Friday 6 May 2016

Day 1044

Day 1044;

You may have guessed that I think what Barry Obama has done with the independence day for Britain is very hypocritical of him unless he wants the US to become a member state of the EU, of which he could do but I doubt very much that the American people would agree.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: sandwich and sponge cake.
Dinner: Sgahetti bolagnaise and chocolate truffle
Drink: 3 300ml mugs of milk 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Anew national Holliday for the 4th of July un or dis or some other negative maker of independce day but if the friend of Britain and British intrests becomes your next pendent, Mr Donny Trump, he has already told us that he would be willing to make arrangement with us, which I support. But Hillary Clinton will be the next president of thee USA as if  they don't vote for her then the complete side of the regressive leftism will use it as "evidence" of misogamy.

Now on referendum day we will vote to remain in the EU, even with our pro-british people screaming until they are blue in the face about why we should leave. 

As much I hate to admit it but it seems that way Yellow, even though the only reason that some people want to stay, is because we know what we're going to get from the EU, but I don't understand that as isn't the EU expanding, or at least attempting to expand, and it's even going off into Asia, and poorer nations,  and with that so I can only see the cost on the countries with stronger economies like Germany and the UK will have to put more in without seeing any return on your investments. Germany may still be suffering from the condition holocaust guilt.

But why It happened a long, long time ago time ago no-one blames them for stuff that happened before the majority of them were born, or at least no-one should. As wasn't the Holocaust the brain child of one man who was a leader of Germany all those many years ago, who you may have voted into office but his  actions were his his own.

I have woke up.
traveled downstairs.
 Eaten Breakfast.
Came back upstairs.
Attempted to do my daily 60 (in helmet) but I got lost in counting and I did 91, I think, so I had to get my final 9 done to make it a decent number.
Next up for me was TTSS or Toilet Teeth Shower Shave, in that order.
Then I went downstairs and I ate my lunch.
Had a non verbal conversation with a friend of mine that I didn't realise still remembered me.
I did my mile/5 minute (whichever is longer) row.
I drank a second 300ml mug of milk.
Got the recycling bin in from outside of the home.
I ate my dinner.
I have seen two football marches today and the teams that I was supporting won.
I drank my self a 3rd mug of milk and I brushed my teeth

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