Tuesday 31 May 2016

Day 1069

Day §1069:

So this morning I had a dream but it was a slightly odd dream as in  it I was playing roller hockey with ice skates on, and thats not the oddest part as it appeared to be working without taking giant gashes out of the floor until the skates broke which was slightly disconcerting but then the weirdest
 thing happened as I was signing (finger spelling) in BSL and a man actually understood what I was signing; which was the amazing part.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and strawberry.
Lunch: a buffet lunch with arctic roll.
Dinner: peas carrot potatoes and some trifle.
Drinks: 3 300ml mug of milk,1 300ml mug of fruit juice and a 300ml mug of fizzy grape juice.

Today I have done basically nothing, on any important note. But hockey people are some very nice people basically. I know that when I was younger I had a slight incident with an opposition player but that was a very long time ago and I didn't even notice it, which could be as we have so much padding on while we are playing you can get hit around the back of your head and the first thing you knew about it was after after the match, as I had just checked this opposition player into the boards then I was going back into a defensive position, and then apparently the boy that I checked launched a fist at the back of my head; I say apparently as I didn't feel a things I just kept on skating back to my defensive position. 

Monday 30 May 2016

Day 1068

Day 1068;

This morning I was attempting to reconcile the complements that I received yesterday, the complements about my defensive skill at roller hockey within my head.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: carrots, peas, potato, soufflé, sherry trifle and bailey's bread & butter pudding.
Dinner: buffet with some more of that raspberry cake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

As I bit into the bread & butter pudding, it tasted nice just as nice as I could remember her making it in the past snd it tasting the same, but then the after taste, I didn't really like the after taste.

But then here's the thing would you say the bellow antics are people being fearless or foolish...? Or neither?

As I used to do some similar stuff to the defence I even spent quite a considerable amount of time in defence one match, in one stint, I'm unsure of how long it was but I knew that I was getting involved  in almost all of the oppositions attacks on our goal and I am thinking that I had kept them out go the goal, along side of my defensive partner(s) and I had ran myself ragged and I'd have to skate towards the bench to get a substitute on the pitch instead of me. But I wasn't sure if they'f actually called me back or if they wanted me to carry on playing, as I like create a bubble around me when I playing, it's like there could be an explosion behind me and I wouldn't notice,

Sunday 29 May 2016

Day 1067

Day 1067;

So today was the day that I have been waiting for which has been fun but its also been a bit frustrating,

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: main I cannot remember but for dessert raspberry cake.
Dinner: spaghetti bolognese and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 or 4 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

As usual on Saturdays I played a bit of boccia today then I did a bit of the multi sports club, then finally after 9 years away from the sport I had half an hour of skating around in my hockey shirt with my name and number on it's back in full kit minus the small thing that keeps my glasses on my nose instead of having them slip down my nose making my effectively bind minus the about 2m close to me.

The Puck is also an oddity to play with as I'm use to playing it with a small orange ball, which makes it quicker and obviously easier to play, I think as the ball doesn't stay still but this puck stays stationary so you have to put it under almost constant force to get it to go with you.

And my picture that I put on fact book of me back in my kit got 12 likes, which is kind of unheard of for me, and 2 comments from 2 very complementary people, who played as goalies, about my defensive skill of back in the old days, I was very flattered.

Saturday 28 May 2016

Day 1066

Day 1066;

Now today I think I guessed the song that I was going to put in yesterdays post as I can kind of remember  thinking about it yesterday in relation to my blog, I think.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana
Lunch: the other half of that 9 inch pizza.
Dinner: macaroni cheese and some chocolate truffle.
Drinks: 2 3900ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.


Now it's just the context that I'm having trouble with now, so I'll just go back and check it out.

No it's gone from my memory completely.


What was that Yellow?

I said LIAR.


Because you lied.


You didn't tell the truth.

What, when?

You said "it's gone from my memory completely" but that was just after you had put that song up.

How was that a lie? so I had typed that I'd be looking in the previous days posts for any hints to what the story could have been behind it, I checked and I couldn't find any leads.

Friday 27 May 2016

Day 1065

Day 1065;

So today has been the next day of my long... probably too long existence,

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: ham and cheese inside pastry with a pack of cheese quavers.
Dinner: half of a 9 inch margarita pizza.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 and a half 300ml mugs of fruit juice,

Today I have learnt some shininess about the referendum, about how leaving the EU could be the only way to safeguard the NHS from privatisation, potentially, 

How humorous, I'm meaning that wasn't it Mr Nigel Farage that was suggesting more privatisation in the NHS a few years ago, but then he changed his tune after the media backlash and now as it looks as if UKIP could be the only party standing in the way of a privatisation.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Day 1064

Day 1064;

So today legal highs became illegal well they were saying from 00:00 midnight tonight, which is a bit messed up, I never got to try one.

