough skier, at least not yet. I hope I become a good enough skier come 2018, the winter Paralympics I wonder how I am supposed to qualify for them, as I know I have got part of what I need to qualify a disability or two. In the stack count for today I managed to survive without stacking it once today which could be thanks to the rat poison that I had  stuck in my eye lids  a couple, or slightly longer, of days ago.

Today I have also done 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups and 50 crunches. I wonder if I am going to do a 30 minute row tomorrow, as well as my daily 50 sit-ups and 50 crunches, as well as the remaining 100 push-ups? as that should be approximately enough to get me back on my task, for getting stronger. 

Sunday 30 October 2016

Day 1221

Day 1221;

21.78 so my BMI had gone up by 0'03 and I was wearing just about the same a yesterday be it t=shirt, jeans, boxers, socks and specs so that was why I had put that I was wearing light clothes, 2lbs..

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: camembert which is literally cheese in bread crumbs, bread, blackcurrant jelly
Dinner: sausages, mash potatoes, peas, carrots, yorkshire pudding and some chocolate cheesecake type thing.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So today I was doing boccia and I just don't understand how Mr D is expecting to make any money off of it as per each week day session it costs £40 to run £10 for the hire of each court and they use 2 courts which makes it £20 then Mr D whose the weekday coach costs £20, which makes up the cost. Now it costs the club £50 on the weekends sessions as there is only 1 court used, which makes it £10, But there is 2 coaches, which forks over the other £40, on a Boccia court there is only 6 player areas so that means that the maximum number of players that can participate in a single game is 6 so whats 50 divided by 6? It's 8.3333r so lets round the number up to £9 now a charge of £9 would probably be seen a little bit excessive for the sport which is spent sitting down throwing balls. But Mr D has set it up so you only have to pay £3.50 per session or as his great idea was £30 for the year which makes no financial sense what so ever.

Today I started off by doing a 20 minutes row,  100 sit-ups,  100 crunches, 25 press-ups. Now I know that I still have got another 20 minutes of additional work on the rower and I have still got 50 more sit-ups and 125 more press-upsto do to get myself back on target. But I have got my crunches back on target. Then after dinner I did 50 more press-ups so only 75 left to do, and I have done my 50 sit-ups, so that means my sir-ups and crunches are on targeted numbers, of tonight. I am planning on doing some more press-ups tonight but my remaining 35 minutes that I still have to do on the rower is going to wait until some other time, perhaps when it's lighter?

Saturday 29 October 2016

Day 1220

Day 1220;

21.75 today my BMI increased by 0.1 and I was wearing some jeans, boxers, socks, a t-shirt and a pair of specs..

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: 1 sausage roll, the other half of my packet of quavers and a double chocolate cookie.
Dinner: pasta, meatballs and dime cheese cakey thing.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now Allergy is always saying how she hates Halloween, it's such an American thing, despite we had it over this side of the pond first, but it may have been called something different, but we had a tradition of which people would dress up on one night and they would knock, knock, knock, on other people doors to get some goodies. Old Hallows eve it was called, but Halloween was something that the Americans came up with they built on the pre-existing tradition, improving it, much like the celebration of the winter solstice (which is more commonly referred to Christmas).

Today in fitness I have also accomplished my daily 15 minutes row, well it was actually 16 but I am capping it at 15 minutes so I still have to do an additional 25 minutes on the rower to get my self back on target as I missed out 2 days worth of rowing, but today I also did my 50 push-ups, my 50 sit-ups and I did 100 crunches , so It should mean that I still have to another 100 sit-ups, 100 more pushups and 50 more crunches in addition within order to get my whole little often routine back on track. 

Friday 28 October 2016

Day 1219

Day 1219;

21.65 was my BMI for today as I was wearing 1 pair of Jeans, 1 t-shirt, 1 pair of socks, some boxers and a pair of specs ao I put it at -2 pounds for the jeans.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: 1 sausage roll and 1 cheese and ham baguette slice.
Dinner: pie carrots, peas, new potatoes and some dime cake.
Drinks, 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 30ml mugs of fruit juice.

Can I just tell you about a food that I dislike but I ate it anyway, yesterday and the day before? Well tough I'm about to, if you don't want to read it you could just try reading another paragraph. It's prawns. I dislike the feel of it in my mouth as I was chewing down on it. But I didn't spit them out of my mouth as I had already chewed through it  and they are like one of those foods that you dislike but you can still eat them. unlike Mushrooms for me, it's just the texture of them they feel in my mouth as if I'm eating my way through bones they tastes about as nice as one also.

So today I did all of my daily work out before I did my weigh in which included a 20 minute row as I know that's only leaving me 25 minutes down on my weekly total for last week to this week as I know that I am still having to do an extra 30 minutes to cover for both of those days so now it should only be 25 minutes left . Now the reason that I did 20 minutes today was as I had started when it was light but then I was still rowing when it got dark about 2-3 minutes into my row, so I started to row at a brisk pace when after about 30 seconds my right foot came unfastened from the machine, so I did the rest of the row not only in darkness but with only one foot attached to the machine. Then I also did 50 si-ups 50 crunches and 50 push-ups.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Day 1218

Day 1218;

21.91was my BMI for today, as I was wearing another pair of tracksuit trousers, a pair of boxers, a pair of socks, a pair of wristbands, a pair of specs and a t-shirt, I decided to put my clothes weight to negligible (as in other 0lbs).

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: I can't remember.
Dinner: fish, mash potato, cheese sauce, peas, carrot and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So today I went to the gym what else have I done? I can't remember apart from my 15 minute row, 50  sit-ups and the 50 crunches, I can't remember if I did my 50 total crunches so I'll do that just now just before my 50 push-ups.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Day 1217

Day 1217;

21.71 as I was wearing a pair of socks a pair of jeans, a pair of boxers, a t-shirt, and pair of sweat bands and finally my specs i decided to take off the 2 pounds weight in clothes. 

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: chicken sandwich (brown bread) and a banana.
Dinner: I know I had something but I can't remember what, peas, carrots, banana, apple and chocolate trifle. 
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of Shloer and 1 250ml mug of  fruit juice.
Snack: 1 slice of fruit cake.

I watched the series Berserk from where I left off yesterday until it's end today the first episode still doesn't make any sense, as in the final episode/episode number 25, as the final episode it showed Gutts's girlfriend, I'm sorry but I have forgotten her name I think it's something like Crossbow, but I know it's not, getting raped by the demon king/Griffith meanwhile Gutts cuts one of his arms off to hopefully save her but in episode 1 he still has both of his arms, which confuses me. Anyway Griffith is a rapist in the anime at least as when Gutts finally beats him and leaves the gang Griffith goes to the princesses chamber and has his way with her even though she says no to him, then she actually appears to enjoy it but she still said no and if Griffith actually listen to her then none of the next part would have happened.

