Tuesday 10 May 2016

Day 1048

Day 1048;

Now up was today I have actually physically harmed Rose today, not good, as what we were attempting to do was run, a thanks to my eyes I accidentlly ran into Rose.

Breakfast; cereal, banana and grapes.
Lunch: pasta salad and mini chocolate roll.
Dinner: pasta salad and turkey in.bread crumbs.

Plughead retired, is the name of a film that I had ages ago, but I have lost it now. There is onl one part of the film that I can remember, it's the part where there is a woman in charge of a group of male prisoners and she was taking advantage of one of her prisoners,with him all tied In the back of the truck then she does some actions to him.

I would like to say that I'm sorry to Rose, at least as if you wanted to win a race outright you got to that way, as I know that you were talking about your going to win that race as well but I somehow don't think so, as I was starting the race from behind the line and I ran int your back, accidentally, as I couldn't sew, so why did I run you may say; good point but it was because I was instructed to by Mr B.

Today I have:
Woke up,
Eaten breakfast,
Toilet teeth shower and shaved,
Watching some of the X-Files,
Ate my lunch,
Watched some more of X-Files,
Watched Captain America :the Winter Solider,
Went out to athletics,
Ate my dinner,

Also I managed to meet my kcal goal today,

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