Breakfast cereal, banana and apple.
Linch: I cannot remember but I can remember eating 3 halves of cakes.
Dinner:fishcakes, peas, carrots and new potatoes;  

Now I am thinking that I did some exercise today as I have gone to the gym. in the gym today I did for my usual 15 minute warm up drill on the lateral trainer and then I did an extra minute as I couldn’t see. Then I moved on to an arm weight machine, next up I’ve forgotten what I did but I know that I finished up on the exercise bike for 5 minutes.

Now that was yesterday but I wasn’t able to actually get online last night to put it up else wise I’d have got a song, off of youtube to go with it but I have forgot the song and it’s link to my post.

But why don't you take a look at the below YouTube video.

That gay man is great.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Day 1063

Day 1063;

Breakfast: a bowl of cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: a bowl of spaghetti hoops on toast with some ham.
Dinner: meat pie, peas carrots and crochet potatoes.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Tommy Robinson my be furious but he's also quite correct, about there being a double standard, not about this being a christian nation anymore, at least I don't think it is a christian nation, didn't the level of Christians within this country drop beneath the 50% mark the last time we had a census?

What else have I done today?


I know that Mich has power washed the outside floor which made it look better.


But that was Mich, not me.

Oh and me on my continuing quest to get myself fit enough to play roller hockey.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Day 1062 ++

Day 1062++:

So I have just realised that I have forgot to inform you of what happened to me yesterday, other than that slight pro-union of Europe thing.

As what I did yesterday was I went skiing and then I went to athletics,

But today in Skiing...

I stacked it, for all who don't know what doing that entails it's basically a fall so I fell over, what happened was I was turning left and my left ski got burred under snow so I lifted my foot out of the snow, unfortunately my left ski didn't come with my foot so I was already leaning over my left side of my body to turn left my ski had just come off so I face planted in the snow, which was fun.

Then next up I played around with my hockey stick in the garden I was practising ball control as it shouldn't be long now until I get to play a bit of hockey for real, but this time will be with a puck. so practising ball control shouldn't really help. But I must remember to keep my centre of gravity low while playing, make it harder for them to knock me over. besides my hockey stick is now short so especially with a puck I will have to get down low.

Then finally today I had athletics and there was that thing that I put on last nights post about Dolly wanting to stay in the EU. Which I can't understand, yeah sure it'd be easier to stay in the EU. But if we stay in the EU we still have to pay our quite considerable membership fee, which I know we get some of back to be spent on projects that the EU want us to spend it on, that is f**ked up, they might as well not give us it back and instead spend the money for us that way it'd be more of "this *insert name of an object* was given to you by the EU" instead of having a plaque which says "this *insert name of an object* was bought for you by the EU" both mean the same.

Day 1062

Day 1062;

Today I have learnt of a group of people that are pro-EU.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich and biscuits.
Dinner: pasta + meat balls and a salted caramel chocolate pot.
Snaks: cake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300,ml mugs of fruit juice.

Pro EU ramble were being lead by Dolly, and there was only 2 of us that didn't put our hands in to the middle, me and Jasman (my "friend" from last week) didn't.If I could have spoke then I would have told them what I thought of it, which is that I don't believe that we are in the safest position when it comes down to it with the EU, as what is it that Dave Cameron wants to welcome Turkey into the EU which has got a high warning level for terrorism coming from there as well as a muslim majority, of which I'm thinking that a radical muslim preacher within a declaration of war against the west told his supporters to flood the EU and impregnate a lot of the women, over here to get a muslim majority on the west to work towards Mohammed's dream of muslim world domination. and even as I have no daughters I have some sisters and some friends that are girls, like Rose who actually put her hand in at the aforementioned juncture, that I am not wanting to get raped as that was what the muslim preacher man was was quite obviously alluding towards within his speech.

Monday 23 May 2016

Day 1061

Day 1061;

So this morning I remembered  bit of what I was about to type yesterday but I never did, as yesterday I managed to get to my kcal goal, by about just before 3 o'clock I decided to play some more LoZ: TP and I defeated a mini boss that looked like a frog but on it's back it had a shoal of pirañas of which it shook them off to attack me then it'd jump up into the air and tries to squish me. Which was fun.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and grapes.
Lunch: I cannot remember my main course but I know that I ate some cake for afters
Dinner: chicken, sausage, peas, carrots, stuffing and potato.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I missed my kcal goal and I put on a pound. But today I did do a 5 minute stint of chrunches then I followed it up by doing a 5 minute stint of sit-ups.

Yesterday or was it today? I watched Man U win the FA cup for a record equaling 12th time. record is now shushed bettween Arsnel and Man U.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Day 1060

Day 1060;

Today I had boccia practise, and I also had that little run around session in the hall afterwards, which I used in part to hone my stick and ball skills.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on pork pie with a side order of toast and then I ate my way through a banana and some grapes.
Dinner: mac cheese with ham, chips and chocolate trifle.
Drinks:2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snaks: I ate some more of my chocolate box.