Bur today I did more than watch Berserk as I also had my eyes injected with some more rat poison which was fun. I had it to weaken my eyes closing mechanism in order to get my eyes open more often.

So basically I have been walking through the streets of London, let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London. 

Well that is the tune that comes to my mNd every time that I type Streets of London. 

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Day 1216

Day 1216;

21.94 but I  decided against subtracting any weight for clothes as I was wearing 1 pair of tracksuit trousers, 1 pair of socks, 1 pair of boxers, a t-shirt 2, wrist bands and 1 pair of specs, all of which add up to about 0 pounds. 

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: omelette and a cherry Bakewell.
Dinner: yorshire pudding, peas, carrots and dumplings.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 3000ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I have watched some of the episodes of the Anime/Cartoon series which is called Berserk, which is about a man, but the main character from the first episode/the black swordsman. doesn't look exactly the same as the character as he was in either the opening credits or the rest of the series. As I know that he's got the scar thing on his nose and he looks pretty similar to him, well he actually looks identical but his skin is too dark and he uses a crossbow, which could mean that is is his child with the only woman in the bunch of mercenaries that he joins up with after losing a duel with griffin, And more evidence which points to this is him and his sword were the only protection for him, and in the first episode he used a crossbow which he could have got from his  mother, which fought with a crossbow, as well as a sword.

I have also been to athletics club today and I have got back to doing my 16 minutes on the rowing machine and 50 sit-ups and 50 I'm just about to attempt my 50 push-ups for the day, I'll get back to you people tomorrow with my status on it if I remember, that is.

Monday 24 October 2016

Day 1215

Day 1215;

21.81 was my BMI for today after taking off the additional 2 pounds for the clothes that I was wearing which must have, and yesterday I got to 21.78 not 21.88, so it was an increase of 0.03 on yesterdays BMI.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: bread cheese and pork pie.
Dinner: yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots and dumplings.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Hillary wants a war with Russia 

I'm betting that she'd drag us in it with her on her crazy crusade, just as George Bush did on Iraq. Which would ean that in the end I'd end up getting fucked by the Russians, as I live in close proximity to London and where will the Russians strike to cause the greatest loss of life in England, London, or Tower bridge to be more exact and symbolic and they'd hit the target unlike those before them which would mean that not just England has Fallen but the whole of the UK, has fallen in that one strike by a Russian NukeHow very serendipitous, at least for me, as the probably only girl that I have ever been teased for liking, Vera, was Russian and how was I teased I was teased by the other students in my class saying that I was going to fuck her basically in some of the most grotesque fashions but back then I didn't know that I was going to get fucked, in a different way, by an a-bomb from Russia, such joy.

Sunday 23 October 2016

Day 1214

Day 1214;

22.04 or 21.88 depending on wether I wanted to take off 2 pounds for my clothes or not as I was wearing a pear of socks, jeans, t-shirt, boxers ad 2 tiny sweat bands for my wrists, I usually just click on the 0 pounds class for clothes I wear which I did afterwards which got me back up to 22.04 else it's 21.88.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: poached eggs., toast and cake.
Dinner: roast beef, potato, peas, carrots, banana, apple and some fruit cake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today has been another lazy day today as I have been playing some boccia then I have been watching the football team that I support go from winning the game twice only to get pegged back twice, and then even in the dying seconds of the match I was thinking that they'd lose all 3 points, not just 2 of the 3 points that were on offer.

Is Hillary Clinton a genius or  is she just insane?

So I ask this question as if you had been reading my Blog you'll, or you should, know that I think that the human race has got too big and too wasteful to be viable to live off of this planet anymore, so I have been thinking that the human population must get it's number reduced. which could be by any number of explanations like if a new bread of predator arrived, that could fulfil the purpose of killing off a few hundreds of millions of us and cutting us down to a more sustainable number. I even thought of a nuclear holocaust but I quickly thought just how human that'd be and destroying everything just to get at a few pesky people, As that wouldn't discriminate  every animal within blast radiation. Anyway it's the animals minus human that I am concerned for, but within her political rhetoric she displays a hatred of Russia. Now she could use this hatred of Russia to initiate the next war, as it could escalate int a nuclear war, and in total she could be the first female president of the USA but she could also be the last president of America due to it becoming a nuclear wasteland, on her watch. So we could have nuclear waste states of America and Russia which would lead to a dramatic reduction in the number of people as well as every other kind of life,

Saturday 22 October 2016

Day 1213

Day 1213;

22.04 which makes my average BMI over the past 7 days equals 22.0671428571429 which is 22.07 if reduced to 2 decimal places.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: cornish pasty and cheese.
Dinner: chicken, sausage, carrots, boiled potato, strawberries, rasberries, grapes and a little pot of chocolate stuff.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Woah... Just look at the bellow video about the Nintendo Switch it looks awesome.

Legend of Zelda:Breat of the Wild, Skyrim, Mario Kart, some NBA game, Super Mario and Splatoon.

It certainly peaked my interest with the first 2 games Legend of Zelda:Breath of the Wild and Skyrim looks awesome and you could take it with you out and about, like when your taking a dog for a walk and as it is using game cartridges instead of disks you should be able to save your file on the catridges which could save on loading time. The next two games Mario Kart and NBA game I understood why they displayed a Mario Kart game it looks decent and all with King Boo as a playable driver now, and the NBA game just doesn't spark a shred of interest in my mind, maybe aSpace Jam spin off would with playable monsters But that is from an old film, 20 years old, probably too old for the likes of a new console such as the nintendo switch, Then Mario and Splatoon, Mario wasn't looking as top shelf as the other games which surprises me as I thought that the whole NX project (now NS) was delayed for that game, which should mean that we're finally at the final game that was displayed Splatoon, which looks awesome but the portability of the console adds an extra dimension to the Splattoon.

 Bring on next march, The Switch is the NeXt generation. But I'm guessing that battery life will be the major issue with it. As I don't know the specs for it but with titles like Skyrim on it it'll have to be basically PS3/Xbox 360 levelled graphics at least for a handheld.

Now in fitness today:

  • 30 minute row.
  • 100 sit-ups.
  • 100 crunches.

Check, check and check, all was completed. but now all that's left is for me to do 50 push-ups...

I got 25 push-ups first before the weigh in, and I actually managed to get the another 29, before my left arm slipped out from underneath of me landing me face down on the surface that I was on to do my push ups. I know red I'm weak.

Well, well just as I was about to congratulate you on getting the 100 sit-ups and crunches done you go and mess up doing 50 push-ups, you disappoint me Savage, such a disappointment.

Friday 21 October 2016

Day 1212

Day 1212;

21.94 was a decent enough number for my BMI for tonight, it puts my bmi for the past 7 days at 22.0342857142857 so if I reduce it to two decimal places i'll be 22.03 which is a reduction of point 01 from yesterdays BMI result, marginal losses.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: I cannot remember?
Dinner: Turkish chicken, chips and 2 little chocolate things.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now today I actually went to the gym, but I missed out on doing any of my Little Often routine, minus the 50 press-ups.

