Sunday 15 May 2016

Day 1053

Day 1053;

This day I have achieved my kcal goal and I took my next step to being allowed to play around on skates, like I did in the old days.

Breakfast: cereal
Lunch: veggie burger in a bun and cake.  

Dinner: steak pie, new potatoes, carrots, strawberries and bananas.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 probably 150 mug of fruit juice which had the other 150ml filled up with fizzy water, about a 150 ml mug of fruit juice, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Today I have actually built up a sweat when I wasn't doing athletics or or the gym, as I noted above I achieved my kcal goal as I was running around the hall that I did boccia in today. Now my harping on  about the old days comes down to the one day of the week, sometimes two, that I could properly feel alive and free (when I was playing roller hockey). What I was meaning by me feeling properly alive I was meaning moments of carefree exhilaration when you're so glad that you are alive, you know the world may be a giant turd but at least... and I could use it as a method of anger management, as everyone was wearing hockey pads so you could be as rough as you liked with anybody else that got in your way without fearing for their safety.

Also today I in some related news I got some new padded hockey shorts but this time they already come with an athletics cup inside of it, so my old one I no longer need. Which may be just as well in actual fact as the fabric on the old one has been getting a bit worse for wear over the past almost decade that it's been in the loft.

But it's the Game of Thrones season 5 that I have just been watching todayand just as I was thinking that Stansa Stark was about to be inn control of Ramsyy Bolton, she gets herself rapped by him.

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