Urg stick and ball, that just looks... disturbing,

Why we had these plastic sticks and we were hitting a ball around with them... Oh you were thinking "dirty" thoughts,

Only as you were. just as you were thinking how sexy rose looked in those trousers she wore on Monday, I think they are called Yoga pants.

Red! Shut up.But today in Boccia I lost my fist 2 games without scoring a sing;t point, then in my third game I actually won it...


Saturday 21 May 2016

Day 1059

Day 1059;

So today I missed out on my kcal goal by 12 kcal's. At least that's what my wii fit told me at the time of my weigh in, but I managed to reach my kcal's burnt today later,

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese sandwich and cakes.
Dinner: chicken, carrots. chips and trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit squash.

But today I realised that I had some more time to get into better shape before getting to play any hockey than I first thought. So I should keep myself getting stronger to negligée the factors that I guess could use as excuses, to expunge all of the pity that they may feel, for me it's a bloody insult to be the object of someones pity, save your pity for those that need it.

Now today I have done a 15 minute work out in the downstairs and I have also done a little exercise that I call the mummy sit-up, which has a name suggests is quite similar to that of the sit-up but you have to initiate your sit-ups from a lying down position and your arms are supposed to be stretched out in fount of you, when you are trying those.

Friday 20 May 2016

Day 1058

Day 1058;

My weight increased by 2 pounds today, but were my abs that I was feeling the other day just wish thinking or were they a mirage?

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: I can't remember.
Dinner: I can't remember but I had some tiramisu for my pudding.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snaks: 1 pack of 3 turkish delights.
Drinks 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice,

I have forgotten almost everything I did today, but I know that I have met my kcal goal but it was after my deadline, but from what I can remember I have been attempting to do my fitness regime, you know the 60 shenanigans and other stuff.

Oh and I have just remembered what I have done for part of today, It was watch some of the top 10 best (I thought that was what the top was about) horror anime.

Thursday 19 May 2016

Day 1057

Day 1057;

So on this day |I managed to get to my kcal goal, before eating my dinner which was a Chinese and the only thing that I eat from it is chicken balls and chips, as well as a healthy dollop of sweet and sour sauce just to put back on all my body weight.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast with ham.
Dinner: chicken balls and chips, with some sweet and sour sauce.
Drinks: 4 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I found out that Islam isn't a religion of peace,

Also I have reached my kcal goal.and I have in actual fact lost a tiny bit of weight even though I that big load f Chinese food. But I watched Liverpool loose their Europa Final 1-3.at half time when Liverpool was winning it 1-0 and they managed to hit the back of their oppositions goal but it didn't count as the scorer of the first goal was sanding in an offside position when he attempted to direct the ball into the back of the net, then within the first 20 seconds of the second half their opposition team managed to get back a goal and they just never look like they were under threat from Liverpool in that half and won the game. So no more Liverpool in any European club competition next year. Which also means there isn't going to be a champions league final between Leister City and Liverpool, Shame.

I made my kcal goal today as I went to the gym today as did I conduct just about 15 minutes of shuttle running, to get myself fit enough for skating so I am hoping that I get fitter for skating before the time comes that I actually get to play, again.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Day 1056

Day 1056;

Irst I'd like to state that my little daily work out session is appearing to work on my abs now, not as in I now have a rock hard 6 pack on my chest, as I don't, yet. But I could feel my abdominal muscles under my skin.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and grapes.

Today I had done my 60 in my helmet so then I decided to give it a go at doing 60 push-ups in the helmet also, I starred off by doing a 10 then a short breather and I only got my 5 so the next time I did 15, 30 down 30 to go, so I decided to give it a go in more 2 attempts, the first of the final 2 attempts I managed 20, but I was only attempting to do 15. I had a long hard think about it and I decided to just go for as long as possible for my final set, so I did 30, before I got half bored and the other half a bit tired in my arms. Now I would just like to state that it's a kind of half push-up that I was doing not a full one.  2 times 60 accomplished, now I'm wondering what I should get done for a third? Crunches? Yeah lets have me do some more of those half sit-ups. So I did myself a third 60. I have done a 4th set of 60 also today, but this time it was in the corridor outside my room, I was pacing up and down it 60 times and then at the end of it I'd do a stretch down to my toes,

How interesting they clapped at that interval but were they clapping out of politeness or were they clapping as they like the fact that... It's probably in Berlin so... Berlin is going to become like London,

Is George Clooney still making films? I'm guessing so due to the fact that his latest film has got a grand total of 0 black people  in it, the word, hypocrite springs to my mind.

How clueless is Clooney?

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Day 1055

Day 1055;

It's a shame that 60m is't an Olympic distance, or even a Paralympic distance, as if it was then I'd probably get some more competition and I'd get shown up for the slowpoke that I am.