So tomorrow it'll be 30 minutes on the rower and 100 sit-ups and 100 crunches.

What about your press-ups?

Oh, I did them this morning, in 2 slots as I did 10 when I initially had awoken but I got too hungry so I gave up went downstairs for breakfast ate it and i did the final 40 almost as soon as I had returned to my room.

But today I also went to the gym, Yeah I got to go to the gym today which maybe why my BMI was lowered quite so drastically from yesterdays score, but I know now that is basically going to be the only gym session I get in this week so I'v got to keep on the intensity for all of those mini workouts I do for the rest of the week to even stand half a chance at getting my BMI to 22 for this week.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Day 1211

Day 1211;

22.17 As my BMI for today which puts my average BMI for the past 7 days up some more to 22.04 which is 0.04 too high

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: white bread, butter. pork pie and a muffin.
Dinner: I have totally forgotten what I have just  eaten.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now today, well i did my first 20 last night, I decided to add some push-ups to my Little Often routine and just as if you wanted to know I actually did do my Little Often routine yesterday and the day before also. So how many should I do a say?

I don't know maybe 50?

Ok well I've done that in 2 sets the first one was another 20 just to make sure I wasn't lying to myself about what I had done last night and then I did 30 more just seeing how far I could get before wearing myself out, and it was 30.

Wimp, your not a real man, if you were you'd have persevered until at least 50 in one go minimum.

But as well as the start that I had made earlier on today I also did my 15 minute row, but as I had just got my right foot sorted I heard and I saw Allergy's car pull up onto the drive then I was wondering which way she was going to enter the premises as I knew that I'd have to get up and let her in if she choose the back door as the door was locked and it had the key inserted in the inside of the key hole, so guess which way she choose... the back door so I had to untie my right foot and precede to the backdoor to let her in, which I did then I got back on the rower and after 3 minutes I had got myself in a bit of a pickle as the machine had been rowed, by me, in such a way as to actually move onto a squiffy angle so my butt was now hitting onto a window ledge. so I stopped this attempt I sorted out the positioning of the machine, and I zeroed the timer for another attempt. This time I made it to 15 minutes and that was that done. then next up but after I had done my daily weigh in I did my 50 sit-ups and 50 crunches, but don't worry Red I did all 50 of each at once.

I'm not impressed you have been doing those exercises for ages now you should be able to do 100 of either of them without even breaking a sweat, but no you just do 50, way to push yourself man.

Woah Red did you just call me man?

Ooops damn it I didn't mean to put that, it just kind of slipped out. I know that I mocked you earlier on tonight by saying that your not a real man and that still stands even if I just had a slip of the fingers.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Day 1210

Day 1210;

22.20 was my BMI for today which puts my average BMI for the week so far at 22.135 which puts my BMI for the past 7 days to 21.9842857142857, but my BMI for the whole of last week was 21.9385714285714.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast, mini sausages and pork pie
Dinner: chicken, peas, carrots, new potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of ilk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Well from what I can remember of the Robot Wars BBC reboot all I ws thinking was that Mr Dara O'Brian was flat, as in his personality Didn't shine through to even make the show half as good as it was with Craig Charles. Which is basically the the man bellows 4th point on the competition.

Today I was thinking about the light and the dark-side of the force and I thought of a little story line to go wit another spin off game type thing, I could get it into disney if I thought it was anything decent, which it isn't.

Start of new star wars spin off game
Star Wars: Jedi? Trator?
Starts with a cutscene showing the Jedi character that you are playing as fighting against a foe in a dark cloak whom is the the Sith Lord of the game.
Sith Don't worry your already too far lost to the way of light for me to even bother with your transformation to an apprentice of mine.
Jedi: Then what shall you do to me?
Sith: I'll just have to kill you, instead.
option 1:
Jedi: Fine then kill me, strike me down.
Sith: In good time, but I'm just wondering what a Jedi knight is doing all the out here, so far away from the republic.
Jedi closes there mouth tightly.
Sith: Well, we'll have time, plenty of time, before I do as you wish and end your pathetic excuse for an existence.
Sith then waves a hand and his minions clear you off of the floor to a cell down the corridor.
Option 2:
Jedi: But why, wouldn't it be in both of our best interests...
Sith: what is that a bargain you are attempting to make?
Jedi: ...
Sith: what is it that my old master used to say, I'm thinking it was something about bargaining and the dark side.
Sith: Oh you're no fun,
Sith then waves a hand and his minions clear you off of the floor to a cell down the corridor.

So I've got it's position in the time line as before the actions in episode 1but how far I haven't made my mind up, yet.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Day 1209

Day 1209;

22.07 was my BMI for today that is some bad news as this week I''m not going to have very much time spent in the gym.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: 1 9 inch margarita pizza.
Dinner: quorn balls, pasta and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice. 
Snak: 1 Belgium bun.

Today I have attempted to be helpful to Allergy but it wasn’t any help. As we have been knocked offline for the moment while our ISP changes,, so that is why I’m putting these posts up now not on the day that it says above them/as I can’t as I haven’t got any internet connection for the moment. But I don’t know why I’m typing this as Im typing it, as it will most livelily only be seen by me especially if I only manage get it online in a few weeks. As there is over 2 weeks till the end of this month and it won’t be until next month until our next ISP is going to be able to get us online again, which sucks as I think.

But anyway today on Pokémon PearlI have caught a Sneasel and Girarafarig. As well as that trading I also traded a Blissy, Silcoon, Roselia, Stunky, Wingul and Pikachu. I also managed to evolve my Silcoon into a Beautifly.

But my earlier comments on the situation that I am in due to the Wi-Fi has been rectified earlier than I expected which must have been down to my not understanding of the instructions that I heard other people in my house say the other day, as I was thinking that we weren't getting a new ISP until a months time but behold, now we all can see that I have got another connection on the same day. Which is amazing.

If you can't see the video please click on the watch on YouTube part of it, If you watch it it isn't saying that if you are American you are by sedition an Idiot, but I'd suggest that everyone that reads this blog is at least idiotic as your reading this mental nut jobs perspective on things,

Ok then that just about sums up the first line of the song, the second "Don't want a nation under the new media" the first thing that comes to my mind here is what all of the media outlets in America are pushing for, for Hillary to become President. Isn't it?

Third line "And can you hear the sound of hysteria?" nooo... actually yes I can the bellow man is talking up a load of hysteria:

(do you think this man should get his youtube licence revoked for stating such deplorable rubbish/trash as I personally do not believe that HC is capable to run a country neither mentally or physically)

Now I think those first three lines sum up the American political system really well.

