Sunday 31 January 2016

Day 948

Day 948;

Now today was day number 948 or day number 2  of my new attempt at my 30 a day challenge, and i know that I definatly did do 30 today.

But today for breakfast I had the same as I usually have, then for lunch I ate a sandwich and some mini chocolate brownie bites. But then it is dinner that my mind has just blanked over.

Today I missed boccia practise which was as the football team that I support had an FA cup match against Tottenham hot heels, who are a much better team than the team that I support, I'm not saying much; honest, as you could buy the whole of the team that I support for the cost of one of their players according to Mich. The full time score was 1-4 which was a better result than we were expecting, but then again all 5 of the goals were scored by the Tottenham players (as it was an own goal). But today as Flow came with us to watch the football match and she appeared to enjoy it I asked her if she'd like to use my ticket if it was for a Saturday match, as I haven't really been able to see very much of the matched due to the fact that my eyes are barely staying open today, so I now know that I nee some more rat poison injecting into the muscles around my eyes to allow me to have more control over them. Also with it being the Saturday matches that Flow would be going to for me it would mean that I could do Boccia club on the Saturdays instead of, but today's match wouldn't have counted and I probably would have gone to today's match either way, as long as I was invited.

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