Breakfast: bowl of cereal, apple, banana and grapes.
Lunch: Potato salad, cream cheese, ordinary cheese snd grapes.
Dinner: Pasta, Quorn balls and a little chocolate orange mouse type thing.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice/squash.
Snacks: a small amount from my chocolate box.

"The European Union is pursuing a similar goal to Hitler in trying to create a powerful superstate, Boris Johnson says."

That is just a fact, there is no desperation within what he has said I'm thinking that I may have said something similar within a previous days post (before this todo about Boris Johnson correctly stating facts) which some people in the remain side of the debate find offensive, I'm sorry that you feel that way about facts seriously are you going to have a fit and hold your breaths until we ignore the facts they are not within your very restrictive view of "political correctness" such shallow fools...

Today I was doing a lot of 60's even 60 squats in my helmetBut today I also went to Athletics and I worked myself as hard as I could due to my problems with my eyes, one of the problems was the sun kept going into my eyes, but I am thinking that have got a new friend this week, I'm not sure if he was already my friend or not as I can't really remember one way or the other. But then there is another thing that I am unsure if I have noticed before, it's the fact that Rose was looking great.

Now I'm almost ready for my come back into the sport that I haven't played for almost 9 years. I hope my eyes stay open for long enough, my legs and arms remain strong enough, to support this hefty slab weight and to remain connected to my stick,  for me to have a go.

Monday 16 May 2016

Day 1054

Day 1054;

Today I went out the back to play around with my stick and ball, buy today I got myself fully kitted up in my hockey gear, including skates.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and strawberry.
Lunch: I can't remember.
Dinner: chicken in bacon, carrots and other stuff.
Drinks: 2 300m of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now today I have decided to add the following song in, now how am I going to like it to the other stuff that I'm going to type about today?

Ok, I'be got it, I'm "on some foolish mission". Well my hockey trousers say Mission on, so I was in my mission hockey trousers doing some foolish shenanigans, as I was playing around with a stick and ball, then it was time for lunch so I had to get myself unchained, out of my hockey gear. which I did, but back when I was skating around outside I never really got far as my eyes were closed for a portion and I've got bigger than the last time, which shrinks the space that I have to play in.

 Cercei the manipulative kings mother just got herself owned by a member of the clergy, as we already knew that she was a little manipulative B!+(= but her new pawn has just taken down her rival and united the church behind them...

My eyes have just gone. 

Sunday 15 May 2016

Day 1053

Day 1053;

This day I have achieved my kcal goal and I took my next step to being allowed to play around on skates, like I did in the old days.

Breakfast: cereal
Lunch: veggie burger in a bun and cake.  

Dinner: steak pie, new potatoes, carrots, strawberries and bananas.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 probably 150 mug of fruit juice which had the other 150ml filled up with fizzy water, about a 150 ml mug of fruit juice, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Today I have actually built up a sweat when I wasn't doing athletics or or the gym, as I noted above I achieved my kcal goal as I was running around the hall that I did boccia in today. Now my harping on  about the old days comes down to the one day of the week, sometimes two, that I could properly feel alive and free (when I was playing roller hockey). What I was meaning by me feeling properly alive I was meaning moments of carefree exhilaration when you're so glad that you are alive, you know the world may be a giant turd but at least... and I could use it as a method of anger management, as everyone was wearing hockey pads so you could be as rough as you liked with anybody else that got in your way without fearing for their safety.

Also today I in some related news I got some new padded hockey shorts but this time they already come with an athletics cup inside of it, so my old one I no longer need. Which may be just as well in actual fact as the fabric on the old one has been getting a bit worse for wear over the past almost decade that it's been in the loft.

But it's the Game of Thrones season 5 that I have just been watching todayand just as I was thinking that Stansa Stark was about to be inn control of Ramsyy Bolton, she gets herself rapped by him.

Saturday 14 May 2016

Day 1052

Day 1052;

Noe today I know that I still have the rest of my *things* to type about from yesterday but I have decided to type about something different for today?

Breakfast: cereal, banana and pear.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops, sausage roll and somethings else that I have forgotten.
Dinner: a margarita pizza.

Triggly Puff or #TrigglyPuff

Triggly Puff: what is the name about? I'm guessing the Triggy part is something to do with the trigger warnings and other foul shenanigans. But the word Puff is a word that I thought meant homosexual, but I can see that it could be equivalent to podgy as you can see the ripples of her body fat jiggling in a dance like fashion across her body in that gif image.

Typing of dance...

Don't worry Trig the song isn't directed at you as I'm thinking that you'd probably fit in on the dance floor if the Michelin man was there also, then the two of you could jiggle together.

I know I'm being harsh, but it's just she knows she's fat and she's proud of it, she doesn't think that she should even try to improve her body shape not for the good of her health not for the good go the ambulance staff that are going ti]o have to cary her into hospital after she has had a heart attack, at an age of something like 25.

But also when I look at that picture I'm thinking how many starving countries could be fed by the amount of food that she 's consumed. 