Monday 17 October 2016

Day 1208

Day 1208;

22.01 was my BMI for today 

breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: Tomato soup, bread and a jammy doughnut.
Dinner: chicken in BBQ sause, potatoes, carrots, peas and a slice of apple pie.
Drinks: 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

I just remmembered that I forgot to tell you what I had done in Pokémon Pearl yesterday, well I beat up the Gym and its leader In Canalave City. I caught an Onix, finally. I evolved my Phyduck into a Golduck, my Shinxs into a Luxio and my Magicarp into a Gyarados. I also got my next Pokemon Egg from the man on Iron Island, is that the egg that hatches a Riolu?

But today on Pokémon Pearl I caught a Floatzel, Machop, Clefairy, Snover and Cleffa. I evolved my Luxio into a Luxray Machop into Machamp. Which has from pokémon number 10 to 25 that I now have a pokeball next to I traded a kadabra between versins a whille ago to get myself a Alakazam the same thing I did with my Machop to get a Machamp earlier today.I also did that trading thing with a Graveler to get a Golem a while back. I have hatched the egg it was a Riolu, as I guessed yesterday.

We all live in a Pokémon world, as one of the Pokémon theme song says, I know it may be only referring to the characters in the Pokémon cartoons, but if you were to change the word Pokémon for the world animal it'd be quite accurate for the world that we live in, but doesn't it suggest that everyone is a Pokémon at least within the Pokémon world so if Ash got a master-ball he would then be able to catch anyone like Misty, Serena or even Gary Oak.

Little Often:
Now today I decided that I'd get my 15 minute row in before it turned dark but I was thinking I'd made it in time as I started my row the light was flooding the room, but that didn't lsat long so I was rowing blind basically for the majority of the row but I made it up to 16:04 on the clock after the clock had stopped and I had turned the light on do I think that I made it, up to 15 minutes. Then I also did my 50 sit-ups and 50 crunches later on but before I did the weigh in.

Sunday 16 October 2016

Day 1207

Day 1207;

22 is my target BMI if I get 22 either today or tomorrow then I'll only need a 22.48 on the other day to get me to an average score for the week of 22. or alternatively 22.14 on both to make it my equal most common number for this week. 22.04 was my BMI for today.
Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: Chicken mayo sandwich and a jammy doughnut.
Dinner: pie, carrots, pie and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 300ml mugs of milk and 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

How noisy is silence?
I ask this as when I was attempting to get to sleep last night I kept hearing a wiring noise of which I thought was coming from my computer so I made sure that my computer was off and the whirring continued,

Donny Trump's sex allegations, made up by the press? It looks that way, Anyway he stole my hair colour, now my hair looks the same colour as his used to be. Not that I'm bitter or anything like that, I preffer my hair not being blonde anymore.

Then today I have had a lazy day today, as you could tell by that +0.23 on my BMI, as I have played some more boccia today and I have done my little cycle today as well as my row for today before the weigh in. So anyway myLittle Often routine:

  • 15 minute row.
  • 50 sit-ups.
  • 50 crunches.
So by the time of me typing this up I have accomplished all 3 of the tasks, as I have just done the 50 sit-ups and the 50 crunches, after the weight in which is opposed to the 15 minute row that I did before it, but as I was typing earlier on in this blog post, I have been being lazy today as I had I know that I attempted another 20 minute cycle, which failed today as well, 

But I'm really perplexed about people as when I'm attempting to something considerate I really irritate people and when I don't I really irritate people also.But then there's all of those feeling that I'm guessing I'm supposed to feel and I'm just dumbstruck by them.

Saturday 15 October 2016

Day 1206

Day 1206;

21.81 again and I haven't been veery vegan again, as for breakfast cereal with milk on it, lunch mini sausages and milk chocolate PoJ, dinner scampi and the chocolate mousse then for drinks 2 mugs of milk.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops, toast, mini sausages and Cadbury's pot of joy.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and a chocolate pot of mouse thing.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 400ml mugs of fruit juice.

Little Often:
So I know I didn't type it up yesterday, minus the 15 minute trow that I did yesterday, but that was because I hadn't done the other 2 50's before I had sent his article off, but I did do them both just later. But today I have done all 3 of the activities. But today I did a 20 minute stint on the rower just as I was feeling so good today and my specs didn't fall down my face, as I had remembered to tie them onto my headbut I thought after i false started it a couple of times I thought that I only needed my left foot to be strapped in and I just rested my  right foot on the peddle for the remaining 19 minutes and so many seconds. which worked well I managed to get 6km rowed well at 15 minutes I was down on my 300m per minute by 100m so I stepped it up until I got to 6KM's/20 minutes which ever's longer which really should have been minutes as I should really be able to get myself rowed up to 6KM in 20 minutes on the rower that is at my place of residence, I made it to 6KM inside 6 minutes; it was actually 9 seconds inside. Then I did 50 sit-ups and 50 crunches before going to the gym for another ride on a bike which was fun but I'm still too weak.

Today I have gone to the hair dressers with Mich. but Mich made me wear a hoodie to get there as we were walking there through the outside and before I got my hair cut I took my hoodie off as it has as the name suggests a hood/a hair collector, now I told him that but he didn't accept my reasoning  

But today in Pokémon Pearl I caught a Golbut, then I wasted a lot of Pokéballs on an Onix for  him not to be caught which irritates me.

Friday 14 October 2016

Day 1205

Day 1205;

21.98 was my BMI for today It's up on yesterdays but it is still shy of the target of perfection/22.00  but I hadn't completed my Little Often routine what I mean is I had just finished my 15 minute row when it was time for me to have my night time inhaler

Breakfast:cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: half of 1 9inch margarita pizza and a Cadbury's pot of joy.
Dinner: pasta, quorn balls and Cadbury's pot of joy.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now the following YouTube video is funny, and it's also very informative.

What happens in a mens/boys changing room//locker room;
In mens/boys changing rooms the discourse is decidedly lively I’m sure you’d have some of us in there trying to get changed as quickly as possible but there would almost always be a couple of people having a chin wag talking about some seemingly obscene topic, but we all knew that the four walls of the changing room would be as far as they go.

Now today I have played some more on Pokémon Pearl and today I have caught a Bonsly, a Noctowl, a Chansey, a Pelipper. I have also evolved my Staravia into a Staraptor and my Wooper into a Quagsire. I have also beat the 5th gym leader.

So my BMI has been 
Monday= 21.81 
Tuesday= 22.14
Wednesday= 21.78
Thursday= 21.98
my average BMI for this week so far is 21.9275

Thursday 13 October 2016

Day 1204

Day 1204;

21.78 was my BMI for today so my average for the 3 days of this week so far will be down on 22, as on Monday I'm thinking that I had at 21.81, then yesterday it was at 22.14 which puts the average at about 21.975 but today with a lower one still... I'm really going off of my target at the moment.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast, mini sausages and chocolate eclair.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, crochet potatoes and a pot of joy.
Drinks: 300ml mug of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and a squirt of Lucozade sport.

