Thursday 7 January 2016

Day 924

Day 924;

So today I have been exercising, thinking about stuff and obviously eating.

For my food today I have eaten probably another CAB, Cereal, Apple and a Banana, then for lunch I ate a cheese and Ketchup toastie with that for pudding I ate some of my chocolate from my chocolate box, but I'm starting to think that I should really be getting close to finishing my chocolate box by now as I've been chomping away at the same chocolate in that box for ages now. But then for dinner I ate a bag of chicken balls and some chips from the local Chinese take-away, I only managed to put on something like 0.6 to my BMI which isn't good enough.

Now I shall move onto the exercising that I have done today, as I have done the usual for this time of the week, as in I have gone to the gym. But this morning I forgot about the gym, and I changed into some jeans instead of some tracksuit bottoms/trousers, which would have been an epical fail but fortunately I remembered the day that it was in time so I changed into more appropriate attire, but today I got allergy actually doing some exercise as well so allergy is happier about her weight but she still needs to loose something like 12 pounds to reach her goal. Her goal that she set.

Finally today I have been thinking thinking about stuff like Star Wars, I have they're rankings, within my opinion below;
Episode V
Episode VI
Episode IV
Episode VII Provisionally
Episode II
Episode III
Episode II have only put episode VII in a provisional fourth position as I don't believe it to be fair to judge a film on one view in unideal circumstances to state the least.

I know all of the massacred younglings in episode III does help it but the point of Padme's death doesn't help it at all due to the fact that leah can actually remember her from her childhood, as Luke asks her in 6 what can she remember about her mother and she answers with she was very sad and such like but wouldn't her adopted family show her some her mothers happier times if any so that means that she was alive for at least, how long ago is your first memory mine is about from when I was 3 years old, as I can remember being a little blond kid with a very good friend who was also blond and I can remember going to the same play group as the friend it was attached to the old library but it was just known as the library back then, My friend lived up in Station Road on the other side of the town centre to where I lived at the time, but my voice was so high back then, I'm not sure of which to prefer having a high pitvhed voice or having no voice what so ever?

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