Friday 13 May 2016

Day 1051

Day 1051;

Now today I thought  up a list of things to have me type about but I cut it down to a list of 3 things due to time constraints.

Breakfast: a bowl of cereal.
Lunch: I can't remember.
Dinner: hotdog, chips and a chocolate mousse.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of some fruity beverage.

1. Queen saying the Chinese ambassador was rude
Now the Queen has been reported to have said that the Chinese ambassador was rude last year in his visit, as it was said in a private conversation between her and someone else, the only reason it's a big thing is that it was caught on camera. But I'm still perplexed as to why it's being made such a big thing about, it was Mrs Queeny's personal opinion on the man, there was no need to bring her husband int the conversation, as it's her husband, not her.

2. The EU and which side Winston Churchill would be on?
I personally think that if Winston was alive today he'd be discussed with this question. I know he fought against the geri's and won, not just to give them our soverenty without even the slightest pushback or struggle.

3. A weird noise
I heard a weird noise which I thought sounded like a cat but it sounded slightly more robotic and it was just drowning on for ages.

Thursday 12 May 2016

Day 1050

Day 1050;

Now today I managed to teach my kcal goal but it wasn't in time, for my weigh in.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, grapes and pear.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast.
Dinner: chicken balls, chips and a chocolate sundae thingy.
Drinks 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice and the remnants of a carton of fruit juice.

Recently I have been thinking about the human species in a post-apocalyptic world where the human race has upped ancors and moved underground, which could be for multiple reasons like the earths air gets too toxic, with all of the carbon and other elements that are going to burn.

So today I...
Got up.
Toilet (again)
Been to the gym.
Watched a whole load of stuff on my computer.
Watched X-Files.
Wii fit weigh in, I found out that I had failed in my kcal goal by 102 kcal,
Completed my watch through of the complete first 9 seasons of X-Files.
Got my 60 of today done.
Made up the final 102 kcal's.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Day 1049

Day 1049;

Today was another lazy day for me.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread), grapes and a chocolate mini roll.
Dinner: I',m unsure of what I had for the main course but I know that I ate some raspberry Panocotta for my pudding.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit squash.

Today I failed to meet my kcal goal and I put on 2lb's,but today the wether has been better as it has been pouring down with rain for the majority of today.

Today I have been...
Getting out of bed.
To the Toilet,
Warxhing shenanigans on the internet
Then I'm thinking that I went to get started on my breakfast.
Then as I was back in the shower room I brushed my teeth and shaved,
But then I realised that I hadn't actuals eaten my breakfast,
Eating my breakfast
Getting dressed.
Eating my lunch.
Watched some more stuff from the internet.
I ate dinner...

I wamt ro continuo to type but it is getting harder nd harder to keep my eyes open.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Day 1048

Day 1048;

Now up was today I have actually physically harmed Rose today, not good, as what we were attempting to do was run, a thanks to my eyes I accidentlly ran into Rose.

Breakfast; cereal, banana and grapes.
Lunch: pasta salad and mini chocolate roll.
Dinner: pasta salad and turkey in.bread crumbs.

Plughead retired, is the name of a film that I had ages ago, but I have lost it now. There is onl one part of the film that I can remember, it's the part where there is a woman in charge of a group of male prisoners and she was taking advantage of one of her prisoners,with him all tied In the back of the truck then she does some actions to him.

I would like to say that I'm sorry to Rose, at least as if you wanted to win a race outright you got to that way, as I know that you were talking about your going to win that race as well but I somehow don't think so, as I was starting the race from behind the line and I ran int your back, accidentally, as I couldn't sew, so why did I run you may say; good point but it was because I was instructed to by Mr B.

Today I have:
Woke up,
Eaten breakfast,
Toilet teeth shower and shaved,
Watching some of the X-Files,
Ate my lunch,
Watched some more of X-Files,
Watched Captain America :the Winter Solider,
Went out to athletics,
Ate my dinner,

Also I managed to meet my kcal goal today,

Monday 9 May 2016

Day 1047

Day 1047;

Day that I have decided to call number 1047 has been a disappointing day,

Breakfast- cereal, banana and pear.,
Lunch- Chicken sandwich, grapes, Bakewell Cupcake and some Pork Pie,,
Dinner- Pasta salad (containing pasta, grapes, peaches, pineapple, apple), breaded turkey, cottage cheese and Cheese cake,

Ir has been disappointing as all 3 of the local football teams to me have lost, 1-2, 1-2 and then 3-2

What have I done?..
Got up,
Used the toilet,
Been downstairs for breakfast,
Gone back upstairs after eating,
Toilet (again), teeth, shower and shave,
Got dressed,
Made sure I still had my bag and it had the two season tickets in,
Mich checked and put things in my bag,
Mich and I, went to the football match,
Watched the football match,
Ate lunch,
Returned home,
We found out how well the top 3 clubs in our region did,
All 3 lost.
Ate dinner,
I mussed out on my kcal goal.
 Idid my daily 60 (with helmet),
Drank my 300ml mug of milk,
Brushed my Teeth.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Day 1046

Day 1046;

So today was intresting as even though I haven't actually improved in my fitness since this time last year I have managed to win 3 awards 2 of which that I missed out on last year, and the one that I got last year by default, i actually won outright this year.