Now today I went to the gym hence the squirt of Lucozade sport as I had just broken my 5 minute barrier, for doing 100m row, on the gym's rowing machine,  my gym instructor said that I had smashed it with my setting a new time to beat at 4 minutes 43 seconds apparently. But then before that I had done some stuff on the lateral trainer and I had lifted weights with the arm weight machines. Then after this happened I went for a walk and jog up and down a corridor and my gym instructor started commenting on how well I was now  running, I was a little bit like but this is how I usually jog. as it was the only way that I can ever remember actually jogging, But as I was in the corridor I was remembering all of the skating that I had done in the rom attached to the corridor.

But then later on today I was planning on going on the rowing machine which I have at home for 15 minutes, as usual, but then just as I was about to set it going when I broke the rowing machine so I asked Mich if he would please fix it for me which he kindly did for me of which I thanked him for doing so. then it was my turn on the rowing machine, but before that Mich had tested it for approximately 3 minutes,Then I was attempting to get myself on another row of the day when my foot kept becoming unfastened, so I had finally got myself going for more than a minute when it was slightly past 3 minutes I stopped for some reason, but afterwards I continued it on a similar instance happened to me 3 times before Mich came to the door asking me to follow him for dinner, of which I did, when i got back to the rower I turned the light on in the room and I pushed the power button so I could see my time for the earlier row as I pressed it It came up saying 8.51 or something similar. but I knew that I had stopped 4 times including the last stop and I was saying that I should have done up to 19 minutes in that row. then I pushed the power button and I canceled the results of earlier. I sat down on the seat and I started again with a new target of 15 minutes now as I was going along it was getting hot and I was getting sweaty, my specs stared slipping off my face, then my specs fell off so I was attempting to calmly place the oar back in it's holder I did it and I retrieved my specs the clock was saying I'd done 11 minutes, so I could just stop there (I'd done 18 minutes 8+11=19) but I decided to continue on at it like the imbecile that I truly am; but again my specs fell off but the time read this time 17.34 or something like that now so there was 1 stoppage in the second one and one stoppage at the end which makes 2 stoppages addd 2 minutes onto the original 15=17 minutes. By jove I think I have accomplished it. My Little Often routine is of to a flying start I think, Later on I did my 50 sit-ups and 50 crunches that's the Little Often routine complete. 

Now lets have something slightly more somber 
but now lets get back on to some of the more light hearted stuff that I have ben discussing fir the past few days, and Pokémon.

Vegans that shame all non-vegans as overweight and immoral shame on you, I maybe immoral but I'm not overweight, according to Wii Fit, Which is probably somewhat due to the amount of exercise that I do as of late, I know that when I was younger I was told that I needed to put on weight but that was before I started doing some actual exercise regularly I think allergy had it down to the fast metabolic rate that  I had back then, even the people at the rehab place that I went to used to feed me some gold topped milk just to fatten me up, But that was while I was still in rehab from that collision with that car which I'm thinking was my most expensive mistake, probably ever as I may have wrote off 2 cars in that 1 little incident. When I was crossing the road all of those years ago. But at least they've got a Pelican crossing about the place where I crashed.

In Pokémon Pearl today I earned the fen badge, and I also captured a Chansey but on the subject if that actually counted I'm unsure due to my DS's battery running out  just after I caught it, I can't remember if I had saved the game or not.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Day 1203

Day 1203;

22.14 now that should skew my average BMI right up a bit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: chip in white bread sandwich, banana and a Cadbury's scream egg pot of joy.
Dinner: macaroni cheese and chips.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Bellow this text we have a vegan talking about fat girls;

Now I would just like to state you can vegan but you can be fat like them if you want or you could be a animal product consumer and you could be as slim as the vegan above, but you need to do some work in order to fix your problems, and yes you have a problem, If your as fat as any of the girls that are staring in the previous video then you have a problem, be it mental or be it something else you need help. 

Little Often
So today I managed to get up to about 13 minutes without stopping on the rower today, when I stopped because my specs fell off of my head. Which was after a lot of false starts which were due to my incompetence at not being able to fasten my feet to the rowers foot peddles, but I had 3 of them last a grand total of 1 minute each, as my specs had flown off I decided to continue on in the row that I was doing as it had gone to 14 minutes during the time that I had dropped my specs. Then as I was going on with my row my foot unfastened it's self also, but i had got to 4.6 km within 15 minutes also as the time ticked onto 15 minutes the distance measurement also ticked over to 4.6. But I knew that I still had to do at least 2 more minutes for the 2 stoppages and just as I was about to get to 17 minutes I had another stoppage so it was till 18 minutes before I could stop, so I did. Then I also did my my daily 50 sit-ups and my daily 50 crunches. 

Also today I have caught a Wooper, Maril, Hoothoot, Barboach and Bibarel, I got all of them from the safari game , also within Pokemon my weight is apparently 83.8lbs of so that is what it's saying in my weight comparison to my newly caught Barbaroch. Which one of the two following games which you hunt down monsters on is the more objectionable to vegans Pokémon or Monster Hunter? As I could see both of these games being decidedly "problematic" within a vegans world view. In one you are capturing those living creatures to fight for you, an din the other you are killing living creatures and you can also cook and eat their fesh.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Day 1202

Day 1202;

21.81 was today my BMI went down a little bit too much, but I must be enough to average my BMI score for the past week at closer to 22, but I don't know.

Breakfast: cereal. banana and strawberries.
Lunch: white bread cheese sandwich, 2 chocolate eclairs and 1 Cadbury's scream egg pot of joy.
Dinner: pasta and meatballs.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and a couple of squirts of Lucozade sport.

So today I started off by having a little lay in bed as I was attempting to discover if I had grown over the night as I was unsure if my duvet had really been that short on me when I had gone to bed the night before. But I discovered no change in my height from closer inspection.

I accomplished my Little Often routine and I also did some athletics today which consisted of my attempts at throwing a club and then there was some jogs of various, small, sizes but I finished mine off by doing a 400m jog. Allergy said that if I was about to do that in future she should have really brought my pump (the ) as I was breathing heavily, not wheezing as the doctor had said before to only have me use it when I was wheezing.

But when I returned to home for my pasta and quorn meatballs, which I probably should have said quorn-balls not meatballs just as I probably should have said for almost all of the times that I have used meatballs instead of the term quorn-balls. As they taste almost the same, but the actual meatballs taste nicer by a minuscule amount but that is just my personal opinion and the quorn-balls taste very nice, so I would have no complaints if I was forced to only have quorn-balls from now on until I die instead of meatballs.

But I know that I may have eaten a vegetarian menu for today but it wasn't vegan, as cereal I pour some of my milk not it then I also tip the milk from the bowl back into the cup not to waste any but the  bowl of fruit was vegan, then lunch on on sandwich (it had cheese in it), then also no on the chocolate eclairs due to the milk chocolate on top and the cream inside finally the pot of joy just no for that also, but I did have a fruit juice drink to go with it. Dinner, now this one I can say that I have eaten a  vegan meal for the day as I drank a fruit juice which went along side of it, but then it was my second mug of milk for today that I drank after I had taken my breaths under the inhaler for this evening.

