Wednesday 13 January 2016

Day 930

Day 930;

But I had a dream this morning but that is all that I could remember of the dream by the time that I had rolled over to allow me to reach my floor.

Today I have eaten a bowl of cereal and a banana for breakfast. For lunch I ate a cheese and ketchup toastie, why do I feel like I should burst into song that time I typed those words? Thank the stars that I can't physically sing and even if I could int's not like I'm going to subject ant one to that horror show, I may be cruel but I do have some mercy. For dinner I ate pasta cheese and bolonase I had a slice of chocolate bread.

But I have been thinking about my, personal, mythological universe. This universe of my creation is vast, it is the universe of My Overactive Imagination (MOI) and It has got many characters, such as Jackdaw and her traveling companion a mute, from the origins of humanity, Mac the man that killed an angel and he has been cursed with a red halo to warn angels if he's close, Suzzie the offspring of an Angel and a human, who has wings but no halo which is due to the fact that no angel initially has a halo but they come from a separate dimension and they imprint themselves into the dimension of MOI as a creature of the race from the planet that they're in,; so then for my Planet numbered 123 it's the planet of the cats, and the angels will take up whatever form that cats perceive to be angelic and it could change due to who's perspective you are looking at it from.

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