Breakfast: bowl of cereal.
Lunch: banana, grapes and a chicken and mayo sandwich in brown bread.
Dinner: carrots, peas, jacket potato and fish fingers.
Drinks: 2  300ml mugs of milk, 1 bottles of Lucozade sport, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Today I had a good time outside in a park, as today I was competing in a little athletics competition, which was the same one that I did last year aproximatly this time last year, and the competition has dropped quite dramatically since last year  I'm stating that as I entered 3, the same 3 competitions as last year, and I got 3 gold medals first up was the long jump I jumped 2.7m or there about which for me was good but when I was competing I saw others get way further than me, like 8m of which I was thinking how brilliant are those people, how did I get a gold medal? How could I have even deserved it? Truth of the matter was that I didn't deserve it but I got promoted up to gold this time as no-one beat my distance leaped who was in the same disability classification as me. Similar thing happened to me in the 100m race Which reminded me of what happened in the 60m race a year ago, as I finished 4 but I was promoted to first due to the fact that I was the only person that was racing of my disability classification. Which happened in the 100m this time and the Long Jump but it didn't happen to me in the 60m race today, as I just put my head down and I actually ran, first time that I have done that in a while, probably the  first time I have done that this in this afterlife time. But I really have got to do that more often perhaps in the 100m or perhaps even further still.

So today I...
Got up,
Ate  breakfast,
Toilet, Teeth, Shower and Shaved,
Got dressed,
Got into a car,
Got out of the car at the park,
Got myself signed in and numbered,
Awaited around for what seemed like hours,
Was informed that I had to go the sandpit,
I took a run up and jump or 3,
Was back waiting for my next event,
I stood behind the start line,
Ran the 100m race,
Went to get my lunch with Tini,
Sat down in the stadium, Tini was helping me with my lunch,
Ate my lunch,
Waited around for a long time,
Lined up for 60m,
Ran 60m, but this time I was watching the track beneath my feet just before I reached the line I checked the competition I was either first or second, I shut my eyes,
Watched Rose own her competition
In Rose's 60 m race, I didn't realise the obese people classed as disabled, but thanks to the EU they can now, anyway Rose won her race by a proverbial mile which isn't very surprising seeing how she was the only 1 of them that looked in shape and by aa long shot,
Went home.
Ate dinner.
Wii Fitness,
Wii Kcal goal,
Did my daily 60,
Milk, Teeth and bed,

Saturday 7 May 2016

Day 1045

Day 1045;

So today the weather was sunny.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: sandwich and chocolate brownie.
Dinner: I know I ate some peas and I also had some seafood sauce which should indicate that I have eaten some fish

The PM has failed in his push to turn all schools into academies. So that's one thing that hasn't gone his way, I wonder what else will go wrong for him this year, I hope the referendum goes wrong for him also and Britain can be it's own country again.

So I feel a little bit poetic:

How futile, this little thing that I call my existence, 
Which maybe extinguished with just one fatal error, 
How futile, all those little games that we play,

I know it doesn't rhyme but I think it's still a poem.

Today I have:I
Got up,
Been downstairs,
Eaten my breakfast,
Came back upstairs,
Done 70 sit-ups with hockey helmet on,
Done 2 sets of 10 half press-ups with hockey helmet on,
Done 2 sets of 10 squats with hockey helmet on,
Toilet, teeth, shower and shave,
Got dressed,
Moved my helmet, ball and stick downstairs so I could go out and play around a bit after lunch,
I ate lunch,
Put on my helmet, went out back with stick and ball gave myself a bit of dribbling practise,
As if you need it, I would probably need litre containers to trap how much you drool.
No I was meaning I was practising ball control.
After that I moved my stuff back upstairs,
I also sorted the post.
I have also been thinking about if the PM has lost the populations confidence? Due to his latest failure,
I have completed my daily 60 in my helmet, I know  I did 70 earlier but I'm discounting that one,
Why did you not do it in your helmet?
How very muxh unobservant of you there Red, I obviously did wear my helmet earlier, look above to find out.
Ok... Why?
Why... because I have chosen it to be that way.
Eaten my dinner, and swiftly forgot about it,
Which may have something to do with what I was doing after as I ewas doing my weigh in and I got 22.01 for the 3rd day in a row.
Mich also achieved hid goal today, and there I was thinking that he'd never reach it, or was that what he said?
I drank a 300ml mug of milk and I brushed my teeth. 