But for Pokémon Pearl today, I managed to raise my Buneary into a Lopunny.

Monday 10 October 2016

Day 1201

Day 1201;

22.07 was my BMI for today still too high but it's down a bit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: minted lamb, sausages in bacon, peas, carrots, minted pear and strawberries in cream.
Dinner: strawberries and banana.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 300ml mugs of fruit juice and somewhere between 50 and 100ml mug of cream.

In the f1 race this morning Mr Hami didn't get off the line well enough and he ended in 3rd meanwhile his team mate whom is the championship leader managed to win the race so Rosburger has managed to all but seal the drivers championship, for him, well he could potentially muck it up from here muck it up, but it isn't very likely as Hami still has to win the races which isn't looking very likely at the moment. What's looking more likely now is that Hami qualifies in the top 2 for the rest of the season but he wins a grand total of 0 of them and Rosburger manages to win at least 2 of them.

Then after I did my daily 50 sit-ups and crunches. Then later on I did my 15 minute row, but I had stopped twice so I continued on to 17 minutes 30 something seconds. Little Often routine accomplished 7 days in a row week 2 commences.

So how could we set out a more sustainable future?

If we keep out current level of technological advancement at least the western world and they could spread it out across the world, so everyone that was alive was linked up, then we could shut down all of the useless people like me.SJW's and terrorists. That would cut down on the number of useless cripples (all of the people like me that are just a waste on everybody else's resources, which includes me) SJW's (the self righteous, self hating lot of them) and terrorists (need I write an explanation).

But with at least those groups gone there would be more harmony over this world we could also kill off all of the religious fundamentalists, we could say that there gods have called them all home and then blast they're heads off. How many would that be? Perhaps a million maybe a even billion.  You may gain more if the retired, older generation, turned up in they're droves to the self determination camps.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Day 1200

Day 1200:

22.14 woah I'm storing an additional 0.07 on my BMI for today, I'm hopeless.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: chicken noodle soup.
Dinner: meat pie, peas, new potatoes and a white chocolate mousse thing.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I played a bit of boccia, went to a football match, went home and watched another football match on the TV, but before I was over I attempted to get my 15 minute daily row done, I did an extra 3 minutes row to be sure that I had accomplish 15 minutes, then I did my daily weigh in, then I did my 50 sit-ups and 50 crunches.

So my Little Often routine was accomplished today.

The first football match I watched today had no goals in it, and the second had 2 goals in it but I didn't see either of them.

I attempted t row for 15 minutes and I failed the clock only reached 2 minutes, then I continued the clock reached 14 minutes but I couldn't see the timer at the time so I got up and turned the lights on, then I continued it up to 15 minutes  as the rowing machine told me, now just as I had got to 15 I was called away for dinner.

So I had eaten my dinner and I decided to row another minute for each stoppage so that was 3 more minutes, sorted.

My supposed hair loss has been refuted by Tini today. As allergy was saying that I'm going bald as my hair line appears to be reccedding then Tini was saying that we all have very big foreheads in our family, even her dad has a giant forehead but isn't bald. Me I just don't care but if it's going to fall out I'd rather it happened sooner rather than later to save money on hair cleanliness products and  to avoid having to go to the hair dressers/barbers.

Also today I caught a Misdreavus in Pokémon Pearl.

Saturday 8 October 2016

Day 1199

Day 1199;

22.07 was my BMI for today, but of which I am a bit bemused by as could the non-existat muscle that I have put on today count for the rise, no, as I know that I have been doing some additional exercise but 20 minutes on a bike I don't really think that'll be it. So it's probably that big meal I ate for dinner, what ever it was...?

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops, toast, mini sausages and something for pudding.
Dinner: I have currently forgotten.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Little Often:

  • 15 minute row.
  • 50 sit-ups.
  • 50 crunches.
So today I did my 50 sit-ups first, then I did my 50 crunches, which went fine aa usual, I even played a bit on Pokémon Pearl while I was doing a couple of them.

Then I did my 15 minute row which was slightly broken up, as I had done 2 minutes at least to start with then I had done at least 6 minutes Then I had been doing it but my specs were slipping down my face then I did probably slightly less than 9 minutes as the rowing machine told me that I had done around 9:15when my eyes finally opened which was after they had closed about 6 minutes through but I knew that I had to get to about 7 minutes to get my daily 15 minute row for the 5th day in a row... dud dum chrash... get it? I have been doing rows for days in a row.

But then tonight I went to the gym again but it was to do a 20 minute cycle at 100RPMs for the thing in total, oh and I have remembered something else about yesterdays post it was when I was saying about my rate of rowing it wasn't in RPM's it was in SPM's (Strokes Per Minute) I could have been getting the hand bike that I was on just before writing the article confused as that peace of exercise equipment works in RPM's as well as the actual exercise bikes.

But today in Pokemon Pearl I got a  few new seals from the Unown boy that  I'm attempting to help learn spelling, and I also evolved my Grotle into Torterra, I caught Ponyta and my Pokémon egg hatched it was a Happiny.

Friday 7 October 2016

Day 1198

Day 1198;

22.01 now so I'm closer to perfection than I have been for weeks I'm thinking.

Breakfast: cereal, green grapes, banana and apple.
Lunch: margarita pizza and 3 more of those chocolate bites.
Dinner: chicken potato, peas, apple pie and cream.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 4 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So yesterday or was it the day before, I cannot remember.... Well in my past a friend of mine showed me the following comic strip:

It displays a  vegan talking to a non-vegan,  vegan starts off by stating facts of his opinion, like the one that he can't understand why non-vegans use illogical reasons to justify not being a vegan but he never says all non-vegans do that as the non-vegan obviously supposes he says and then he gets off on the defensive from the start by lying, well it seems that way at the very least. Then in the second frame the vegan asks a question, but then the non-vegan starts off well then he goes into total meltdown by basically stating I respect you so you should respect me, but I think I should respond to the non-vegans response with the factual statement "that's not how respect works, and where the hell did your obsession with respect come from, as it didn't come from the vegan it came from your mouth entirely. We could be having a discussion about the benefits and drawbacks of being a vegan right now instead of your petty quarrels of respect" Well that should be what the vegan says in the third but instead he says, that he didn't disrespect and I would have to agree then he states the biggest load of nonsense that he states within the whole of this comic strip, "it's not a personal choice when you are harming others." yes it is you imbecile you almost always have a choice, a personal choice, like if you were locked in a butchers the only food around was meat and you were starving to death you have a choice, the choice is to eat some of the meat or to die, it's your choice, what you do, you can either give up on your veganism, at least until the butchers reopens, or you could keep your morals and die. But now back onto the comic strip and I am just about to go onto the part where Mr defensive non-vegan goes off on a tangent proving that he lied about not arguing with vegans, or just that is how it seems to me, and he turns into a complete douche in the progress spurting out insults. Then in the final frame the meat eater realises that he has made a mistake and says "Oops." I think.

