Friday 29 January 2016

Day 946

Day 946;

Now today I went to the gym which was fun, we arrived early for the session and Allergy still  complained about me being too late.

Food today I'm guessing it was the usual for breakfast, then for lunch or dinner I can't remember which it was a cheese and ham which was cooked inside of pastry, but I can't remember what else I ate other than that for either dinner or lunch.

Ok so Allergy got in a huff with me and she attempted to guilt trip me on what I had wrote about her radio station choice the last time I was in a car with her driving. By guilt tripping I mean the type of thing that some people do when they start by stating something like this "you know that if I didn't help you in such and such way..." and it takes the tone of "now you should be worshipping the ground that I step on, you ungrateful little louse"  but she ends her spiel by saying "... but you just don't care". But then there was this little toy which looks like a spider and I had accidentally knocked it down onto the stairs and I had seen Allergy beneath the stairs so I picked it up and almost threw it at her, as she's scared of spiders. But I didn't I instead left it on the floor on the first step down from the top.

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