Friday 6 May 2016

Day 1044

Day 1044;

You may have guessed that I think what Barry Obama has done with the independence day for Britain is very hypocritical of him unless he wants the US to become a member state of the EU, of which he could do but I doubt very much that the American people would agree.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: sandwich and sponge cake.
Dinner: Sgahetti bolagnaise and chocolate truffle
Drink: 3 300ml mugs of milk 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Anew national Holliday for the 4th of July un or dis or some other negative maker of independce day but if the friend of Britain and British intrests becomes your next pendent, Mr Donny Trump, he has already told us that he would be willing to make arrangement with us, which I support. But Hillary Clinton will be the next president of thee USA as if  they don't vote for her then the complete side of the regressive leftism will use it as "evidence" of misogamy.

Now on referendum day we will vote to remain in the EU, even with our pro-british people screaming until they are blue in the face about why we should leave. 

As much I hate to admit it but it seems that way Yellow, even though the only reason that some people want to stay, is because we know what we're going to get from the EU, but I don't understand that as isn't the EU expanding, or at least attempting to expand, and it's even going off into Asia, and poorer nations,  and with that so I can only see the cost on the countries with stronger economies like Germany and the UK will have to put more in without seeing any return on your investments. Germany may still be suffering from the condition holocaust guilt.

But why It happened a long, long time ago time ago no-one blames them for stuff that happened before the majority of them were born, or at least no-one should. As wasn't the Holocaust the brain child of one man who was a leader of Germany all those many years ago, who you may have voted into office but his  actions were his his own.

I have woke up.
traveled downstairs.
 Eaten Breakfast.
Came back upstairs.
Attempted to do my daily 60 (in helmet) but I got lost in counting and I did 91, I think, so I had to get my final 9 done to make it a decent number.
Next up for me was TTSS or Toilet Teeth Shower Shave, in that order.
Then I went downstairs and I ate my lunch.
Had a non verbal conversation with a friend of mine that I didn't realise still remembered me.
I did my mile/5 minute (whichever is longer) row.
I drank a second 300ml mug of milk.
Got the recycling bin in from outside of the home.
I ate my dinner.
I have seen two football marches today and the teams that I was supporting won.
I drank my self a 3rd mug of milk and I brushed my teeth

Thursday 5 May 2016

Day 1043

Day 1043;

It's that time for the almost blind, dumb and cripple, called Savage, to type again for his blog.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: sandwich and sponge cake.
Dinner:macaroni cheese.
Drinks: 2 300l mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

I wouldn't mind saying that ableism is a joke.  It's like not saying you are too blind to drive a car Mr blind dude just so you don't cause offence, so you go ahead and you issue a drivers licence for them and then they run a red light due to the fact that they can't see it and they cause a giant crash, whose fault would it be? The blind man that we aren't allowed to call blind because of ableism or would it be the yours? Because you issued then the drivers license, or would it be the blind dudes fault as he was actually driving the car? As in actual fact it's both of the peoples faults it's the instructors fault for issuing the license and it's the blind bozos fault for using the drivers license and for crashing his car.

As if I just state the blind bozo as mentioned above was supposed to be me but in a few years time.

I got up I went downstairs to eat my breakfast.
I went back upstairs to toilet teeth and shower.
Then I took my hokey stick, ball and helmet downstairs, individually.
I ate lunch.
I went out the back of my home with the ball, stick and helmet to play around a bit.
I came inside again took my helmet off, I put my stick and ball down.
I finally drank my drink from lunch.
I put my ball back upstairs and my stick, individually.
I was wondering how far I have walked, with my Wii-Fit counter on, as I was curious to wether I have walked 500 miles or not, yet.

5 miles is 8km so 800km to get me up to 500 miles 1600km in 1000 miles.

But then I traveled down stairs and back up to get my helmet and I have done another 60 in my helmet when I got back up the stairs.
You can also see by the above youtube clip that I have also watched some YouTube videos, well defiantly 1 and it'd be safe to assume that I have watched others today, as I have.
I've also watched some more of the X-Filles.
I watched the second semi-final of the champions league, it went the way that basically everyone thought it would Real Madrid won. but only by 1 goal and they should have  had a man sent off in the final 5 minutes of the game, according to Mr Webb.
I ate my dinner.
Now today I had burnt off more kcal's than yesterday but I put on a pound.
But then I have drunk my 2nd mug of milk and I have brushed my teeth.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Day 1042

Day 1042;

Now what I was meaning by yesterday's exultation with Leister winning the Premier League for the first time, ever, yesterday was as Chelsea won it for them with a fantastic performance against  there local rival Tottenham by scoring twice in the second half to level the tie up at 2 goals a piece which also means that Chelsea manage to extend their unbeaten run against Tottenham at their own home ground by another year.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: sandwich and sponge cake.
Dinner: A pie, carrots and sponge cake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mug of milk and 2 300ml of fruit juice