My opinion on the topic of veganism isn't actually anything to do with the moral argument for veganism, which goes as follows...

All animals have feelings so we shouldn't eat them or consume any of their produce, which includes milk, butter, cheese.

I personally believe that is fine, you go on becoming a vegan for that personal reason. But it's all of those people that are on a crusade to stop all meat eating as we don't have to eat meat now to get all of the protein that is required to live a healthy life now, I know. but it's just the animal kingdom demands of us to eat some meat. and it also demands some of our number need to die out also be it from being eaten by a lions, tigers, crocodiles, the plague or even by old age. But what it isn't saying is all men must die that's just the Game of Thrones and Feminazi's, but in Game of Thrones I think it's referring to the species as in all humans must die not the sex, unlike the Feminazi's which say all men, the gender, must die with immediate effect basically. Well I know that we all are going to die eventually just like it says in the Game of Thrones but but it's the overpopulation by humans which is really causing the problems to the planet not the meat eating of the people, now I'll try to explain if the population of humans on this planet wasn't so great then there would be less need for deforestation to have places for people to live, less electricity usage which would mean less fossil fuels being burnt, less cattle/animals being used as food, which have all been some of the factors in climate change; I get it that if everyone could just become vegan you could solve one of those problems, but the human race has got too big and too wasteful unless we stop being such a wasteful species we are going to destroy this planet it will become like Venus, the uninhabitable wasteland of a planet. Planet Designated Earth/Venus 2.

But now on a lighter note Pokémon Pearl, so today in pearl I managed to capture an Unown and I also got a seals case and a load of S seals, but I was thinking that the Unown looked more like a Z. I know that a S and a Z are kind of opposites.

Well there you go Unown S and Z looking nothing alike.

On the note of my daily routine;
Little Often:

  • 15 minute row.
  • 50 sit-ups.
  • 50 crunches.
I have done my 15 minute row, today I managed to get up to 14 minutes before my glasses started causing me grief so I decided to count in my head up to 40 as I knew that the RPM (revolutions per minute) number said 40 a little while before which was up from when I started as it was 33 then it was 37 then 39 then 40, so I thought that 40 seemed to be a simple enough number for me to count to, oh how wrong was I. as I was going through the numbers in my head I kept getting to a number then forgetting how I got there so I'd travel back to a number that I thought I could remember going to just to make sure that I was counting to 40 and by the time that I got to 40, and I had stopped, and I had sorted my eyes out, the clock on the rowing machine reached up to 16 minutes, so I'm thinking that I made it up to 15 minutes in one row I did 4.7/4.8KM. 

Next up I did 50 sit-ups before getting taken out to go to my weekly gym session which was fun. Then I got home and I did 50 crunches.

So in the end it was check, check and check for my little often routine 4 days in a row, that I have done a row and other exercises.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Day 1197

Day 1197;

21.94 I was s lightly closer to perfection today

Breakfast: cereal, green grapes, apple and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich in some seeded bread and 3 mini chocolate bites.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, chips and something else for pudding.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now today I'm going to start off with something that I should have included in yesterdays post as it includes somethings that Allergy was telling me about yesterday.

Now just the two of the songs allergy was telling me, something about them but I cannot remember, but it probably had something to do with the F word in the titles of both which prompted me to remember Jimbo not the sharpest's song the one about him getting "F"cking High" which was changed in the radio edit to "Flying High" and it's all about him not being able to see you again as you were with another man, but anyway you're beautiful, you're beautiful it's true. Yes! I've just remembered the name of that song. So you whoever you is it's not intended for you, unless your that... no don't go there...  what you mean back in time one week to the gym? Yes just don't go back there. Too late, I have already been flicking through my memory archives back to the beautiful behind. Arg damn you, Savage, now but anyway lets go on to the song that you were referencing above and then we can see what you did today on Pearl. Oh.... ok then.

Then today in Pearl I failed some more times to make any Poffin's but I succeeded in finding the good rod and the successfully capturing a Magicarp and a Goldeen.  I acuired a Pokémon egg from a shady looking Hiker man on the outskirts the city that has got the Pokémon contest in. I'm wondering what Pokemon is in the egg, will it be Happiny, Togepi or will it be a different one entirely?

Little Often routine.
  • 15 minute row.
  • 50 sit-ups.
  • 50 crunches.

Today I did the 50 sit-ups first then it was the time for 50 crunches as they are the simplest little actives to do, in terms of not needing any socks on to do. But I could do a row without socks on, I know but the last time that I did that I ended up cutting my ankle and I'm not sure but I don't think it is supposed to do that well it's defiantly not the desired outcome of the machine.

My 15 minute row went reasonably well seeing as I did 20 minutes but I did kind of stop something like 8 times which the first 2 and the last 2, were I don't know what my reason was for stopping but the 3rd and the 6th were that my glasses were slipping down my face but the 4th and 5th were that my right foot came unfastened from it's holder/the velcro came lose.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Day 1196

Day 1196;

Today my BMI was 21.81

Breakfast: cereal, green grapes, banana and apple.
Lunch: all day breakfast, sour cream & onion Pringles and more of my chocolate box.
Dinner: chicken, peas, crochet potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Little Often routine (Day 2):
  • 15 minutes rowing.
  • 50 sit-ups.
  • 50 cruches. 

Check, check and check. As I also took a short jog around the back garden I think I flat spotted a toe, my big toe on my right foot from jogging around outside barefoot.

Now today I started off on a row which lasted 1  minute before my right foot became unfastened, so I stopped, then the next time I made it to 5 minutes before I stopped due to the rowing machine kept bumping into the radiator next to the rowing machine. then the second one lasted about 5 minutes then my eyes closed when they opened again I rowed through to 6 minutes before getting frustrated with the radiator again, so I un tied myself from the rowing machine and I moved the machine closer to the wall to avoid the radiator and then I did a third 5 minutes to make it 15 minutes.

Then later on in the day I did my 50 sit-ups and 50 crunches. to complete my Little Often routine for the second day in a row.

But today in Pokémon I was trying out the contests and I actually managed to win a contest it was the third normal rank contest that I partook in, at least today I don't know how many competitions I partook in on other games each to no avail. But it was a coolness competition, and my Buneary made it his own, he owned it. With his Jump Kick and Cut moves.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Day 1195

Day 1195;

21.91 Now that is more respectable than any of my BMI measurements within recent memory with my being only -0.09 off from perfection instead if +0.11.

Breakfast: cereal, green grapes, banana and apple.
Lunch; spaghetti hoops on toast and pork pie.
Dinner: pasta, meatballs and cheese.
Drinks:  2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: 2 scones.  jam and cream.

First thing today was breakfast then after that I had to go out to do some things, like go to the post office, which was to send a parcel back to the people that sent it to us, while we were there Mich also also bought some stamps. Then it was onto the shops to buy something for our lunch Mich procured the goods then we moved onto the dentists to get some toothpaste.

