Saturday 14 May 2016

Day 1052

Day 1052;

Noe today I know that I still have the rest of my *things* to type about from yesterday but I have decided to type about something different for today?

Breakfast: cereal, banana and pear.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops, sausage roll and somethings else that I have forgotten.
Dinner: a margarita pizza.

Triggly Puff or #TrigglyPuff

Triggly Puff: what is the name about? I'm guessing the Triggy part is something to do with the trigger warnings and other foul shenanigans. But the word Puff is a word that I thought meant homosexual, but I can see that it could be equivalent to podgy as you can see the ripples of her body fat jiggling in a dance like fashion across her body in that gif image.

Typing of dance...

Don't worry Trig the song isn't directed at you as I'm thinking that you'd probably fit in on the dance floor if the Michelin man was there also, then the two of you could jiggle together.

I know I'm being harsh, but it's just she knows she's fat and she's proud of it, she doesn't think that she should even try to improve her body shape not for the good of her health not for the good go the ambulance staff that are going ti]o have to cary her into hospital after she has had a heart attack, at an age of something like 25.

But also when I look at that picture I'm thinking how many starving countries could be fed by the amount of food that she 's consumed. 

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