Now I got myself up in the morning, I travelled down stairs and I ate my breakfast, then I came back upstairs and I went into the shower/toilet room, I toileted, showered and I scrubbed my teeth. Then I went back to my room and I got dressed and I got my hockey helmet on, but then I had to exit my room to get it tied up and all that. So I had my new hockey helmet on to allow me to do my daily 60, I've decided to put my helmet on for every 60 now to give me more weight to lift which should make me stronger in the long term. Then I watched the below videos on YouTube. Next up was lunch time, after that time and I ate my lunch then I went back upstairs after lunch. I tried on my helmet again and did another 60, I also watched 'Ghost Busters' and I watched another whole load of YouTube videos (which weren't the ones bellow). Also this afternoon I have played around for about 5 to 10 minutes out back, just a pleasant enough little hit around single player hockey, without goals or skates just me, a sticks and a ball. Also today I have watched the Theatrical release of Alien Resurrection I started my watch through of it before I ate my dinner then I finished it off after I had eaten my dinner. So I would like to watch the special edition just after I have done my daily weigh in, but I'll see. My BMI today was exactly where I wanted it to be as I had lost that pound that I needed to, but I totally failed on my Kcal goal, for today, which has got me wondering, wondering if I'll just shrivel up and die if I continue doing nothing for tomorrow? That's it for Alien, as I have just finished my watch  through of the Alien film franchise as well watching the complete first 8 series/seasons of X-Files the other day next up is series/season 9 of X-Files. But then to finish off today I have just finished off my mug of milk and I have brushed my teeth, time for bed I'm thinking.

What the hell is ableism? Now that looks like a name for a YouTube video that I'm wanting to make.

This morning I saw the below YouTube video I thought I agree,

It was for the following YouTube video, but I am unsure if he's just doing it for comedic effect?

The directly above video (5 Harmful Things About Ableism) the video is stupid It's basically some namby pamby man saying 5 things that he thinks are wrong with the world the disabled are generally a thick skinned set of people, from experience they are at least, I may have only been able to call myself a cripple for coming up to 9 years now but I am thinking that I could have been classed as disabled for much longer, due to the fact that I have worn specs since I was at least 10, now apparently I could get registered as blind according to Allergy who is almost a nurse.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Day 1041

Day 1041;

Wow, that was amazing, Chelsea were 0-2 behind at half time against Tottenham, before the match as well as during the match the commentators were saying that Tottenham haven't beat Chelsea at Stanford bridge since 1990.

Breakfast: bowl of cereal, apple and some banana.
Lunch: sausage and mash, carrots, roast potatoes and chocolate brownie.
Dinner: a slice of cake.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk 1 250ml cup of apple juice.

Today I got up early, well earlier than usual. I went downstairs to eat my breakfast. Then as soon as I accomplished I went back upstairs, then I did toilet, teeth, shower then just as I was shaving Tini interrupted me and ordered me to get dressed then she'd shave me, so I got dressed and Tini "shaved" me, Mich wasn't impressed with mu face.  Then we went on a road trip, which isn't one of my favourite pass times, we went on a road trip, which was my second in 2 days but this time I was travelling south/to Emu's. Instead of West as I was yesterday.

Emu was today talking about her friends and their weddings. Then we went out for lunch. Then we finished our lunches and we went on a little walk. Back to the house then back home but other than that?

Monday 2 May 2016

Day 1040

Day 1040;

Today was another day of my life which has ended in failure.

Breakfast: bowl of cereal and banana.
Lunch: mashed potato, roast potato, carrots, peas and chicken.
Dinner: the second half of my margarita pizza.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fizzy orange.

A funny thing happened to me today, as we were n the car on our way back home from some random place when on the cars radio it had the tune "would I lie to you" playing and they asked what year did that dong reach number 1 in the UK charts, so Mich was taking everybody's guesses and for me as I can't speak he said my guess was 1992, Allergy guessed 1989 which I thought it was in reality, but if you'd know it was really 1992, so I got it correct on default.

I am really starting to wonder how I could get this blog to read more as a diary.

I've got an idea of how  I might be able to get this thing up and running as an actual diary, if a diary is just a thing which you just list all of the things that I have done and include a little bit of personal comontry to each?that should suffice.

Sunday 1 May 2016

Day 1039

Day 1039'

Today signified the 7th day in succession for me not to meet my kcal goal, but even though my weight is still about 2 pounds above my goal, my weight has decreased slightly.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: omelette, chips and a slice of sponge cake.
Dinner: half a 9 inch margarita pizza, banna and a bit more of my chocolate box.
Drinks: 2 300 ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Bu also today I went to the shops with Mich and I got myself a new roller hockey helmet which actually fits now. But als today the football team that I support managed to get a 2-2 draw against a side that is pushing for promotion and the team that I support had it's goalie stretchered off before the end of the match as the score was 2-1 to the opposition and then it was in the last minute of a lot added on time at the end of the game that the team that I support managed to score to make it a final score of 2-2.