Then we returned home I started playing some more on Pokémon Pearl I think I got the bike today as I had been cycling up and down the bike lane which must mean that I beat up the sailor pink/purple head jupiter

Now today I have started a little fitness routine I'm calling it my Little Often routine, it goes like this:

  • 15 minute row,
  • 50 sit-ups.
  • 50 crunches.
 Check check and check, I have done all of those today, well by the 15 minute row I mean I did a 9 minute row then my foot came unfasten and I'm thinking that it was at about 9:30 as the clock ticked onto 9:56 which is about +20 seconds from 9:30  , and about 20 seconds was the inaction time for the rowing machine to stop ticking on, approximately. So I decided to go for another 6 minutes after that had finished but I stopped 3 and a half times while doing the 6 minute row so I continued it on for 8 minutes instead of 6 minutes. Then after that I did 50 sit-ups and 50 crunches.

I burnt a load of Poffin also, when I had got the Poffin case from the Pokémon fan club.

Monday 3 October 2016

Say 1194

Day 1194;

22.11 was my BMI for today, which surprised me as I was going up and up for the past few days.

Breakfast: banana, apple and egg on toast.
Lunch: chicken, potatoes and eas.
Dinner: some fruit scones, jam and cream.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Today going into the race Hami lost out to his team mate, Rosburger, with a spectacular burst... into flames from first position he was about to retake the championship with his teammate in 4th position but his engine blew up, just after I had left the television screen to eat my egg, for breakfast. As the commentators were saying that Hami was going to get up on his team mate by 7 points by the end of the race when he was in 1st and Rosburger was in 4th  if it ended as it was but instead Rosburger cements his status as the championships leader.

In Pokémon today I have captured a Wurmple and a Combee, then I succeeded in getting all 5 of the Pokémon that I mentioned yesterday up to level 15 and Turtwig up to level 17, which in the battle levelled up to level 18 then afterwards it evolved into a Grotle. Then after the fight was won I decided to trave off to Route 205 through Eterna forest to Eterna city and to get training on the way to it, so I had leveled my Wurmple up to a cascoon and then that up to level 10 for a Dustox. so that is that's evolution tree thing completed I could let it go now, should I? Later on I caught a Buneary and I traded my Buizel for a Chatot. Then next up I went into Eterna gym and I challenged the boss of which I won marginally literally it was my final Pokémon Grotle vs  the Gym leaders final Pokémon Roserae she had the lead and it was into the final turn, each of us only had minimal health but Grotle had slightly less if Grotles tackle missed, again, I would have handed her a win on a silver plater, almost, with her but my Grotle struck true and I won my second gym badge.  Then I went up to the Team Galactic head quarters I saved the game as my battery was running low, then I challenged the pink/purple haired boss Commander Jupiter of which I was under the impression that she would be a challenge as Commander Mars was before her but no she wasn't she was weak then just as  I beat her my battery ran out, fingers crossed that she improves before our next battle.

Sunday 2 October 2016

Day 1193

Day 1193;

22.24 was my BMI for today I'm getting even fatter once more I have gone to boccia once more today. The internet has gone down, great.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: Swiss backed eggs, bread and an apple turn over.
Dinner: chocolate eclair and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 1 300 ml mug of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: banana, apple, a Percy Pig sweet and one of his Pals (it was a sheep).

So when I awoke I discovered that I had’t got changed out of my polo shirt from yesterday,and I thought that I had taken a full mug of milk to bed so I was attempting not to spill it otherwise my bed sheets would stink and they would get a bit damp, but I was deluded for that thought.

Nath, Nat, Img and myself at boccia today, Nath has got a really cool ramp for playing now. 

I can't wait until/if the following happens:

I'm sure I'd be one of the first to go. Now I'm thinking that should probably have it's own hashtag thingy like Hash-sign 1offthe1sttogo  or 1otftg

Today in Pokémon I have been defeated by the man in the Valley Windworks and I have captured myself 5 new Pokémon, of which I am training up now. My 5 new Pokémon are:
1. Phyduck.
2. Budew.
3. Shellos.
4. Buizel.
5. Pachirisu.
I have levelled them all up to level 12 at the moment, but I am aiming to get them all up to at least level 15, or level q16 for Turtwigs level, before continuing on with my fight with that Team Galactic or something similar boss, I think it's Mars.

Saturday 1 October 2016

Day 1192

Day 1192;

22.11 was my BMI for today, I'm getting super lazy now as I know I walked into town today to see the doctor then subsequently to get my perception from a chemist/pharmacist/shop that sells drugs.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarine, banana and apple.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast, mini sausages and mini chocolate bites.
Dinner: chicken, peas and chips.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Yesterday, all  my troubles seemed so far away.

Well that was a little quote from a song called Yesterday by The Beatles, or just watch it bellow.

But now I'll tell you a bit more about yesterday as I started a new game on a Pokémon game, it as on Pokémon Pearland I have decided to document it, as I started up, I named my rival Clint as it was the first name that came up on the screen asking for a name, then the two of us went off to the lake I selected my Pokémon it was Turtwig this time we each beat up our foe, which was a wild Starly then I continued a bit onto the next town which I stopped in on the PokéMart to get me some Pokéballs as of which I used to catch me some new Pokémon they were a Bidoof and a Starly, then I went to Professor Rowans Labin the next town along,then I went up to Jubilife City catching a Shinx and a Kriketot along the way. then I had a short trek along Route 204 to be a up the Pokémon Trainers that way.Then I stopped my playing outside of the trainers school.

Then this morning I went to the doctors and he prescribed me another inhaler but this one I have to use twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, I think I used the old one once which was at night time, it didn't taste good but this new one tastes worse and I've  got to use it 2 times a day.

Pokémon I have been training my Pokémon, now that the 4 that I had caught yesterday have gone from being the low levels of 2 and 3 up to the not quite so low level of 8, meanwhile my Turtwig has gone from level 5 to level 10, and I have already beat up my rival just to the right hand side of Jubilife City.

Then later on I caught an Abra, a Zubat, a Geodude and a Machop. either on my way to Oreburg City on in it's mine. while I was looking for the gym leader. Then I strolled into the Oreburg Gym as if I owned the joint and I had myself a couple of minor excursions including a small Geodude on Geodude battle of which my Geodude triumphed then I

Nurses, as I'm sure you all know who nurse Joy isIf not where have you been for the last 20 years?

Nurse Joy

Well if you look at the above picture of Nurse Joy now is that a standard nurse, no it maybe in the Pokémon world but in reality they are a bit more individual than that nurse,

Real Nurses
Look at the many shapes and sizes of nurses  but today I saw a lot of nurses and none of the ones that I saw today looked even remotely healthy, but I know you could say that Allergy disproves that worrying fact but I'd like to inform you that Allergy isn't a nurse, yet.